05-31-2015, 03:32 PM
The end of the incoming in the Manasquan River this AM dropped the temp guage on our boat to 44.5 deg. We could have used ocean water for ice. Coupled with the change to a Southeast wind, a thick fog rolled in as well. Not a good sign! We plodded through to the Rocks anyhow with a close eye on the radar, and put out the spoons. The fog had lifted enough to allow us to troll for about 2 hours but we didn't read any fish nor had any hits. Again, the water temp.never climbed above 47 and the fog never lifted. On the way back in, we almost Tboned a kayaker who insisted on fishing near the inlet in the fog without any radar reflectors. We were happy to be safely back at the dock after a day like today. BTW the river temp at dead low was 70 deg.