View Full Version : 24Hr Tuna/Shark June Open Boats *Jersey Nutz*

06-07-2015, 11:32 AM
First Batch of open boats for the season. We made a run and found some good tuna and shark fishing last week. All trips leave out of Brielle Yacht Club and are ran on our 53' Custom Carolina Spencer. All gear, bait, tackle included. Trips are 24-26 hours long. Will make a few drops for tiles as well.

June 25-26 Spots Available, 10a.m. departure
June 27-28 Spots Available, 10a.m. departure

Cost is $675 a person plus tip for the mate. Deposits required.

Please EMAIL cody@jerseynutzsportfishing.com for reservations or questions. Or call and leave voice mail at 609-354-2434

06-07-2015, 12:00 PM
Do you try for tiles at all?

06-09-2015, 12:49 PM
Do you try for tiles at all?

Yes we do. If fishing is slow we will drop for tiles. We also make drops if that is what the crew wants to do.

06-11-2015, 10:41 AM
Updated 6/11