View Full Version : Save the Summer Flounder Update.....Capt. Ron

06-01-2015, 05:24 PM
Yes, we are still very active and have come to the last part of the journey...Please read the following as it is very important information.
Thank you to all who have and continue to support the cause. The work is not done yet. Capt. Ron

The Save the Summer Flounder Fishery Fund was started seven years ago by a group of concerned East Coast anglers and is governed by a board of directors comprised of recreational fisherman, Captains of for-hire fishing boats, and members of the fishing tackle industry. The SSFFF*has no political affiliations and is neither a recreational nor commercial fishing lobbying group. Our Mission Statement was and continues to be, non-political.* The main focus is the simple premise that improved fisheries science funded by SSFFF will ultimately lead to better management decisions and more equitable access to the stock for all user groups.
To date, SSFFF has spent in excess of $130,000 of donations and grants to fund research and to influence the creation of more refined stock assessment models specific to Summer Flounder. SSFFF-funded research was responsible for sex-specific mortality being included into the last stock assessment. This revealing information was submitted by renowned stock model scientist Dr. Mark Maunder in a white paper that was exclusively commissioned and funded by SSFFF. Additionally, SSFFF was instrumental in preventing the potential closure of the Summer Flounder fishery six years ago.
Now SSFFF is involved in funding the next step in the quest for more accurate science. In pursuing this effort, we have teamed up with Fisheries Science veteran Dr. Patrick Sullivan, who is collaborating with Rutgers University and Cornell University on another more intensive research project.* When completed, this new and comprehensive initiative will shed more light on the stock size and how to best create a refined assessment model that accurately portrays the state of the Summer Flounder fishery. We hope to present this information at the next Peer Review, which is expected sometime in 2017 or 2018.
There are several different SSFFF-sponsored projects currently underway which will strive to include detailed sex-structured information into the next NMFS Stock Assessment. SSFFF recently funded a parallel project with Dr. Daphne Munroe and Jason Morson of Rutgers University that is designed to collect information on sex composition and discards of recreational fishermen on the East Coast. This additional study will be incorporated into a sex-specific stock assessment being developed by Dr. Sullivan.* *Both projects are critical components of the creation of the new stock assessment model in time for the next NOAA Peer Review.
Please read the attachment for more information about this very important project, as it is desperately needed to ensure that all user groups continue to maintain equitable access to the currently healthy summer flounder stocks.* Without better management tools*the Summer Flounder quota will most likely see drastic and devastating cutbacks in the near future! **
Until this point, SSFFF has operated primarily on donations from private parties and has not received financial support from any groups or organizations.* The recent critical projects involve additional costs and now we desperately require assistance! Simply stated, we require funding to complete the above study and we are contacting you today to ask for support. We are seeking to raise $15,000 by the summer of 2016, and with strong backing we are confident we can reach this goal. We do not expect one group to fund the entire amount, but are hoping that multiple strong contributions will propel us towards full funding. The total project cost is $60,000 and SSSFF has already committed $15,000 towards that. A combined group from the commercial sector is donating $30,000, leaving us just $15,000 short of the total cost. By banding together with other stakeholders, we can fully fund this project and make significant strides in assuring a strong fishery with fair public access for years to come.
Our scientists, Daphne Munroe, Jason Morson, and Patrick Sullivan, would be happy to discuss this project with you in more detail to provide you with a better scope of the undertaking. We understand that this is a lot to comprehend, but it needs to be done to assure long-term health for the summer flounder fishery and to build a science-based quota for both the commercial and recreational fisheries. *
In closing, it is important to affirm that the SSFFF continues to meet its goal of spending every single dollar donated in pursuit of its mission – to provide the best available fisheries science from the best available scientists to aid NMFS in managing the Summer Flounder fishery. Please consider helping this project reach its completion. Checks can be made payable to SSFFF and be mailed to us at P.O. BOX 86, Brielle, NJ 08730. Your support will help provide good Summer Flounder fishing for generations to come.

Gerry Says : If you want to donate online please go to http://www.ssfff.net/ssfffdonate.html They accept Visa and Mastercard.

With regards and thanks,
The Board of the Save the Summer Flounder Fishery Fund

Down Deep Sportfishing
06-01-2015, 05:59 PM
We are in, check on the way.

06-01-2015, 06:05 PM
Count me IN Capt Ron. Will call you to discuss some possible fundraiser options but think with the patrons on this site we should get SSFFF what they need. Thanks for the update and the hard work .

shrimpman steve
06-01-2015, 07:32 PM
Just an idea There is a website called go fund me. It is a tool to raise money. It can't hurt to look into it.

With that said I would be happy to help with any fund raising

Thanks for all you have done capt. Ron

06-01-2015, 07:44 PM
Let us know how we can help either donating money or helping w/ some fundraising activities or both. Just a thought a 50/50 raffle at some of the fluke tournaments this summer.

JP & Keefe

Joey Dah Fish
06-01-2015, 08:12 PM
Count me in for helping on any end I can. Also perhaps a door prize on a fund raising fluke trip . Thanks Aron for all you're doing and helping us stay informed.

