View Full Version : A Very Special Charter with Down Deep

06-12-2015, 06:44 PM
Capt. Mario posted a report, but I'll add my own: our charter with Down Deep today (6/12) was a home run. Everything came together: weather, fishing, and the excellent crew & service by Capt. Rob/Mario, and mate Anthony.

When booking the charter, I explained to Capt. Mario that this is a special trip for my uncle, who will be undergoing a major operation next week and won't be able to fish for a long time. My uncle used to make marathon trips up to Cape Cod/NH for giant seabass and cod, and he was absolutely shocked at the quality of bottom fishing here in Jersey today: limit+ of seabass, fat ocean flounder, even fatter ling and a half dozen football-shaped local bacalao.

Conditions allowed us to fish on the drift, and Capt Rob kept us over productive pieces throughout the day. It was great fishing, but not automatic; Capt Rob definitely put in the work, controlling the boat to help us catch our limit. All keepers were promptly bled, and promptly put on ice once bled out. Clams were fresh and kept fresh on ice in small batches, replenished as needed. Boat was clean and kept clean throughout the day. Everything was done correctly, and it's obvious that the crew are pros who care about the details.

My uncle is a tough customer: he wanted a few fish filleted, but most scaled/gutted. Mate Anthony (after busting chop all day) spent the ride back and dock time cleaning our catch, and repeatedly assured us that it's no problem to gut/scale 70+ seabass. A special thanks to Anthony: a solid, professional mate with excellent attitude and work ethic.

The only problem we encountered all day was figuring out cooler space to lug all that fish home. As I told my uncle...that's a great problem to have!








Down Deep Sportfishing
06-12-2015, 08:46 PM
Hello again Mr. A. There are many memorable trips over the course of many decades we have been sailing. This trip rates way up there. Fishing was great, that always helps. But the bond that we hope to make with each and every person who will ever set foot on the Down Deep Fleet we hope we leave a similar, strong impression that creates a lifetime customer and ultimately, a friend. You have a beautiful family and are blessed to have an uncle who's wisdom is immense. We will remain in touch, and we ALL will fish together again soon enough. It was another great day...

Thank you,
Capt. Mario & crew

06-12-2015, 08:55 PM
Anthony is first class.... Nice job

Two Ceas
06-12-2015, 09:38 PM
No doubt about it. Captain Mario runs a class act. Capt Rob keeps you over the fish at all times...and there is no way to describe how good Anthony is as a mate. Simply professional from top to bottom

06-12-2015, 09:45 PM
Great report, memorable trip, that's what we crave. Best of luck to your Uncle next week . . . :)

Down Deep Sportfishing
06-13-2015, 10:31 AM
Thank you gentleman. Looking forward to a great summer season. Good luck to all.