View Full Version : New tilefish restrictions take effect immediately

06-04-2015, 06:01 AM
The National Marine Fisheries Service announces that it is putting emergency tilefish fishing restrictions into effect: http://www.examiner.com/article/emergency-restrictions-on-tilefish-fishing-take-effect-immediately

06-04-2015, 07:19 AM
Crap! I thought we had until June 24th, they slammed this through quick. oh well, guess we'll see how this goes.:mad:

shrimpman steve
06-04-2015, 08:15 AM

(Bend over, here it comes again)

Trident 13
06-04-2015, 09:23 AM
That blows,on a 5 day trip starting the 22nd. Hope plenty of barrel and wreck fishing to make up for difference

EEL killer
06-04-2015, 09:49 AM

(Bend over, here it comes again)

That just goes to show you that no matter what we do we have no voice .Write letters ,campaign or march .They don't care .We do not matter. Oh well 7 fish per man per day is not bad ,guess it will have to do .

06-04-2015, 10:31 AM
Oh well 7 fish per man per day is not bad ,guess it will have to do .

7 per trip, that screws all the multi day trips!

EEL killer
06-04-2015, 10:53 AM
7 per trip, that screws all the multi day trips!

So this is incorrect?
Mid-Atlantic and Southern councils presented conflicting information, which NMFS needs to sort out while it ponders a long-term strategy. Meanwhile, recreational anglers will be limited to seven tilefish a day, a limit already in effect in Maryland and Virginia

This is from the article

06-04-2015, 11:31 AM
So this is incorrect?
Mid-Atlantic and Southern councils presented conflicting information, which NMFS needs to sort out while it ponders a long-term strategy. Meanwhile, recreational anglers will be limited to seven tilefish a day, a limit already in effect in Maryland and Virginia

This is from the article


06-04-2015, 11:37 AM

Doesn't that figure as this was my first year where I signed up for multiple 2 day trips.:( Can we eat as many as we want while out there? :confused:I'm feeling sick thinking about it. :eek:

Dave A
06-04-2015, 05:23 PM
That just goes to show you that no matter what we do we have no voice .Write letters ,campaign or march .They don't care .We do not matter. Oh well 7 fish per man per day is not bad ,guess it will have to do .

First of all it is 7 fish per trip, not per day. Just wondering what if anything you did specifically regarding this issue. I ask this because the only reason we even have 7 fish per trip is because enough people called Sen Booker's office concerned over this issue. I noticed that there were no rec anglers besides myself at this past Tues night scoping meeting on bluelines. In fact there were only 2 captains there; Capt Jeff Gutman from the Voyager and Capt Jim Cicchiti from the Atlantic Star (Wildwood). None of the "famous" six pack tilefish charter boats bothered to show up.

Joey Dah Fish
06-04-2015, 07:24 PM
First of all it is 7 fish per trip, not per day. Just wondering what if anything you did specifically regarding this issue. I ask this because the only reason we even have 7 fish per trip is because enough people called Sen Booker's office concerned over this issue. I noticed that there were no rec anglers besides myself at this past Tues night scoping meeting on bluelines. In fact there were only 2 captains there; Capt Jeff Gutman from the Voyager and Capt Jim Cicchiti from the Atlantic Star (Wildwood). None of the "famous" six pack tilefish charter boats bothered to show up.

You sound pretty bitter Dave. Not everyone shares your passion for tiles. I've sent my share of emails on this subject to th appropriate parties. I'm not really sure why you have a hard on for these 6 pack guys. Perhaps I misinterpreted your comments?

06-04-2015, 08:02 PM
You sound pretty bitter Dave. Not everyone shares your passion for tiles. I've sent my share of emails on this subject to th appropriate parties. I'm not really sure why you have a hard on for these 6 pack guys. Perhaps I misinterpreted your comments?

Speaking solely for myself... take a look at some of the recent pics from the 6 pack tile trips... many more photos like that and tiles will be on the endangered species list...

Joey Dah Fish
06-04-2015, 08:16 PM
Speaking solely for myself... take a look at some of the recent pics from the 6 pack tile trips... many more photos like that and tiles will be on the endangered species list...

They are paying fares and entitled to there catch. NJ rec anglers really don't put any significant pressure on tiles in our area. The reason for limit is the commercial fleets from other areas bring their catch in to NJ because we didn't have a limit. So all the fish they brought in were counted as caught in NJ and of course they can catch many more than their home port. That is my understanding.

