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View Full Version : Fish Monger II Blues and Bottomfishing

Capt. Jerry P
05-18-2015, 03:46 PM
Hello All,

Had trips thurs thru sun this past week. Since there has still been no real jig or live line bite oceanside fior Stripes we Been making the most of it splitting it up with blues and bottomfishing. bottom fishing still been slow but been seeing some ling and Cod. Also been throwing back seabass blacks and even a few fluke. Did here of some bass on spoons so hopefully the bunker will shop up this week and we are looking forward to the opening of seabass and fluke

Fish Monger II 5/14 Blues / Bottomfishing - Had bird play righy outside..silly with the blues but no bass... checked out a few different piles of birds just blues...as many as u wanted...filled n spitting up loads of butterfish... filled the box with what the crew wanted and headed off with tired arms bottomfishing... headed to where we seen life last week n it was dead... little deeper we picked a few fish but it was ng a dozen ling couple cod a flounder our first fluke n a few seabass. Making the best of it till the ocean side bass show up n seabass opens.

Fish Monger II Fri 5/15 Blues /Bottomfish looked out side early where we had the jig life yesterday nobody home except for the hundred of porpoise putting on a show. No bunker or bass readings up the beach either so Headed off to a few snags n caught couple keeper Cod a few seabass that had to go back n a couple ling. Headed back inshore n played with some tackle buster blues for some action. Boxed a couple dozen n lost a bunch n When that slowed up we went back bottom fishing. Wasnt much good but was something to do after the blues added another 5 keeper Cod around 20 ling n threw back a few blackfish.

Fish Monger II 5/16 -Had Ryan Marcus and crew aboard for Nicholas Marcus annual bday trip. Looked for something to jig... No life from inlet to rocks...Blues were way up the line were way up the line so opted for bottomfishing instead ... started out with some ling life but it never got going... would have been ok if every drop had life like first one but bunch were lifeless it's was ng couple dozen fish to keep. Ling n few cod.... few more beautiful seabass n blackfish that had to go back. Nonetheless is was a good time and we def all ate good thanks Smokey! Happy Birthday Nicky!!! Thanks Guys

Fish Monger Sun 5/17 Blues and Bottom fishing Took the long ride up the line in the pea soup to where the blues have been. Got up there n the traffic was crazy with boats with no radars cutting across other boats bows... anyway found the life n the blues for Joe Murray to take back to PA with him. Even tho we knew it been slow when the boys had enough blues we headed off to some bottom after for the second half of the trip. Little better life everyday. Still not nearly up to par but it was a nice way to end the day... Picked 30 Ling handful of keeper cod and some blackfish n seabass that had to go back.

June Am Open Seabass dates got texted out and remaining spots on trips will b posted in the open boat forum dont miss out!!! pm live line trips are all booked. Give the office a call with any questions thanks all Capt Jerry

05-18-2015, 03:53 PM
already put our report up & told the truth!

Capt. Jerry P
05-18-2015, 04:02 PM
already put our report up & told the truth!

Lol good thing u didnt hook the sunfish... war paint pic is epic....:D

Hunter 2
05-18-2015, 04:19 PM
Thanks Captain Jerry. Won't be long now..

05-18-2015, 04:21 PM
Lol good thing u didnt hook the sunfish... war paint pic is epic....:D

still early i will get one b4 end of summer