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View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Bigger fish, late Bite again today...Thursday

04-30-2015, 03:57 PM
Just a handful of guys out today, guess the weather report kept everyone home.
Wind did come East and naturally against the tide. Not great conditions but we did manage to pick away on the shorts up until the change of tide. Made a little move to find a new reading and get set up for the incoming....current ran, the Bigger fish turned on!
Chef Sam and crew had several beauties in the cooler including the pool fish at 15 pounds. Couple limits in a short time frame. Not many readings any where we looked today, maybe the threat of some weather pushed them further in the back, who knows.

Sounds like a little NE tomorrow.......Sounds perfect for me!! Come on down.
Capt. Ron

04-30-2015, 04:29 PM
WTG Sam ! Good to see you holding a nice pair again :)

04-30-2015, 07:50 PM
WTG Sam ! Good to see you holding a nice pair again :)

Lunch wasn't too shabby either...(Sam)!:)

04-30-2015, 08:03 PM
This post should b a headline but I figured I'd post it here...well I took a ride down today hopped on with Ron and a couple buddies and off we went..nice short boat ride to the grounds,within moments of the anchor hitting we started picking away..mostly shorts with a couple keepers...we were all hoping that with the tide change we would get into some bigger fish...well someone must of told Mr bass to eat cause we started hammering away at all keepers for over a hour..that's all we needed..prob 20 bass or so for the 10 fares we had..had a hunch they would eat with the ne wind today...great 1st bass trip..never really had the chance to fish with Ron senior until today and boy is he a pisser...love him.. also we took the pool..can't ask for a better day..final tally for myself and 2 buddies were 7 keepers, 17 shorts..

04-30-2015, 08:04 PM
Plus hot roast beef crab legs and sausage and peppers....

04-30-2015, 08:06 PM
WTG Sam ! Good to see you holding a nice pair again :)

I'm trying like hell to get off for our John Cole trip

04-30-2015, 08:07 PM
Have to add..Ron mate Jim I believe his name is was really great....

05-01-2015, 12:07 AM
Chef Sam is the man!! New you wouldnt let me down!! I was sayin all day with that NE the keepers would chew. Glad to hear all had a great time, its a.shame more people werent there to take advantage, I had to work or else I would have been there. Sam always hooks up lunch!! What no cannolis???

Will be down next week, hope it keeps up!!