06-04-2015, 08:36 PM
First off thank you Dave, Jeff & Jim for going. I would have been there it it were possible. Also thank you to those who called Bookers office. This seems like a sweeping and inappropriate over-reach of power especially w/out good local science to support such decisions.

06-04-2015, 09:23 PM
That blows,on a 5 day trip starting the 22nd. Hope plenty of barrel and wreck fishing to make up for difference

You might want to check on the federal regs for wreck fish............Prohibited


06-04-2015, 10:18 PM
First off thank you Dave, Jeff & Jim for going. I would have been there it it were possible. Also thank you to those who called Bookers office. This seems like a sweeping and inappropriate over-reach of power especially w/out good local science to support such decisions.

I too want to thank Dave and Jeff for attending the "scoping" meeting and putting in their 2 cents for what it bought us. They(FEDS) could have taken it away completely but were convinced otherwise.
How do the commercial guys catch enough tile to earn a living anyway. You hardly ever see it on a menu, is there enough demand somewhere? And how would you go about catching them commercially to begin with? Nets or by longlines?

06-04-2015, 10:30 PM
I too want to thank Dave and Jeff for attending the "scoping" meeting and putting in their 2 cents for what it bought us. They(FEDS) could have taken it away completely but were convinced otherwise.
How do the commercial guys catch enough tile to earn a living anyway. You hardly ever see it on a menu, is there enough demand somewhere? And how would you go about catching them commercially to begin with? Nets or by longlines?


Dave A
06-04-2015, 11:31 PM
You sound pretty bitter Dave. Not everyone shares your passion for tiles. I've sent my share of emails on this subject to th appropriate parties. I'm not really sure why you have a hard on for these 6 pack guys. Perhaps I misinterpreted your comments?

I am not bitter Joe just frustrated. For years (since 1981) I have been involved in fisheries issues and no matter what fishery, the same few industry members get involved. Afterwards, the bitching and complaining about the regs starts from the for hire captains and tackle shop owners. This was a very historic issue due to the involvement of the SAMFC. If they got their way and forced their emergency action on us it would have established a very bad precedence for future regs especially since there was no science to back them up.

Dave A
06-04-2015, 11:37 PM
You sound pretty bitter Dave. Not everyone shares your passion for tiles. I've sent my share of emails on this subject to th appropriate parties. I'm not really sure why you have a hard on for these 6 pack guys. Perhaps I misinterpreted your comments?

BTW Joe, my rant about the 6 pack boats was because many of them sail from Cape May yet they couldn't find the time to attend a meeting in their backyard. Jeff and I drove close to 2 hours in miserable weather each way to make sure our voices were heard. As industry members I feel we speak for our businesses and our customers.

EEL killer
06-05-2015, 09:36 AM
Speaking solely for myself... take a look at some of the recent pics from the 6 pack tile trips... many more photos like that and tiles will be on the endangered species list...

Not to start trouble but by your rational should we not post pictures of our harvest at all ? and where does it stop ? First tile fish then seabass ,fluke ,stripers? I fish for the thrill of the fight and the thrill of catching a big fish ,personally I don't eat fish but if the regulations say you can take a certain amount then why not? The pictures u r referring to are from our last 2 trips .We took 11-12 fish per man with the new regs it's going to be 7 fish per man so not that much different but now we should be afraid to post pics in fear that they will close it? It just does not make sense .

EEL killer
06-05-2015, 10:08 AM
They are paying fares and entitled to there catch. NJ rec anglers really don't put any significant pressure on tiles in our area. The reason for limit is the commercial fleets from other areas bring their catch in to NJ because we didn't have a limit. So all the fish they brought in were counted as caught in NJ and of course they can catch many more than their home port. That is my understanding.

Apparently we are not entitled to our catch according to some people .I would love to see the numbers of commercial fishing VS recreational .That should tell quiet a story .Also do not understand why recreational fisherman have to be punished for commercial guys .Is it because commercial guys have large frozen food companies behind them and plenty of money to throw ?

06-05-2015, 10:25 AM
Speaking solely for myself... take a look at some of the recent pics from the 6 pack tile trips... many more photos like that and tiles will be on the endangered species list...

closures are based on scientific data, no matter how out dated or incorrect the data it is...not pictures on the web.

It seems you have a bone to pick with people taking their legal limit...not sure why.

