View Full Version : mad gaffer bass And bluefish report

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
05-17-2015, 10:08 PM
Ken Griffin and party charted my boat again today, they were the same group that charted us last Saturday they came today"knowing that they were going to catch bluefish and they were ready for them .they took home almost a boat limit today, Along with the bluefish they took home several of my favorite recipes. They also did manage to catch one bass, they also left the boat telling me they had a great time ,why wouldn't they they caught all those fish on lights spining tackle , the rods were bent all day the action was unbelievable. I think that most people have become enamored with striped bass and are forgetting what a real fishing trip is. I once flew all the way to Puerto Rico and caught and released small Tarpon that we're not quite as big and not as plentiful as these bluefish are and had a fantastic time and released everyone of them and you can't eat them if you tried. Don't get me wrong I love striped bass but give these fish their do . it would be nice if we had more big striped bass right now and they may yet come , But I also think we are blessed to have such a fishery as we do with these bluefish . two months ago if you had these fish most of you would'have broken both your legs to get down here to catch them. We are now compiling recipes to put online for these fish ,and if anyone would like to ask questions about them recipes or preparation just call me it doesn't matter who you fish with I'll be glad to answer your questions. We we have open boat trips all week light tackle preferred call for reservations and information.

05-18-2015, 07:59 AM
couldn't agree with you more capt. ray. if we didn't have all these blues people would be complaining about the lack of bass. i personally love catching these blues and eating them also!

05-18-2015, 09:09 AM
I have been eating more blue fish than striper lately myself. Blue fish cheeks, delicious. Smoked blue fish, delicious and last nights dinner was smoked blue fish cakes. Did I forget to say "Delicious again."