View Full Version : Montauk kickoff

shrimpman steve
06-07-2015, 12:19 AM
Had my first trip of the season out to the promised land. Got out early Friday AM and headed out on a friends 28 glacier bay with tomatoes. Hard wind and crappy conditions but scratched together a catch of healthy flatties. Got away with a four ounce bucktail. Pink shine worked up top. I ended up with four keeps and we were close to a four man limit of big fish at the end of the day. We got beat up a little but took care of business.

Day two was a charter. Bass and fluke, same six guys first Saturday in June for the last 20 years on the same boat. We have a trophy that has been passed around for this whole time for the biggest bass. Trophy goes home with the winner for the year. My 25 pound bass took the pool and the prize. Took us a couple of hours to get our limit of linesiders then it was off to the fluke grounds.

Was able to jig two ounces in sixty feet all day. Plenty of shorts and a couple of 6-7 pounders included with my four keepers. Again we just missed our six man limit. Great weather today great friends and real good fishin. Small world, as when I was packing my fish for the ride home someone walked by me, stopped turned around and said "hey, are you shrimpmansteve" I laughed and said yes. That's how I met tuna john from this little thing of ours:D

Now for the drive home. It couldn't be all rainbows and unicorns. On montauk highway in ammagansett I hit my breaks and the pedal went to the floor:eek: I blew a rear break line at five in the afternoon 150 miles from home:mad: after weighing my options I took the burb on the side streets to see how bad it was. The back breaks were done due to blown line. The fronts were barely doing the job, but what was I gonna do short of getting stranded in the hamptons on a Saturday night with no shot of finding a mechanic to do it on a Sunday. I tightened the seat belt, said a prayer and started driving home with the break pedal to the floor. It took me forever but I made it home safe. What a way to end a perfect weekend.

Here are two from today

shrimpman steve
06-07-2015, 12:22 AM
Here are some linesiders

shrimpman steve
06-07-2015, 12:25 AM
Here is the winner with my new trophy

06-07-2015, 05:23 AM
Congrats on a great trip and bass and fluke, doesn't get any better than that!

Glad to hear you got home safely...

Reel Class
06-07-2015, 07:08 AM
Nice fish Steve..

You should say a prayer of thank you to allah, god, jesus, and whoever else that god you home safely with no brakes on the freaking LIE and cross bronx! :D

Bill T
06-07-2015, 07:19 AM
Glad to hear you got home safe. Just curious as to how you liked the ride on the glacier Bay in those sloppy seas.

06-07-2015, 09:31 AM
Steve brake line problems are not uncommon. I'm sure your mechanic will check all the lines It used to a line would last 10 to 15 years but these days I'be changed them on 5 year old cars.

06-07-2015, 10:22 AM
Thanks for the report and that must have been a long white knuckle drive for sure.

shrimpman steve
06-07-2015, 01:37 PM
Thanks guys

1) white knuckle ride for sure

2) still thanking the deities that I made it home. Did not want to get ripped off in the hamptons

3) the ride out on the cat was like a hot knife thru butter, but lots of rockin and Rollin on the drift.

06-07-2015, 01:52 PM
Over the CBE with no brakes? Your nuts!!!

bunker dunker
06-08-2015, 07:58 AM
glad you got home safe Steve.congrats on the catching

tuna john
06-08-2015, 02:15 PM
was good meeting you, you didnt miss much sunday

06-08-2015, 03:50 PM
Three letters "AAA". Glad you got home safe.

06-08-2015, 04:04 PM
Good job on making it home and great report!

Side note- if you can find the broken line , get a pair of vise grips and crimp that bitch closed, get a few quarts of brake fluid and take her easy, you'll get home, granted not a safe practice, but it can be done... Don't ask how I know or how many times I've done it, but it does work, even air brakes sometimes!

This has been your local tool time tip for the day... ;)

shrimpman steve
06-08-2015, 07:45 PM
All the lines rusted out:mad: bleeder valves all rusted to shyte as well. Big expensive job but have no choice. She'll be on the road again tomorrow.

Joey Dah Fish
06-08-2015, 07:50 PM
All the lines rusted out:mad: bleeder valves all rusted to shyte as well. Big expensive job but have no choice. She'll be on the road again tomorrow.

I guess you never give it an under carriage wash really well after launching the dirty shrimp

06-08-2015, 07:51 PM
Glad you had a good trip sans brakes which are overrated anyway in NY! Its Jersey you need them.

06-08-2015, 07:52 PM
I guess you never give it an under carriage wash really well after launching the dirty shrimp

Yes Boat goes in first then Burb right?