View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fishing Report.....

05-07-2015, 05:05 PM
Wish I could find it in my heart to use words like Massacre, Slaughter and all the other BS that goes on around here. If your lucky you catch 2 fish. At 43 inches you better be rubbing the crystal ball in this bay fishery.
Yes, Live lining produces bigger fish, the only boats doing that are the one's with 2 to 6 customers, even at that, how many 43 inch fish are being caught? Limits, excellent action, I must be living under a Rock...The early bird gets the worm with the live lining the past couple weeks and only a couple boats are doing that. They don't post because they don't have too!!
With that off my chest, today we tried to change it up and look over the ocean. Fished the Clam boats between the channels thinking Maybe we would get lucky, after all it is May 7th!!! NO GOOD. Looked over our Beach then Romar, No good once again.
Ran back into the bay, read fish, anchored up and beat on the blues for a couple of hours. I was hoping that the change of tide would bring a few bass with all the readings we had, but no such luck. Customers had a good time with the action and many fish went home. We have been netting the Blues when the customers don't want them so we can toss them back without damage.... Back at it tomorrow.
Capt. Ron

shrimpman steve
05-07-2015, 05:10 PM
Truth in reporting. Thanks for your honesty. I for one love catching the demons. And if treated right their not bad eats. Bleed em and ice em then eat em that day. Yes they are fishy but they are FISH:D

05-07-2015, 05:28 PM
Yes, Thank you for the truth in reporting! And kudos to you for netting Blues that people don't want to keep. I hate watching other boats gaff bluefish to watch them get tossed back or rot on the deck.

05-07-2015, 05:38 PM
nice honest report. Like Steve said their not bad that night or the next. But they taste a lot better smoked. Cut out the red and fry them up or fillet, brine the right way and believe it or not the red taste's the best but after eating to much can get sickly to sweet.

05-07-2015, 06:41 PM
I love your reports Captain because I never had to question them. They are honest and true blue, good or bad you give us the truth, and I thank you for that.

05-07-2015, 06:50 PM
Are you saving everything for your Monday regs. We will be there and hopefully you will pull the rabbit out of your hat. Can't wait.. It was a rough winter. See you Monday.

05-07-2015, 11:17 PM
Smoked bluefish is the best the is next to eel

05-08-2015, 02:04 AM
Very much agreed with the eel , the sweetwater variety that is:D
Nothing better in all the worlds waters.....The perch and crappie guys may disagree if ignorance was bliss:D

Captain Ahab
05-08-2015, 04:40 AM
SO happy to hear you are netting those blues! I hate seeing the boats gaff away and then toss the fish back.