Joey Dah Fish
06-01-2015, 08:13 PM
Thanks Ron damn spell check

Gerry Zagorski
06-01-2015, 08:36 PM
They need $15,000 so if we get $100 donation from 150 people or businesses here we can get them what they need.

I'm in for $100 who else is in?

06-01-2015, 09:58 PM
Team Bates is in for $200.

Joey Dah Fish
06-01-2015, 10:11 PM
Joey Da Fish in for 100

06-02-2015, 08:15 AM
I'm sending a small check today. Taking it out of my kids' inheritance.

Wait.........Fishing will be their inheritance.! I'll try to write a bigger check.
Tight lines all.

06-02-2015, 04:28 PM
Just an idea There is a website called go fund me. It is a tool to raise money. It can't hurt to look into it.

This is a great idea!

Bucktail Bob
06-02-2015, 07:27 PM

I'm In for $100. Check is on the way.

anchor joe
06-03-2015, 12:45 PM
Mailing check tomorrow for a great cause

Bob T.
06-03-2015, 05:13 PM
A site that takes paypal and credit cards would get it done easy, i will dig out my checkbook.

06-03-2015, 05:39 PM
Thank you Bob Schaeffer, who personally handed me a check for $100 this morning, caught me totally off-guard!! Had a tear in my eye as we discussed what we have been going through, as my blood pressure went through the roof!! You guys are the best, Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!:)

shrimpman steve
06-03-2015, 06:26 PM
For a change it wasn't me who set your blood pressure off:D

Joey Dah Fish
06-03-2015, 06:29 PM
For a change it wasn't me who set your blood pressure off:D

Or wrote a check :eek:

06-04-2015, 06:16 PM
FYI: 7th annual Flukathon will be held on Capt Rons Fishermen with the proceeds going to SSFFF via RFA-NJ. Trying to make a date around all the Fluke Tournaments and right now the best seems to be Friday Aug 7. Will keep you posted! Be a great way to show your support for Ron and SSFFF.
Look for a more official separate post in the near future.

06-04-2015, 08:17 PM
FYI: 7th annual Flukathon will be held on Capt Rons Fishermen with the proceeds going to SSFFF via RFA-NJ. Trying to make a date around all the Fluke Tournaments and right now the best seems to be Friday Aug 7. Will keep you posted! Be a great way to show your support for Ron and SSFFF.
Look for a more official separate post in the near future.

Wonderful news Dave. Thanks Captain Ron for hosting this gr8 event :)

Joey Dah Fish
06-04-2015, 08:18 PM
Wonderful news Dave. Thanks Captain Ron for hosting this gr8 event :)


Gerry Zagorski
06-05-2015, 06:26 AM
Ron - I can set up a gofundme site to make it easier for people to contribute.

If you'd like me to do this let me know as I think the simpler we make it to contribute the more $$$ we get.

06-06-2015, 04:16 PM
Ron - I can set up a gofundme site to make it easier for people to contribute.

If you'd like me to do this let me know as I think the simpler we make it to contribute the more $$$ we get.

I spoke to Dave A. and he told me we already have a Pay-Pal account set up on the SSFFF sight....Don't know if this would conflict, hell I still have a flip phone!
Thanks for looking out for us!
Capt. Ron

Gerry Zagorski
06-07-2015, 06:50 AM
Happy to help Ron. Can you or Dave please let us know what the Pay Pal account is ? Also, a gofundme account can accept pay pal and credit cards so it still might be a viable option.

06-08-2015, 08:35 PM
Stay the course, all you fishermen and anyone who wants to enjoy the pursuit of happiness.

06-10-2015, 12:59 PM
FYI: 7th annual Flukathon will be held on Capt Rons Fishermen with the proceeds going to SSFFF via RFA-NJ. Trying to make a date around all the Fluke Tournaments and right now the best seems to be Friday Aug 7. Will keep you posted! Be a great way to show your support for Ron and SSFFF.
Look for a more official separate post in the near future.

Dales, you know we are in for the 7th. I will try to drop a check off for the SSFFF on Saturday with Ron as we are going fluking. Jeff

06-10-2015, 11:21 PM
FYI: 7th annual Flukathon will be held on Capt Rons Fishermen with the proceeds going to SSFFF via RFA-NJ. Trying to make a date around all the Fluke Tournaments and right now the best seems to be Friday Aug 7. Will keep you posted! Be a great way to show your support for Ron and SSFFF.
Look for a more official separate post in the near future.

Im in!

Gerry Zagorski
06-18-2015, 08:41 AM
For those of you that would like to donate online here is the link http://www.ssfff.net/ssfffdonate.html

Visa or Mastercard no Pay Pal.

06-18-2015, 06:05 PM
RFA-NJ Chapter by unanimous vote last night at our board meeting will be donating $2000.00 to the SSFFF. :D. Also hope to raise some more via the Flukathon coming in August! Details next week on the fishing trip.
Remember: Its ALL of us helping ALL of us so join in whatever way you see fit to get better science for stock assessments and quotas. That includes YOU!

