View Full Version : Sea Bass Questions

06-12-2015, 09:18 AM
Good Morning Everyone

Taking a quick FYI here on sea bass - I am a novice and usually just hope on a boat , going tomorrow and I want to make some rigs.

How do you keep your catch ? As far as bleeding them or just throw them on ice?

Also I know a standard Hi-Lo rig but how far apart for the dropper loops ???

My basic Rig is 4/0-5/0 standard bait holders or Circle hooks

I have always counted on mates for this but I just want to know more and start being a little more self sufficient, don't really target sea bass to much

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Thank you as always and Let me Know

Be Well-Be Safe and Fish-On


06-12-2015, 11:32 AM
as for keeping sea bass to eat, i always bleed them. i didn't think much of bleeding sea bass as they were mild white meat fish. but once, i did a side by side of sea bass that was bled and one that wasn't. i was surprised at the noticeable difference in the color of the meat. bled meat comes out noticeably cleaner. to bleed them, all you have to do is cut one of their gill rakers.

as for rig, a simple high low with low right on the bottom (this gives you a shot at ling and flounder too) and high about a fott and a half of the bottom dropper. people use 4/0 and 5/0 but i prefer to use smaller like 2/0 and 3/0. again, this gives me a better shot at long and flounder if they're around.

good luck and see you out there tomorrow. taking out a party of kids of tomorrow.

06-12-2015, 03:03 PM
I'm thinking about targeting them tomorrow as well. I have never targeted them from my boat. My question is do you need to anchor on the wrecks to catch them?

06-12-2015, 03:47 PM
I'm thinking about targeting them tomorrow as well. I have never targeted them from my boat. My question is do you need to anchor on the wrecks to catch them?

You can catch them drifting or power drift if you need to slow the boat down.

Good luck...

06-12-2015, 04:17 PM
You can catch them drifting or power drift if you need to slow the boat down.

Good luck...

How deep of water should I fish in?

06-12-2015, 05:04 PM
3/0 Octi sinker on bottom 2 or 3 drop loops pink green white minnow gulp. The bite has been so ridiculous put a small bucktail on one of the loops for fun teaser on another after you boxed a few it's been a fun bite the past week. Good luck

06-12-2015, 06:18 PM
How deep of water should I fish in?

I'm no expert by any means but I would say 50-70 ft, we had them in 60 last Saturday and some nice cod in the mix.

06-14-2015, 10:41 AM
This is Mad Gaffer report from 6-13-15

Cant thank you enough Capt. Ray and Billie (Billie BTW who is the best and showed me how to a a seabass rig correctly) for the effort yesterday in less than favorable conditions. First drop great life couple of keepers then from there the wind just kicked in for the next couple of hours and then with conditions made for a tuff day . We picked all day here and there with some nice jumbos mixed in but that was about it.

I want to thank Capt. Ray again , we tried anchoring, drifting, power drifting, inshore , off-shore anything he could think of and it was not for a lack of his effort- THANK YOU RAY - Sometimes you just cant fight mother nature.

We had a couple of beginners and some sharpies and we all went home with at least some dinner , I had 6 nice ones.

No complaints, no rain , nice day and we all made it back safe

Very nice meeting you Irish Angler (Chris) who like most people I meet from this board is super generous and awesome - than you again Chris for everything

Till Next weeks episode

Be well - Be Safe and Fish On

With Help From Super-Mate Billie and his suggestions -

For Rigs I used a basic high/low rig - 2/0-3/0 bait holders or circle hooks, sinker on the bottom, hook about 6-12 inches above that with a dropper loop for easy replacement , then another one 12-16 above that with a dropper loop for easy replacement and attached my hooks , hooks - snelled one end and about 12-16 inches with a perfect knot at the end for easy replacement

We did best on clams yesterday , tried some gulp, pink and white some squid to but they were not interested - that's fishing

Thank you everybody for your suggestions and help

Be Well - Stay Safe and Fish On
