View Full Version : Quincy Flounder Report
Little Sister Charters
05-07-2015, 06:45 PM
Finally launched on Wednesday, April 29th and went fishing right then to test the waters and the boat. Everything worked pretty good except the fishing! The water was far too cold at 45 but in the past 8 days it has come up to 49 or a little better in some spots but the fish are having none of it!
So far the tally is:
Weds (04/29) ...0
Thurs (04/30) ...1
Sat (05/02) ...4
Sun (05/03)...6
Tues (05/05)...4
Thurs (05/07)... 6
The only glimmer of hope is that most of the fishing has been "on the drift" as the few times I anchored/chummed we caught nothing but skates. Today was different; we spent an hour on the anchor and got 4 good ones so that was the best hour of the year so far. For Saturdays trip we will only anchor and see how that goes....JC
05-07-2015, 06:54 PM
Used to be the flounder capital. Caught loads. Many YEARS ago.:)
05-07-2015, 09:18 PM
Thanks for the honest report. I am glad that I had the opportunity to experience that fishery when it was on fire! Would make that trip in a heart beat if that area produced decent numbers consistently.
05-07-2015, 09:28 PM
Wait for it, a little early. I've fished with Capt. Jason for flounder numerous times over the past 12+ years and never had a bad trip. In fact I can only think of one trip where we didn't limit out the boat and even then we were a fish or 2 short only because we raised the boat size limit from 12 to 15 inches-otherwise we would have limited on that trip as well. Lost count of how many #3.5-4 flatties I've boated with him over the years.
team heat
05-07-2015, 09:38 PM
In case anyone is interested Me and my cousins took the train from Trenton New Jersey to Boston.Had all our coolers,rod ,reels and tackle right on the train.Plenty of room for everything.The cost was 59.00 dollars one way.Enterprise rental cars picked us at the train station and took us to get our rental car.5 hors to Boston with not that many stops on the way.Didnt have to deal wiyh traffic,tolls etc etc.Best way to go .We went cod fishing down in Green Harbor but would work just as good for flounder fishing with Little sister charters.They also had a dining car if you wanted to eat.
Little Sister Charters
05-08-2015, 06:17 AM
Wait for it, a little early. I've fished with Capt. Jason for flounder numerous times over the past 12+ years and never had a bad trip. In fact I can only think of one trip where we didn't limit out the boat and even then we were a fish or 2 short only because we raised the boat size limit from 12 to 15 inches-otherwise we would have limited on that trip as well. Lost count of how many #3.5-4 flatties I've boated with him over the years.
Thanks for having faith ANDREW! With the water temps a bit cool (what a winter) I was expecting a late start this year. Last year "it" didn't kick in until May 9th and this winter was even colder so I'm not worried yet. 2014 was the best (flounder) season since the mid 80's and surely the best I've seen since I've been up here (1998). Thanks to the cool water in 2014 we had great flounder fishing through the end of July and for that I will take the late start any time!
Little Sister Charters
05-09-2015, 04:52 PM
A little better today (05/09/15) with 10 fish but had only two fishermen aboard, the other two had to bow out last night (explosive diarrhea)...
first spot - 1
2nd spot - 0
3rd spot - 0
4th spot - 3
5th spot (same as #3) - 0
6th spot (anchor/chum) - 0
7th spot (#3 again) - 6
The difference seems to be that at the last stop the sun finally appeared and we caught a few. Perhaps tomorrow with sun predicted the whole trip???? We will see!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Little Sister Charters
05-10-2015, 05:53 PM
12 fish kept today, very slow to say the least. While we have shown "somewhat steady improvement", it is not in the leaps and bounds I was hoping for. I can't blame the water temperature or maybe I can. My friend Captain Roger insists that with the warm weather the past week the surface temps are much warmer than the bottom temps. I sure hope he is right!
For open boat there is one spot left for the 14th and the 12th, 19th and 21st are all full. Please book as far in advance for open boat trips as you can.
Little Sister Charters
05-12-2015, 03:31 PM
Today I had out "Old Goat" and "Mattapoisett" for a flounder expedition and we had the best trip of the spring so far. We kept 19 flounder between the three of us and the fish were eating better than the past couple of weeks in spite of the overcast/east wind conditions we had most of the trip. A very good sign to say the least!
