View Full Version : Big Jamaica Wednesday Report

06-10-2015, 05:21 PM
Wednesday report.
Bluefishing was very good today. We caught smaller blues close to home in the morning.
We then went looking for striped bass.
We did see plenty of bunker, but, no bass.
After about an hour of searching we ran into the larger blues. When we were on them the schools went almost from top to bottom.
At times we saw hundreds of them swimming on the surface chasing bunker.
A couple were caught on bait, but, A47 jigs and gold crocs worked the best.
The Jamaica is scheduled to sail every day at 730am.
Night trips will sail at 730pm Friday and Saturday.

A 4hr Family fun fishing trip is scheduled for 4:30PM Sunday.
Check our website for all our trips at www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528-5014