View Full Version : Raritan bay blues 5/17 off keansburg

Fat fish stick
05-17-2015, 09:53 PM
Awesome day out on the bay off keansburg with my buddy in his new to him 12 ft aluminum. (First trip of the season for the boat ) we drifted for about a hr on the outgoing with bunker chunks. Caught 2 nice 8 lb blues and then threw the anchor and it was light out aligator blues for the next 4 hours giving great fights and even better laughs. My buddy's got his rod in his pole holder while baiting his other hook all we hear is snap! We look over and the rod holders snapped off and the rods gone. Wow what a first trip for the boat little bad juju so we laugh it off and we're foshing for about 45 minutes and then he's reeling up to check bait and thought he crossed my line but we pull up the line and there's the setup just missing a hook talk about some good luck... all in all about 20 blues from 6-12lbs but rods were bent and we had a great time. On the way in seen a ton of bunkers phinning right off keansburg pier but didn't have any trebles on us