Blackfish Doug
05-12-2015, 04:48 PM
Great report Jayson I love reading about the Flounder for a change.
05-12-2015, 07:06 PM
keep those reports coming
Little Sister Charters
05-13-2015, 05:33 PM
Today I started with "low expectations" because the wind was honking out of the NW and such a wind can often shut down a good bite. Today seemed to pick up where yesterday left off with the crew of Perry Construction of Newberryport going home with their flounder limit. Bill, Joey and Vito had a ball with the Tsunami Sapphire flounder rods we deployed today. I started cutting when we were up to 18 fish (pictured) and they sure didn't need any help from me to get what they got! No monsters but a good run of 13-17 inch fish with several smaller legal fish returned as well. It should be pretty safe to say we can expect limits from here on.
Open boat trips (Tuesday and Thursday mornings) are full the rest of the month. If you want to jump aboard for such a trip it would be a good idea to schedule it well in advance.
Tomorrows open boat is sure to be great as the weather is forecasted to be fantastic-I can't wait!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
05-14-2015, 05:08 PM
Today couldn't have been better! Beautiful weather, great people and fantastic fishing; what more can anyone hope for? We started at Rainsford and were catching very steadily with 3 to 5 fish a drift. We were calling the size 13 inches and up and quickly went to 14 inches when I realized the pace we were setting. By the time the 1st flurry eased off we had 30 fish in the box and it was only 8am...
With 6 people (plus me) we could have taken 56 fish but I was determined to save my limit for the afternoon trip so I figured these guys didn't need "my help" and when we got to DIF I started cutting fish while they resumed bailing fish and releasing the ones under 15 inches (unless they were bleeding). While that bite was going on we got the biggest flounder I've seen (so far) this season at 18.5 inches (2 3/4 lbs).
During that melee a few stripers, the 1st of the year, also jumped into the boat but they were all short at 20-24 inches.
I then had people that wanted to go out for the afternoon and that was a continuation of the mornings bite:
The afternoon limited out quick (by 2 pm!!!) and were "quite done". To say we had happy campers today would be an understatement! Best yet, with the up tick in sizes we saw today, things look very positive for the Santini Contest on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to that!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
05-18-2015, 07:29 PM
Did good today with a nice size run of fish, the best size average of the year including the 1st "honest" 3 plus pound, 19 1/4 inch specimen (Yo Anthony!). Easy limits of 14 - 18 inch fish were had by all on both trips. This is great!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Little Sister Charters
05-22-2015, 03:59 AM
Excellent fishing this week and "big stuff" (over 19 inches/3 pounds) have been showing daily along with 2015's first over 4 pounds taken yesterday by John H of NH.....
05-22-2015, 12:48 PM
It`s great to hear that you are doing well.
Little Sister Charters
05-23-2015, 06:39 PM
It`s great to hear that you are doing well.
Thank you!
Little Sister Charters
05-23-2015, 06:45 PM
Today had "tough conditions" for the morning trip and a bit better for the afternoon. The morning had only 25 good flounder for 5 guys while the afternoon limited out (but I had to stay out an extra 15 minutes). The pm group was Mike from NJ and his crew of misfits including "Captain Seaweed" (pictured) who said he is a better fisherman than his shipmates!
The same guys will be out tomorrow morning and I hope they have less wind....JC
Little Sister Charters
05-25-2015, 02:51 PM
It was still windy and "tough" but the NJ Crew of "Mike and the Boyz" (Mike Sr, Capt. Seaweed, Glenn and Andrew) did a good job filling the limit and sending the small ones back to grow.
Pictured is Mike Jr with an 18 and 18.5 inch Quincy flounder. He is now juiced up to come back and get their bigger cousins when the conditions are hopefully more favorable..........JC
(something wrong with the picture loading-sorry!)
