View Full Version : papa's angels 5/14 report

Papa's Angels
05-14-2015, 06:33 PM
on board with us this morning for the 7 hour open trip were anglers ken,donna,colin steven,michael and david, headed to sandy hook for the first time this season and stopped on one of my numbers and guess what it was loaded with blue fish, the group had fun for a short time we picked the anchor up and moved on, at the next and final stop of the trip the blues were there also but so were the bass, the anglers fished there way thru the blues and managed to land 4 quality keeper bass the big fish caught by michael came in at 17 lbs. The ride out early this morning was alittle bumpy but as the day went on the skies cleared and the day turned out great. Thanks ken and donna and the rest of the anglers it was good to see you again, captain joe.:)

05-14-2015, 07:13 PM
Ken is a hack... did he have some line on his reel:rolleyes::confused::D

05-14-2015, 11:00 PM
Good job Capt Joe finding some bass. Ken wish we could have been there. Jeff

shrimpman steve
05-14-2015, 11:15 PM
Nice job joe

05-15-2015, 03:59 PM
It was a beautiful day...great group on the trip...always a plesaure to fish with Capt Joe...and the fish cooperated. Couldn't ask for more. There are a ton of blues out there...which for me is just fine..lot of action and a great fight...We caught fish all day long...plus got some Striper for the table. Great Day all around.

Wilson..Luckily Papas Angels provides all the gear, bait, and tackle so there was plenty of line on my reel! :D But I'm still a hack!

Jeff - Would have been great to see you out there...let me know if your ever headed out!

PS...Except for the fish in the picture all fish were released unharmed as the group all stated before the start that we would not be keeping but a couple Blues. (I eat anything and love them so it was basically for my fat ass!) No gaff was used on any of the released fish.