06-05-2015, 11:01 AM
Speaking solely for myself... take a look at some of the recent pics from the 6 pack tile trips... many more photos like that and tiles will be on the endangered species list...

How could a six pack charter posting their limit have any impact on Tiles becoming an endangered species? How about all the Commercial guys they don't count? Dogfish and Pout no one targets them their endangered species. Regardless, these morons are going to regulate every species eventually. Catch em all up why you can!

capt richie
06-05-2015, 11:10 AM
closures are based on scientific data, no matter how out dated or incorrect the data it is...not pictures on the web.

It seems you have a bone to pick with people taking their legal limit...not sure why.

I don't think he has a bone to pick just think he was making a point trust me i'm no tree huger i'm an eater but if you don't think all those pics of tiles and cockpit shots of 150 sea bass doesn't have some kind of impact on the decision making i think many have to disagree i'm all for self promoting but in some cases it might be doing more harm than good... over the rail and in the pail!!!!

06-05-2015, 11:18 AM
closures are based on scientific data, no matter how out dated or incorrect the data it is...not pictures on the web.

It seems you have a bone to pick with people taking their legal limit...not sure why.

I'm well aware of why the emergency regs were put in place and how they are (supposedly) determined, including the commercial sector. My comment was one of sarcasm...

In this day and age I'll never understand the mentality of fishermen who keep all they can every time they can even if it's legal. I honestly don't think posting slaughter pics up on the web helps anyone's conservation efforts.

bunker dunker
06-05-2015, 11:29 AM
this is just blane dumb,now no pictures.pics have always been and always will be a part of the fishing experience.every boat site has a "photo" section.and to pick on the "six pack"boats is not right either.there are allot of good capts here that make a living like the rest of us,working hard. they are sponors of this site.look no one is happy with the way our fish management is being done
here in nj.

EEL killer
06-05-2015, 11:38 AM
I'm well aware of why the emergency regs were put in place and how they are (supposedly) determined, including the commercial sector. My comment was one of sarcasm...

In this day and age I'll never understand the mentality of fishermen who keep all they can every time they can even if it's legal. I honestly don't think posting slaughter pics up on the web helps anyone's conservation efforts.

Did you not post pics of seabass and said you kept your limit? And then would we even need this website ? Since we should not post reports or pics? Sarcasm or hypocrite ?

06-05-2015, 11:43 AM
this is ok though right its only bluefish right

06-05-2015, 11:53 AM
In this day and age I'll never understand the mentality of fishermen who keep all they can every time they can even if it's legal.

Then why did you tell us you kept your legal limit in an earlier thread this week?

Do you think the same thing for people that use all deductions the IRS allows?

06-05-2015, 11:59 AM
Did you not post pics of seabass and said you kept your limit? And then would we even need this website ? Since we should not post reports or pics? Sarcasm or hypocrite ?

I never said or implied it was wrong to keep some fish for consumption and yes, everyone is welcome to keep their legal limits as much as they want. My comments are clearly directed at posting "slaughter" type pics, not pics in general.

If you look at my pics, each one shows me holding 1 fish, not standing in front of 50. I hardly think keeping a limit of 8 seabass one time per season makes me a hypocrite. I also find it amusing how no one is referencing that I released all of the porgies stating that a few seabass was more than enough meat to feed my wife and I.

Lastly, I'm not picking on 6 pack boats or captains for hire, my comments apply to anyone posting extreme pics.

EEL killer
06-05-2015, 12:08 PM
I never said or implied it was wrong to keep some fish for consumption and yes, everyone is welcome to keep their legal limits as much as they want. My comments are clearly directed at posting "slaughter" type pics, not pics in general.

If you look at my pics, each one shows me holding 1 fish, not standing in front of 50. I hardly think keeping a limit of 8 seabass one time per season makes me a hypocrite.

Lastly, I'm not picking on 6 pack boats or captains for hire, my comments apply to anyone posting extreme pics.

Maybe I am just knit picking BUT it's 50 fish for 7 guys so no different then u keeping your limit . I go out to fish twice a week ,only 2 tile trips this year and I honestly can't believe that I am getting lip for it .This is ridiculous . My last 4 inshore trip I didn't even take fish home but instead brought tile fillets for the guys to take home . Any good trip can be considered a "Slaughter " Should we be ashamed of our fishing skills ? Ugly stick it's not personal and don't take it as such but we do not need to be told how to fish or what to post .

