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View Full Version : Weekend Recap - Blues, Fluke & Lobsters

05-25-2015, 07:21 PM
First, we would like to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day and take time to remember the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces.

Saturday my buddy called and invited me to fluke fishing on Sunday leaving the doc at 6 AM. Knowing that we were invited to a lobster bake I had a big dilemma, do I upset the wife on Memorial Day weekend or not....well fish on :rolleyes:.

Drove down the parkway and we were fishing by 6:15 AM and I had 3 keepers on the boat by 8:30 AM. Pink and white bucktails seemed to be the hot color. Picked through a few shorts, my buddy lost one keeper at the surface and we missed a few nice fish.

The bite seemed to die once the boat traffic got bad, not sure if it was a coincidence or not. Fished in 8-16 feet of water with the water temperature @ 59 degrees.

Back at the dock at noon, clean the boat and filleted the fish and down the parkway. Made it back to the lobster back on time with some fresh fish and everyone was happy.

JP went surf fishing in Ship-bottom and landed 3 blues. Had many run offs and lost a few that he had on. First time his family actually caught fish from the surf.