View Full Version : Opening day fluke

Man Workin
05-18-2015, 02:03 PM
I'm glad to see all you guys catching many different species. I was thinking about trying Shark River early for fluke, before the traffic hits then looking for some keepers in the ocean before anchoring for bottom dwellers. Anyone else gonna try or is the consensus stick with bass & blues till sea bass opens. Anyway everyone have a safe year, and catch em up

Man Working

05-18-2015, 02:19 PM
There`s a fair amount of short Fluke in the river, but not many keepers. This weekend will be a zoo. I personally would stick with jigging blues or bottom fish at the scotland grounds for ling. The Bass fishing in the Ocean has been hit or miss, but should break open any day now.

Man Workin
05-18-2015, 04:36 PM
I will post a report good or bad. Let you guys know how we do.