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View Full Version : Bluefish Feeding Frenzy

Gerry Zagorski
05-16-2015, 09:07 AM
Was out the other day with Avet George and Joey Dah fish on George's "Keepin it Reel" out of AH for a late afternoon trip.

We fished fresh dead bunker and wherever we went we got covered up by Bluefish. NY side, NJ side, shallow or deep it didn't matter. As soon as you put your chunk down you were hooked up.

When we decided to call it quits we had some bunker left over which went over the side. Within seconds we had Bluefish boiling like Piranha feeding on the whole dead Bunker. Very cool to watch them work and see the water turn crimson red :eek:

If you are looking to go out and keep your poles bent, no better time then now.. I can't remember the last time I'd seen them so thick.

If you're looking to get kids into fishing, I would encourage you to drop what you are doing and jump on one of our sponsor boats and let them experience this great fishery. It's something they will never forget and we are fortunate enough to have it taking place right in our own backyard.

Fish on!!

Capt Sal
05-16-2015, 09:50 AM
Was out the other day with Avet George and Joey Dah fish on George's "Keepin it Reel" out of AH for a late afternoon trip.

We fished fresh dead bunker and wherever we went we got covered up by Bluefish. NY side, NJ side, shallow or deep it didn't matter. As soon as you put your chunk down you were hooked up.

When we decided to call it quits we had some bunker left over which went over the side. Within seconds we had Bluefish boiling like Piranha feeding on the whole dead Bunker. Very cool to watch them work and see the water turn crimson red :eek:

If you are looking to go out and keep your poles bent, no better time then now.. I can't remember the last time I'd seen them so thick.

If you're looking to get kids into fishing, I would encourage you to drop what you are doing and jump on one of our sponsor boats and let them experience this great fishery. It's something they will never forget and we are fortunate enough to have it taking place right in our own backyard.

Fish on!!

Exactly Jerry! Kids don't care if they have stripes. Action and keeping them interested is happening right now and in the bay where it is calm. Best way I know of to get kids interested in fishing is blue fish.

Gerry Zagorski
05-16-2015, 10:10 AM
Yep Sal and the boats from Belmar and Point Pleasant are into some amazing Bluefishing as well.

No better time to do it then right now.

I can remember my first time like it was yesterday.... One of the neighbors who was old enough to drive took a bunch of us kids from the block down to Point Pleasant and we jumped on the Cock Robin. We were all used to fishing for sunnies and trout. The minute I had my first bruiser Bluefish on and taking drag I was hooked, gut hooked :D

This great sport of ours has given me so many great memories and life long friendships. It's hard to imagine what life would be like without it.

05-16-2015, 11:15 AM
Thanks for the report Gerry, it's amazing how many bluefish are around now. I have to get my boys out to experience the fun👍🏻

05-16-2015, 12:48 PM
Yup, wish my Dad took us bluefishing when I was a kid instead of those once a year boring ass fluke trips on the Rainbow out of Sheepshead Bay. Took me 20 years to get back there and on a blues boat. Who knew? Grandpa was a bottom guy and told Dad to fluke with us kids.

Chris G
05-16-2015, 03:37 PM
I remember many sleepless nights anticipating going bluefishing. I fished a bay area beach last week and had em on every cast. Whipped me to my knees.

05-16-2015, 04:01 PM
Some anglers love em, some hate em! I personally love em! The battle is always intense and its something to catch when your waiting for perhaps a Striper twilight bite or sundown bite. I was raised catching these aggressive beasts. Amazing memories catching the Blues in the Raritan bay over the last 30 years or so. I hope they're still around when its my sons turn to experience the mayhem. 2-3 lb Blue bled out and grilled the old fashioned way with peppers, onions, garlic, lemon juice and tomato sauce wrapped in foil and cooked on the grill. I must have ate that meal 5000000000000000 times growing up and still do it to this day. Gotta have some kind of tradition in life. It keeps you happy, healthy and fills your brain with great memories that will never vanish. CATCH EM UP!!!!!

Good post CAP'n Zagorski!!!:D

Gerry Zagorski
05-16-2015, 04:24 PM
Just a quick word of caution for you first time Blue Fisherman...

These fish have razor sharp teeth so you want to be really careful when you go to get them off the hook. They also see pretty well out of the water and like to trash around.

A pair of long nose pliers or a hook remover is your best bet.

And one more thing..... Please just keep what your are going to use and leave the rest to fight another day. If you are keeping them for the table, they taste better if you bleed them as soon as they are caught and keep them on ice.

05-16-2015, 04:30 PM
Not only is there a lot of them, they are BIG!

05-16-2015, 04:41 PM
WOW I GUESS YOU CANT CRITICIZE ANY THING ON NJ FISHING , they delete your posts! Gerry aren't you one of the people that say to practice catch and release? I'm pretty sure I've read that numerous times. I guess it only applies when it is not your friends doing the killing.

Gerry Zagorski
05-16-2015, 04:41 PM
Yes they are :D

Gerry Zagorski
05-16-2015, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the report Gerry, it's amazing how many bluefish are around now. I have to get my boys out to experience the fun👍🏻

You need to do that Deep!! So does everyone else who wants their kids to have a lifetime of memories.

05-16-2015, 06:35 PM
Bluefish are a wonderful gamefish. I used to curse them on occasion if I hooked a big one while plugging the surf as they were murder to get off trebles on a bomber plug, pencil popper etc. I can tell you one thing there is nothing out here in California which is so widely available as blues. They fight hard, get fairly big and are east to catch most days. NJ fisherman are truly blessed to have them. I wish I appreciated them more when I lived back east.

05-16-2015, 09:51 PM
Thinking about the difference in the fight.

Stripers are elegant fighters, they play by the "rules." The big ones try to win by using their sheer weight & power against you until they give up, surface and come along peacefully.

Bluefish? Heh. Well, you've seen those UFC cage matches, right? They'll do anything to win and that includes in and out of the water on the deck.

05-17-2015, 03:54 AM
Just a quick word of caution for you first time Blue Fisherman...

These fish have razor sharp teeth so you want to be really careful when you go to get them off the hook. They also see pretty well out of the water and like to trash around.

A pair of long nose pliers or a hook remover is your best bet.

And one more thing..... Please just keep what your are going to use and leave the rest to fight another day. If you are keeping them for the table, they taste better if you bleed them as soon as they are caught and keep them on ice.

First real trip out into ocean here in NJ in the 80's, took my younger brother out fishing and found a boat driving into Point Pleasant. Happened to also be the Cock Robin. Growing up and Fishing in upstate NY for Bass, Pike, Musky, etc and Huge Trout on the lakes, really had no idea about the fishery in Atlantic other than a trip to Cape Cod as a kid. Rented rods, got out to the spot where the boat set up and we get into a flurry of these fish called Bluefish. It was an all out blitz, drop a chunk, let it drop, wait for the bait to disappear in the clear water and fish on. Real up the fish, get it over the rail and go to take the hook out.....First time blue fisherman here now mind you....:o.....the seasoned gentleman next to us screeeeems at me! What the F%#@ are you doing??? Don't you know those fish have teeth and will rip your finger off???? I said dumbly " no".....he handed us a pair of pliers to use for the day and we made a friend. Still have his picture in the background and saw him some years later.... Anyway, Gerry, great advice that some may not know and especially for the kids.....Not really a bluefish person but fun to catch and heading out today to mess around with them until we can find some bass to toy with! Sounds like the current blitz is a good one, especially considering last year when we had to scrounge to find them at one point!