View Full Version : Decent pike day - 5/9/15

05-09-2015, 10:41 PM
River is in excellent shape except for the color - yoohoo. I did find a few sections that were clear and found pike. Caught 4 and had another 8 or so swipes. Two largest were just shy of 30".

On a side note, the infamous Passaic mosquitoes are out in full force so be prepared if you bank beat. Some areas aren't too bad while others will have you running back to your car.

Anyone into bowfishing should try there. The carp are right near shore and big. Please shoot & take as many as you can. Thanks!

05-09-2015, 11:47 PM
why all the carp hate? they don't compete for other sport fish forage, their young and eggs gorge the pike making them bigger and bigger (caught many pike during carp spawning season that barf up carp eggs all over), plus no fish is stronger lbs for lbs except maybe hybrid stripers, no teeth to cut your line, they eat some of that gross algae and weed goop keeping that stuff at bay...i can't even think of one reason people hate them so much. The flying ones in other states...that i can understand hahaha.

05-10-2015, 12:33 AM
They should allow bowfishing for pike in the Passaic. They are a non native species and are decimating the native migratory herring population and other baitfish species as well as the young fish of other non native species like carp and bass. There are way too many in the river and their growth is stunted. They need to be thinned out.

05-10-2015, 01:18 AM
They should allow bowfishing for pike in the Passaic. They are a non native species and are decimating the native migratory herring population and other baitfish species as well as the young fish of other non native species like carp and bass. There are way too many in the river and their growth is stunted. They need to be thinned out.

Hahaha..I see your point matt. I for one have grown to love the fight and overall challenge of carp fishing. Why would anyone want to kill off the pound for pound best fighting fish our waters have to offer. I don't get how more people aren't into carp fishing. You have a chance everyday at a twenty pound plus fish and you can catch them all over this great state. I personally live in an area where they are the only thing worth catching because my rivers and ponds are gorged with nothing but dumb stocked trout and dink bass. Carp are the only thing in freshwater I fish for with regularity anymore, I would be very upset if anyone wanted to take that away from me..

05-10-2015, 07:04 AM
I seem to recall many guys shooting the bow in the Passaic years ago. I guess it was illegal ?

05-10-2015, 11:22 AM
I thought you could bow fish for pike? Anyway the pike are stunted there it would help grow more big ones if people kept smaller ones...but then again, who would eat fish out of there? Haha

Esox Luciano
05-10-2015, 02:42 PM
Nice catch Buzz! These fish are definitely on the feed, squitos too, haha.*
I personally second Crisper4694's 1st comment & BottomBouncer. Dumb comments will have more dumb ppl doing more dumb stuff. You CANNOT bowfish for pike in NJ!! Law states bighead, common, grass, & silver carp, eels, flathead catfish, American & gizzard shad, snakeheads, and suckers can be bowfished. THAT'S ALL.
Saxmatt, there's no decimation of the carp or bass, (if you actually fish it and know the river, you'd say different). Swarms of baitfish visible without glasses on, tons of panfish, herds of huge and baby carp, bass by the boatload, and more as seen on posts! Get on the water, get raw information.*

05-10-2015, 02:52 PM
I agree carp are a great quarry if that's all a water has to offer. However if other gamefish species are present, they are a nuisance and often make the water turbid and unfishable. How they affect other species - by either destroying eggs by accident or on purpose - is a matter of debate but one can easily assume their noseying around the shallows at peak spawning time is not good for bass and sunfish. All I know is there are times - like now- where rivers run muddy for only one reason and that's carp.


* Bowfishing is allowed for carp, eels. shad & suckers.

* No crossbows allowed

* State record for carp was taken by bow. It was 45lbs.


Esox Luciano
05-10-2015, 03:06 PM
Yea they're probably eatin up bundles of eggs out there right now! Let's go grab some bows & arrows!!*
I believe the pic you featured is NJF's Delawareriver. I remember reading his post, HUGE FISH!

05-10-2015, 03:28 PM
They should allow bowfishing for pike in the Passaic. They are a non native species and are decimating the native migratory herring population and other baitfish species as well as the young fish of other non native species like carp and bass. There are way too many in the river and their growth is stunted. They need to be thinned out.

I disagree. Everywhere I fish for pike has an abundance of other species and I see a lot of baitfish throughout the river. Heard this argument proposed for snakeheads when I lived in South Florida, yet there has been no evidence to date of the species causing any issues. Everything balances out. Besides, the pike fishery is an amazing success story that provides great fishing.

05-10-2015, 03:48 PM
Wow, some people get really upset when you threaten to shoot and kill a species of fish they like to catch...weird.

05-10-2015, 04:46 PM
Hahaha, amen Matt! Can't we just love all species!

05-10-2015, 04:51 PM
Nice healthy fish there dude. The river is alive and well.