View Full Version : Tile & Tuna on Russian Roulette ,beat down continues !!!!

EEL killer
05-25-2015, 08:31 AM
Headed out Sunday morning with a bunch of guys on Russian Roulette to the tile grounds . Little rough on the way out but nothing crazy .Dropped the lines and NO LIFE . Stayed on the grounds for a bit and with all the life around decided to troll for tuna . Lines in the water ,half our later Bam ! A nice Yellow fin . Got him in and decided to try tiles again and it was game on .Stupid tile fishing . 4 guys each had at least 6 double headers .All fish nice size .30 fish over 18lbs . The type of fishing we all like .Drop and reel .If you held it on the bottom more then a minute you get a double header .Epic day .Thank you Cpt.Denis .Great job as always . You do not disappoint AGAIN !!!!!!! :)
Great trip and good times with the guys !!!!

05-25-2015, 02:16 PM
Nice Dave! Beautiful tiles

05-25-2015, 04:33 PM
Looks like home run trip

Capt. Lou
05-25-2015, 04:58 PM
Nice trip Dave , Denis puts another good one on the boards ! Congrats! :cool:

EEL killer
05-25-2015, 06:47 PM
Nice trip Dave , Denis puts another good one on the boards ! Congrats! :cool:

Absolute slaughter yesterday drop and reel double headers all big fish too

05-26-2015, 10:29 AM
You're the man, Dave. Nice catch.

05-26-2015, 10:54 AM
Headed out Sunday morning with a bunch of guys on Russian Roulette to the tile grounds . Little rough on the way out but nothing crazy .Dropped the lines and NO LIFE . Stayed on the grounds for a bit and with all the life around decided to troll for tuna . Lines in the water ,half our later Bam ! A nice Yellow fin . Got him in and decided to try tiles again and it was game on .Stupid tile fishing . 4 guys each had at least 6 double headers .All fish nice size .30 fish over 18lbs . The type of fishing we all like .Drop and reel .If you held it on the bottom more then a minute you get a double header .Epic day .Thank you Cpt.Denis .Great job as always . You do not disappoint AGAIN !!!!!!! :)
Great trip and good times with the guys !!!!

Like I've said before I'll say it again; Eel-Killer is always on the meat. Russian Roulette seems to often be in the game plan. Putting 2 and 2 together tells me I need a RR tile trip. Congrats on the pile o' meat Dave.

Joey Dah Fish
05-26-2015, 10:57 AM
Congrats on a great trip

05-26-2015, 11:01 AM
Nice work! Luckily for the tiles, ling will soon be back in town, lol.

05-27-2015, 10:55 AM
no mahi?

05-31-2015, 02:53 PM
Are the blueline tiles as good as the golden tile fish taste wise ?

The golden tile fish are the BEST eating fish I have had.

EEL killer
05-31-2015, 04:42 PM
Are the blueline tiles as good as the golden tile fish taste wise ?

The golden tile fish are the BEST eating fish I have had.

Just as good eating as the goldens .Ceviche ,fried ,baked ,broiled .Delish