View Full Version : mad gaffer sea bass report 6/12

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-12-2015, 03:16 PM
We had another great day Sea Bass fishing. The whole boat was limited out if you didn't catch your limit today you missed by maybe 1 alll nice big fish, Some 3 to 3 1/2 pounds and approaching 4 pound range ( pictures to follow) we have an open boat trips planned for tomorrow Saturday in the morning and an open
boat on Sunday in the morning with openings on both trips. call for information and reservations

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-12-2015, 07:03 PM
Nice bass - someone played hookie today, gotta protect the customers

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-12-2015, 07:04 PM
Double header keepers

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-12-2015, 07:05 PM
Different double header - mikes quote this morning was "I only fish one hook how many times do you get double headers or double header keepers" he was glad we shamed him into another hook

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-12-2015, 07:09 PM

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-12-2015, 07:10 PM
Even Ray gets in on the action