Little Sister Charters
05-25-2015, 03:18 PM
Here we go(Mike)!:
Little Sister Charters
05-31-2015, 03:37 PM
The beat goes on! The flounder limits keep on coming and the fillets keep coming off the knife as this weekend saw. Despite nasty winds for most of yesterday and today the fish kept eating and everyone kept catching. Kil Song was not to be deterred from his dose of Quincy flounder so he talked me into taking him and his "professional flounder catching crew" out for 3 hours late yesterday (5-8pm) after I had 2 full trips. Kil got stuck in traffic and we didn't get going until 530 and in 2 1/2 hours they still caught 31 flounder for the 4 of them AND we still let many legal fish swim (to make more future flounder)!
Kil also delivered my new "Tai Snapper Rod" and the thing is amazing! I had it wrapped by Ralph (rodwinder) and the rod is still (by far) the lightest rod you can imagine. I used it today while fishing with the morning group and I was able to detect any bite and fight any fish! Limits were had by all (including mine!)!!
Note that "open boat" is full until 06/11 where there are still 3 spots available, 06/16 which is wide open, 06/18 is full but I have a " special open boat trips" both am and pm on 06/19 that I am looking to fill. The 1st to reserve their spots will have them!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Pictured is Tony with the seasons 2nd 4+ pounder!
Little Sister Charters
06-05-2015, 04:18 AM
I have been a bit "negligent" on the reports lately I think because the routine (on the road at 4am and home at 7pm) is grinding me down a bit. However the fishing has remained pretty strong with the exception of Wednesday and Thursday mornings trip where we only got 3/4 limits or so. Thursday afternoon the fish lit up for a few hours and that was all it took for "Karen and Crew" to bring home their limits of giant flounder.
A breeze perfect for drifting probably had something to do with it as well.
Open Boat trips are on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 6-11am: Reserve your spot!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Little Sister Charters
06-10-2015, 02:58 PM
"Epic" Today!
Today's trip was about as good as it gets! Excellent weather and big flounder limits in a trip cut short by "too many fish"! We could have been limited out in less than 2 hours but we kept increasing the minimum size to make it last. Even the small fish were BIG! As it was, I could barely close the bags of 16 fillets each (8 pounds of fillets). These were men who live and fish in Montauk, NY and they were giggling like little school-girls they were so tickled with the fishing and many fish in the 17-19 inch range!!!
Pictured are Andrew, Artie, Mike Z and Mike Y with part of their catch.
"Open boat" trips (6-11am) have a little availability on the rest of the Tuesdays in June and on both Tuesdays and Thursdays in July. If the fishing stays the way it is there will not be openings when you want to go so please, BOOK NOW!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Little Sister Charters
06-14-2015, 03:58 AM
The fishing has been "quite outstanding" with big fish and common limits. I am looking to fill a few spaces for open boat on June 30th, the rest of June is full. Open boat will continue in July on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I am taking reservations now for that.
Also, Westport, Ma (August 1st and beyond) weekends have been booking well so if you need a weekend, please send me the dates you are interested in as soon as you can. Little Sister will have open boat in Westport on Thursdays only.
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
Little Sister Charters
06-27-2015, 08:22 PM
Sorry-Been very busy as the Quincy flounder bite is still going strong with no end in sight!
Little Sister Charters
07-24-2015, 01:59 PM
Well, Little Sister came out of the water last night after her last two trips of the year. The morning trip was a complete disaster with only 7 flounder for 5 people which made that the worst trip since May 7th! The only thing I could figure was the fish "shut down" from the northwest winds (high pressure) of the day/night before.
If you don't realize how severe those winds were, my friend Armindo's boat sunk at about 10pm Wednesday evening. The NW wind kicked up the waves and they sloshed into his boat until his bilge pump burnt out and it did not take long from there.
In any case, about the end of the mornings trip we saw what life we did see and it looked like the fishing was picking up but I had little hope for the afternoon trip and let everyone know it. We went anyway and surprised ourselves with only 4 fish shy of the boat limit-a great way to end the season!
Little Sister is in the shop for the next week and will be fishing Westport starting August 1st. The boat is chartered on the 2nd and Saturday, the 1st she will be running as "open boat" at $115/person. I have a couple of spots left for the first to call them!
Captain Jason Colby
Little Sister Charters
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