View Full Version : PURA VIDA from Costa Rica!! Part 2

Fish Tank
06-12-2015, 11:05 AM
After an amazing first trip on Thurs, I was chomping at the bit to get back out on the water again. Unfortunately, Capt. Luis was already booked on Sat so I called around and found another boat that was available. I was very specific when I made the arrangements...I only want to target roosterfish and please make sure to bring plenty of beer!

Capt. Jose and his mate Dennis picked us up from the beach at the resort at 7am on his 28' Yellowfin. He was supposed to have the bait in the live well already, but explained that the bilge sucked up some diesel or something overnight and killed all the bonita so we had to waste time and make bait before we headed to the rooster grounds. Then he tells me that they forgot the beer and we had to make a pit stop by Coco Beach to pick it up :mad: When we got to Coco, some guy came up to the beach and dropped off a 6 pack of Imperial...a 6 pack, are you f***ing kidding me lol

Oh well, not exactly the way I wanted to start off the day, but I was on the water with my wife and that's all that counts. It took almost an hour to get our first rooster to bite, but it spit the hook. After that, we worked a bunch of different areas near the shore line, but didn't have any takers except for a couple of needlefish that killed our baits.

With about an hour left, we finally hooked up again and I brought a nice 20lb rooster to the boat. What an absolutely beautiful fish!! We snapped a few pics and sent her back to fight another day. I accomplished what I set out to do that day so I was a happy camper, but Rosanne doesn't like to be out done so we got a new piece of bait and decided to make one last drift before packing it in. I think you all know where I'm going with this...

Zzzzzzzzz...the rod starts screaming and Ro settles into the fighting chair as Dennis hands her the rod. She fought this fish all by herself for what seemed like forever, but was probably only 10 or 15 mins. She got the fish boat side and Dennis quickly grabbed it and brought it in the boat. We estimated this one to be around 40lbs and just a pretty as the first one. Once again, snapped some pics and a quick release.

By that time, the wind came up and made for some sporty conditions so we decided to end it on a high note. Once we got back, we had the restaurant cook up some fried mahi fingers and wahoo steaks from the other day and it was delicious!

A couple of lessons learned...

-My definition of "plenty of beer" may not necessarily mean the same thing to others so always come prepared with backups.

-No matter how hard I try, Rosanne always seems to find a way to out fish me and I should just stop trying to compete with her.

-Make sure you speak directly with the capt of the boat you are chartering before the trip and not just the people scheduling the trips from an office. there can be a lot of information lost in translation especially when there is a language barrier.


~Capt. Kevin

06-12-2015, 11:20 AM
Awesome reports! Great pics! Trip looks like a hell of a lotta fun. Thanks for posting it up.

BTW...I think your defintion of "plenty of beer" and my defintion are EXACTLY the same...:D

06-12-2015, 03:21 PM
I dragged my wife along also on my honeymoon in costa rica, difference is she started heaving within 15minutes of leaving land. I managed a rooster so it was all a success, im still married 7 years later. and no we didn't head in early :p

06-12-2015, 04:27 PM
you make me wanna go back down NOW, Im jealous. one of the best countries to visit without the wife/gf, they have incredible fishing and women, the 2 best sports!