06-05-2015, 12:13 PM
this is ok though right its only bluefish right

LMFAO, who slaughtered who here?:D

EEL killer
06-05-2015, 12:15 PM
LMFAO, who slaughtered who here?:D

Joe won in the last round but it was a close call lmao

Gerry Zagorski
06-05-2015, 12:48 PM
OK just want to clear the air here......

A: Nothing wrong with taking your legal limit.

B: Deck shots of your legal limit?? If you put them up be prepared to defend yourself because people have varied opinions on those sorts of shots. It seems to be OK for Fluke or SeaBass but not for Stripers and Tiles?? I think the timing of the tile fish shots were taken offense to by some since we were at a very tender juncture given the decisions being made for the recreational tile fishery limits.

C: Don't care which side of this you are on but please keep your comments if you happen to be on the other side of it respectful or don't comment on it at all.

I realize people have opinions but they need to be stated respectfully or this site will go the way of others where anything goes and people come to be entertainment by the drama or to dump on or force their opinions on others.

I realize drama sells and creates traffic but that is not what we want here.

The great and powerful OZ has spoken :D

Probably should have posted some pics of Mrs/Mr Jenner here to offset me killing everyone's buzz on this post :rolleyes:

06-05-2015, 01:06 PM
OK just want to clear the air here......

A: Nothing wrong with taking your legal limit.

B: Deck shots of your legal limit?? If you put them up be prepared to defend yourself because people have varied opinions on those sorts of shots. It seems to be OK for Fluke or SeaBass but not for Stripers and Tiles?? I think the timing of the tile fish shots were taken offense to by some since we were at a very tender juncture given the decisions being made for the recreational tile fishery limits.

C: Don't care which side of this you are on but please keep your comments if you happen to be on the other side of it respectful or don't comment on it at all.

I realize people have opinions but they need to be stated respectfully or this site will go the way of others where anything goes and people come to be entertainment by the drama or to dump on or force their opinions on others.

I realize drama sells and creates traffic but that is not what we want here.

The great and powerful OZ has spoken :D

Probably should have posted some pics of Mrs/Mr Jenner here to offset me killing everyone's buzz on this post :rolleyes:

she looks great for a 65 year old woman for real for real & kudos uglystick for releasing the porgys you did not want I see nothing wrong with releasing fish if you won't use them but I also have no issue with someone taking a deck shot or saing they slaughtered the fish btw i woulda traded ya cheesesteaks for porgies

EEL killer
06-05-2015, 01:45 PM
OK just want to clear the air here......

A: Nothing wrong with taking your legal limit.

B: Deck shots of your legal limit?? If you put them up be prepared to defend yourself because people have varied opinions on those sorts of shots. It seems to be OK for Fluke or SeaBass but not for Stripers and Tiles?? I think the timing of the tile fish shots were taken offense to by some since we were at a very tender juncture given the decisions being made for the recreational tile fishery limits.

C: Don't care which side of this you are on but please keep your comments if you happen to be on the other side of it respectful or don't comment on it at all.

I realize people have opinions but they need to be stated respectfully or this site will go the way of others where anything goes and people come to be entertainment by the drama or to dump on or force their opinions on others.

I realize drama sells and creates traffic but that is not what we want here.

The great and powerful OZ has spoken :D

Probably should have posted some pics of Mrs/Mr Jenner here to offset me killing everyone's buzz on this post :rolleyes:

Yes almighty OZ we shall obey lol besides your brother threatened us if we don't lmao

06-05-2015, 02:11 PM
Yes almighty OZ we shall obey lol besides your brother threatened us if we don't lmao

heard joey was inspired by bruce jenner & will be josephine by tog season

Joey Dah Fish
06-05-2015, 03:20 PM
heard joey was inspired by bruce jenner & will be josephine by tog season

I started the process today :) my name will be Lucy and you got some splaining to do JMurr

06-05-2015, 04:04 PM
I go out to fish twice a week ,only 2 tile trips this year and I honestly can't believe that I am getting lip for it.

I find this just a shade disingenuous. You posted those photos along with a rant precisely gauged to provoke people who might find your attitude distasteful. Now you're surprised you're "getting lip," well really...you shouldn't be.

Gerry Zagorski
06-05-2015, 04:19 PM
It's Friday afternoon and I don't feel like babysitting this post all weekend since it has all indications of going south, so I've closed this post.

Carry on....