06-19-2015, 10:56 AM
RFA-NJ Chapter by unanimous vote last night at our board meeting will be donating $2000.00 to the SSFFF. :D. Also hope to raise some more via the Flukathon coming in August! Details next week on the fishing trip.
Remember: Its ALL of us helping ALL of us so join in whatever way you see fit to get better science for stock assessments and quotas. That includes YOU!

Way to go RFA. :D

Gerry Zagorski
06-19-2015, 11:53 AM
That's great Dales and good to see us all working as a team !!

shrimpman steve
06-19-2015, 05:43 PM
Very generous of the RFA. thank you dales

06-20-2015, 06:09 PM
Very generous of the RFA. thank you dales

X 2 - way to go Dales and the RFA


06-22-2015, 06:39 PM
Thanks to all who keep donating and I was just one of ALL RFA-NJ board members who voted yes so it is always a GROUP effort. I do a very small part.

Also had the pleasure of fishing last Friday on an invite with Greg Heiser, Chris Wilson and da boys. Flukin so so at best for most but those guys managed high hook with 5 keepers as always. All 44 anglers jumped in on the SSFFF 50/50 and raised another $260.00 ! Great group who ALWAYS steps up. I know of plenty board who also made private donations! These guys are class acts and painful to say but great fishermen as well. :D

07-23-2015, 01:42 PM
Count Eyes on First Ave in Capt. Ron for $100.00. I will also donate a pair of Costa's (Value up to $279.00) for any fundraising events that are organized. :) I can get them to you at anytime, just let me know.

07-23-2015, 05:15 PM
Count Eyes on First Ave in Capt. Ron for $100.00. I will also donate a pair of Costa's (Value up to $279.00) for any fundraising events that are organized. :) I can get them to you at anytime, just let me know.

Thank you Jamie, we actually are putting together a Charter fishing trip for next month....We could certainly do a Raffle for the Sunglasses!!!
I know in the past you offered discounts to get customers in the door. If you have any Promo's that will be going on in the future, let me know and I'll make sure all the guys on the Charter receive them. Great way to net-work for a very serious cause! :)

Thank you,
Capt. Ron

07-24-2015, 06:44 AM
Thank you Jamie, we actually are putting together a Charter fishing trip for next month....We could certainly do a Raffle for the Sunglasses!!!
I know in the past you offered discounts to get customers in the door. If you have any Promo's that will be going on in the future, let me know and I'll make sure all the guys on the Charter receive them. Great way to net-work for a very serious cause! :)

Thank you,
Capt. Ron

Your welcome Capt. Ron! I think we can arrange for an On the Deck Costa Sunglass drop off before the charter next month. :) I will put together a basket for you with some other gear as well such as a Costa shirt, hat, retainer etc.. I will be in touch. As far as promotions, currently we are giving any NJFishing member that purchases Costa's a free Costa hat and retainer(value$35.00). Also, we always have cold beer, wine and champagne at the store to enhance the shopping experience. :D All they need to do is mention they were referred in from any of the local charters or they are a NJFishing member and they will get the VIP treatment. Have a great day.

07-27-2015, 05:22 PM
SSFFF Charter trip as mentioned in above posts WILL be Friday August 21 on Capt Ron Fishermen as soon as I get off my busy a-- and get it posted! Thanks to all who donated already and hope you can make the trip. Nice gesture Jamie / Eyes on First Ave and that will be a great raffle prize!!
I will post the trip soon in a separate sign up thread

Ocean Explorer
08-12-2015, 05:05 PM
Count the Ocean Explorer in for 1,000 bucks..Hopefully this will help..Pay pal is on the way ......

08-12-2015, 09:36 PM
Capt. Ron,

I sent $100 today. Thanks for your hard work and dedication.

Regards, John T.

Gerry Zagorski
08-13-2015, 07:07 AM
Count the Ocean Explorer in for 1,000 bucks..Hopefully this will help..Pay pal is on the way ......

Wow :eek::eek: Nice Captain Bobby! Some good Fluke karma heading your way.

Take a kid fishing
08-18-2015, 08:03 PM
Wanted to give you a check face to face but can't get out for the fundraiser. Made my donation yesterday online as I'm sure no matter how it gets into the pot it will get put to good use. Tight Lines and Light Winds,with the tide on Friday.


Joey Dah Fish
08-18-2015, 09:30 PM
Count the Ocean Explorer in for 1,000 bucks..Hopefully this will help..Pay pal is on the way ......

Bobby Quinn Great Captain Great Guy always steps up. Awesome job Booby!!!

shrimpman steve
08-23-2015, 09:59 PM
Very generous bobby!

Gerry Zagorski
09-06-2015, 09:05 AM
Here is some info about the current projects and how the money is being spent.


09-08-2015, 06:18 PM
I've been lurking awhile now, on what is an amazing fishing website! Just donated my $150. We all know there is something that needs to be fixed, and it's great to see people stepping up in big ways to create a solution!

Gerry Zagorski
09-09-2015, 07:22 AM
Yes and thanks RWP.. A lot of people are opposed to our regulations. Some do what they can to change them while others just complain. Glad to see you jumped in.

$150, $100 or even $20 it's all good and helps not only with the science but let's the people know that are fighting for us that we support and appreciate what they are trying do do.

Give what you can and take a stand.