View Full Version : GAMBLER --Fluke, Sea bass, Mackerel, Nite Wreckin'

06-08-2015, 05:43 PM
We had it tough during the week days with weather. Nothing at all to report until Saturday. On Saturday and Sunday morning, the Gambler had some action on fluke, including a 5lber caught by Ralph Riveria, of Brick. Also in the mix to help fill the coolers were some nice sea bass. Scott Kiss was out with his family on Saturday afternoon and filled a small cooler with the beauties. Along with those two species, we are also seeing some sundials, sand sharks, searobins, four-spot flounder, ling and even a few cod (which shows how cool the water still is.) Weather was not good out there again today (Monday), unfortunately so it effected the fishing. We have been spotting humpback whales on several of our trips so far this spring --so keep watch.

On our night trip this Saturday, Capt Mike took the Gambler off about 20 miles and set her on a drift. The reports for blue fishing had been sparse, but when he got into the area, he found good marks on his fish finder. Within a few moments, there were clouds of schooling mackerel all around the boat. Our customers soon began bailing the feisty one-pounders over the rails. Big blues were spotted chasing the mackerel but could not be enticed to take our offerings --even when it was a live mackerel bait. Everyone had a lot of fun catching them and there was one bluefish caught. At least, if the blues aren't bitting, we'll have a mac attack to depend on. Try to bring a cooler to store your macks, or bluefish, in to keep them fresh. We sell ice on the dock. Best way to cook the mackerel is marinate over night and grill with a smoker box (easily Googled).

Our Nite Wreckin' trips will start this Thursday and fish every Thursday night into September. We will target: Ling, Cod, Squid, Flounder and other bottom critters. Be prepared for anything.

06-08-2015, 08:08 PM
You don't normally think of blues as a particularly finicky fish with their ravenous appetites but they can be maddeningly so.

Reel Class
06-09-2015, 04:48 AM
...maybe an early spawn for the bluefish?

06-09-2015, 08:07 AM
Thanks Bobby, Had a great day on my favorite boat. Caught 10
offshore quality Sea Bass...great Captain and crew as always !!!!!
