06-07-2015, 11:43 AM
Hey guys i apologize for posting so late, i thought i had it up but i guess not. Made our first trip to the edge last Sunday with a good crew ready to get the decks bloody! Pulled into where we had the last good shot of water and only had 3 lines in the water before the long rigger went down. Made quick work of the 35lb yellowfin and the official start of the season had happened. Over the next 2 hours we managed to boat 5 more yellows to 45lbs and missed a few more before the bite shut off for us. They basically ate anything in the spread and we had one come a foot out of the water chasing a ballyhoo while Cody was trying to clear lines.
Same as the last few years, good yellowfin fishing in June is taking off and we encourage people to get out now. Join us on one of our open boats or get out with your buddies.
Same as the last few years, good yellowfin fishing in June is taking off and we encourage people to get out now. Join us on one of our open boats or get out with your buddies.