View Full Version : Wide Selection of Cast Nets

04-28-2015, 12:10 PM
Just unloaded a wide selection of cast nets. With the bunker in the bay , and the water warming up, the bass will be gorging on live bunker. As you know , the big ones are here and the best way to put that 50 plus Striper in your boat is to have some fresh bunker in the live well ..Remember , these fish are loaded with eggs , so if you are successful, and get a chance to land one , take a picture ,and release it to spawn out.. I am sure the example you set will benefit all who fish for Stripers in the future.....If you want a mount , measure the length and girth. I am sure there are some well respected taxidermists who will take the information and create a great mount ....and you get the honor of releasing a fish that will provide future fisherman with their chance to put a trophy in their boat.....Pete