View Full Version : Braid specific bunker spoon rod???

05-21-2015, 10:19 AM
We have been wire committed bunker spoon trollers for a long time and we have caught a lot bass this way. Last week we were pulling spoons w/close to 300'of wire out and the wire broke at the tip of the rod and we lost the whole rig. It could of been a strike or friction burn at the tip, we don't know, we don't care.... So.....To keep our typical 2 pole spread in action I direct tied a swivel to the remaining braid backing on our heavy wire setups (Penn 113HSP/Tsunami wire rod) and set out another spoon higher in the water column... we had 2 30#+ bass on the deck shortly after and the fight of the fish felt way harder then hauling em in on the wire. Every head shake, thrash, and run felt awesome...This got me thinking...I know a lot of guys pull spoons w/braid but are you guys using the typical heavy spoon rods with the carboloy/wire proof guides? I want to go as light (and cheap) as possible while maintaining the right pumping action for spoon trolling. I'm looking for an "off the rack" type rod. I have a TLD loaded with 50# braid ready for the cause. It would be nice to have lighter option. Thanks!

Capt. Lou
05-23-2015, 10:17 AM
Tony Majas has a very good spoon rod whether u use wire or braid , the best one I've seen by far !:cool: