View Full Version : Trolling for Bass

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 05:52 PM
Why not just throw a couple of sticks of dynamite in the water. It's kind of the same. No sport what so ever just a kill fest. You can bash me all you like but there is no skill in trolling for bass. Ok bash on!!! I can take it. I didn't say it doesn't work I said it requires no skill set. No reel fishing expertise and how many hooks are you using? Blah blah blah the fish don't have a chance. I don't call that a sport I call it murder. :eek: bash on brothers and sisters state your opinions all are welcome including those who say I'm dead wrong.

Garone Custom Rods
04-27-2015, 05:55 PM
I hate trolling, and I agree there is little to no technique on the anglers part. The guy who is driving the boat and where he drives it however can make a big difference.

04-27-2015, 05:56 PM
I agree!!

04-27-2015, 05:56 PM

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:00 PM
I hate trolling, and I agree there is little to no technique on the anglers part. The guy who is driving the boat and where he drives it however can make a big difference.

If you troll long enough Hellen Keller could finder and killem:p

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:02 PM
Put on your finest dresses and troll them up ladies :D .

shrimpman steve
04-27-2015, 06:06 PM
Hooper drives the boat chief

Slow ahead

I'll give YA slow ahead, come down and chum some of this shyte

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:07 PM
Hey Shrimpy I gave myself 5 stars lol

shrimpman steve
04-27-2015, 06:08 PM
How many?

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:12 PM
Yeah just like my Flukeasaraus thread you dirty rotten rat bass turd

Gerry Zagorski
04-27-2015, 06:13 PM
Oh look now... Even fewer stars :D

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:17 PM
Lol :D

04-27-2015, 06:22 PM

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:27 PM

Oh come on now Adam you can do better than Hmmmmmmm

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:29 PM
pS thanks for the add star :) Shrimpy can't take that one down :p

04-27-2015, 06:31 PM
So for definition purposes, what are we considering "skill"? ... Motoring over and marking fish, swinging back over and setting anchor on top of said marks then breaking garbage bags full of clams on top of them to trick them to eat the one you impaled on the hook?... Unless your fly casting or plugging
From a jetty.... Be nice bro, catching is catching.... Fishing is trying to catch... The bay is probably different than the ocean, but some of my favorite time is trolling if we can't find bunks...don't hate what ya can't can't appreciate... Love ya man ;)

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 06:34 PM
So for definition purposes, what are we considering "skill"? ... Motoring over and marking fish, swinging back over and setting anchor on top of said marks then breaking garbage bags full of clams on top of them to trick them to eat the one you impaled on the hook?... Unless your fly casting or plugging
From a jetty.... Be nice bro, catching is catching.... Fishing is trying to catch... The bay is probably different than the ocean, but some of my favorite time is trolling if we can't find bunks...don't hate what ya can't can't appreciate... Love ya man ;)

Now that's better :D

04-27-2015, 06:36 PM
pS thanks for the add star :) Shrimpy can't take that one down :p

Was hoping there were negative stars on here or a "boo" button!!

04-27-2015, 06:36 PM

Capt Sal
04-27-2015, 07:07 PM
Why not just throw a couple of sticks of dynamite in the water. It's kind of the same. No sport what so ever just a kill fest. You can bash me all you like but there is no skill in trolling for bass. Ok bash on!!! I can take it. I didn't say it doesn't work I said it requires no skill set. No reel fishing expertise and how many hooks are you using? Blah blah blah the fish don't have a chance. I don't call that a sport I call it murder. :eek: bash on brothers and sisters state your opinions all are welcome including those who say I'm dead wrong.

Really! There are days that are so tough in June that a few big bass on spoons save the day. Plenty of skill involved in wire line bunker spooning. I guess you are the ultimate expert Joey. I guess if you catch a 250 big eye on the troll it doesn't require any skill. I guess if your trolling giants 400 yards back there is no skill required. As far as sport goes some guys don't get to fish three times a week and would be more than happy to troll some nice bass. Some guys travel from out of state and bring money to our economy and if you can't get them on bait then screw it??? They want to take home fish. Ever troll the Sandy Hook rip at 3am? No skill involved there! You would be aground lol This is not a bashing just fun. Capt. Coles from the Janet C and Capt Otto Reut where some of the best in Jersey at trolling bass and where famous. Joe Julian spent years perfecting his bunker spoons. Tony Maja one of the best out of Staten Island has a hell of a spoon on the market. He and others that are site sponsors would tend to disagree with you. So we agree that trolling is not the most exciting way to catch bass but productive. If you think there is no skill involved I know many capts. that would wager a good buck they would out fish you trolling hands down. I hope you have a good season and do not dare to troll lol For the rest of you that might want some advice I am willing to give it and there bare also some other capts. that don't might sharing.:)

Gerry Zagorski
04-27-2015, 07:14 PM
You tell him Sal!! Younger brothers just don't get it. Us older and more rounded fisherman get that sometimes you have to do what you have to do ;)

No secret that I'm not big on trolling either, but it beats watching people around you hooking up and hooting and hollering while you are on the anchor cracking clams with out a touch.

I heard of a 40 and a 52 caught on the troll the last few days and you can't ignore that.

04-27-2015, 07:14 PM
I troll for fluke all the time - only way to get your limit these days.

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 07:18 PM
Really! There are days that are so tough in June that a few big bass on spoons save the day. Plenty of skill involved in wire line bunker spooning. I guess you are the ultimate expert Joey. I guess if you catch a 250 big eye on the troll it doesn't require any skill. I guess if your trolling giants 400 yards back there is no skill required. As far as sport goes some guys don't get to fish three times a week and would be more than happy to troll some nice bass. Some guys travel from out of state and bring money to our economy and if you can't get them on bait then screw it??? They want to take home fish. Ever troll the Sandy Hook rip at 3am? No skill involved there! You would be aground lol This is not a bashing just fun. Capt. Coles from the Janet C and Capt Otto Reut where some of the best in Jersey at trolling bass and where famous. Joe Julian spent years perfecting his bunker spoons. Tony Maja one of the best out of Staten Island has a hell of a spoon on the market. He and others that are site sponsors would tend to disagree with you. So we agree that trolling is not the most exciting way to catch bass but productive. If you think there is no skill involved I know many capts. that would wager a good buck they would out fish you trolling hands down. I hope you have a good season and do not dare to troll lol For the rest of you that might want some advice I am willing to give it and there bare also some other capts. that don't might sharing.:)
If you notice the thread read trolling for bass? Also read I never said it doesn't produce. But now that I'm in your head. Did I say they guys the invented it aren't skilled? Perfected weren't skilled. Nope never.

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 07:21 PM
You will never see me trolling unless my arsehole brother has me tied off to the chair :D. Cat chem up how ever you all like. Just thought I would let you know that trolling s*cks in my book.

04-27-2015, 07:34 PM
you guys would HATE it up here.. EVERYONE trolls.. Trout and salmon.. They taste like garbage and you have to fish in 125-150 feet down in over 300 fow to catch them sometimes... When guys around here talk "fishing" they are talking strictly about down rigger or wire/dipsey trolling... Not my bag at all.. I hate it and thats why I drive down to the shore as often as I can.. I despise trolling, but in glacial lakes that are are 400 feet deep, its either that or catch nothing.. bob

04-27-2015, 08:17 PM
Joey, you think you have a clue but you really don't. Bottom line, it's not always about catching fish. It's fun just being out on the water. Still beats work even if you don't catch any.

04-27-2015, 08:30 PM
We troll chutes on the East end. It's not relaxed fishing by any stretch of the imagination. It's a ton of work and what's even better is that the rod is in your hands when you get walloped by a 30+ lb striper. Gotta be in decent physical shape and be very aware of how much line you have out vs the depth you're fishing... Single hook chute... Def not cheating lol.

04-27-2015, 08:43 PM
I'm sure it takes much more skill to anchor up out by the clam boat and chum them up with the clams that you bought that morning than it does to go off by yourself and hunt for them trolling spoons or chutes. Besides, I see lots of bass that are doomed because they got gut-hooked by some lazy angler trolling spoons.

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 09:02 PM
Now this is getting fun

04-27-2015, 09:14 PM
Sounds like you're the one doing the trolling

Joey Dah Fish
04-27-2015, 09:41 PM
Just getting opinions. Glad to see people being passionate about fishing regardless of technique. It's seems all of us are very passionate about fishing that I can appreciate. People following their passion. I think about fishing probably 25-30 times a day.

04-27-2015, 10:37 PM
Some people like vanilla. Some people like chocolate. I used to think I was a hot-shot fisherman when I was going out on party boats. Then I got my own boat and found out quick just how much of my success had been the result of the captain's skill rather than my own.

I like to troll! I'd rather spend a whole day dragging spoons and catching 1-2 big girls, than chum up a couple of dozen rats. Trolling is more about the hunt than the fight. The fish will almost always be lip-hooked, and with the heavier gear is landed more quickly. Makes for a quick release, with a good chance that the fish will swim away without harm, even if the person on the rod is inexperienced.

Bait fishing, especially clamming, is more likely to lead to gut-hooked fish. Gut-hooked fish are more likely to die after release. Add to that an inexperienced angler using too-light tackle and not being able to land the fish until it is exhausted, and the chances of mortality are high.

04-28-2015, 05:27 AM
Guess the rules are changing on here...How is this a fishing report?
With all the good fishing going on this is the best you can do Joe? Trying to piss people off just so the post can get STARS and plenty of hits?
I don't get it, the guys who PAY to be here suffer ever time this stuff stays up.

I sure do miss Mike, we had our differences at times, but he kept things the way they should be.

04-28-2015, 06:39 AM
I just see it as covering more grounds , bass move around , with tides especially being in this cooler water temps , I noticed on saturday when the tide went out they moved more out front when the tide came in they mived more to the back , so to anchor up right now and chum is almost a waste of time ,

Joey Dah Fish
04-28-2015, 08:00 AM
Some people like vanilla. Some people like chocolate. I used to think I was a hot-shot fisherman when I was going out on party boats. Then I got my own boat and found out quick just how much of my success had been the result of the captain's skill rather than my own.

I like to troll! I'd rather spend a whole day dragging spoons and catching 1-2 big girls, than chum up a couple of dozen rats. Trolling is more about the hunt than the fight. The fish will almost always be lip-hooked, and with the heavier gear is landed more quickly. Makes for a quick release, with a good chance that the fish will swim away without harm, even if the person on the rod is inexperienced.

Bait fishing, especially clamming, is more likely to lead to gut-hooked fish. Gut-hooked fish are more likely to die after release. Add to that an inexperienced angler using too-light tackle and not being able to land the fish until it is exhausted, and the chances of mortality are high.

I like that thought

Gerry Zagorski
04-28-2015, 08:09 AM
Guess the rules are changing on here...How is this a fishing report?
With all the good fishing going on this is the best you can do Joe? Trying to piss people off just so the post can get STARS and plenty of hits?
I don't get it, the guys who PAY to be here suffer ever time this stuff stays up.

I sure do miss Mike, we had our differences at times, but he kept things the way they should be.

Ron - Where does it say on this forum that this page is for fishing reports only? It cleary states " Use this board to post all general salt water fishing information". It does not say for fishing reports only, nor does it say for sponsor reports only.

This is a public forum Ron.... If people want to talk about fishing methods they are free to and I encourge that. That's what brings people to the site and reading your reports.

bunker dunker
04-28-2015, 08:17 AM
you can kill more fish trolling!!!!!! that's great. I have wasted all this time when I could be stacking them up like cord wood.tell me about this trolling
you speak of.

04-28-2015, 08:51 AM
you guys would HATE it up here.. EVERYONE trolls.. Trout and salmon.. They taste like garbage and you have to fish in 125-150 feet down in over 300 fow to catch them sometimes... When guys around here talk "fishing" they are talking strictly about down rigger or wire/dipsey trolling... Not my bag at all.. I hate it and thats why I drive down to the shore as often as I can.. I despise trolling, but in glacial lakes that are are 400 feet deep, its either that or catch nothing.. bob

Sounds like you need to do what my friends and I do when we go to Champlain. Catch up some bass and pike! :D

Capt. Lou
04-28-2015, 09:01 AM
you guys would HATE it up here.. EVERYONE trolls.. Trout and salmon.. They taste like garbage and you have to fish in 125-150 feet down in over 300 fow to catch them sometimes... When guys around here talk "fishing" they are talking strictly about down rigger or wire/dipsey trolling... Not my bag at all.. I hate it and thats why I drive down to the shore as often as I can.. I despise trolling, but in glacial lakes that are are 400 feet deep, its either that or catch nothing.. bob

Really what u describe is strictly a summer fishery most times, troll now with Lead outfits Flat line planers very exciting to get big fish many over 10#'s on light tackle practically on surface!!

Capt. Lou
04-28-2015, 09:13 AM
Trolling as follows ;
263/4 # Brownie
356 BE
247 Yellow
993/4 wahoo
150 #+ SM
150# Tarpon
483/4 Striper
Just a few off top of my head !!
Capt Sal got it right if u fished the rip in the middle of nite trolling Pikies on short lines Dacron & a 40# Cow grab the plug it's more thrilling to me than a cow sucking in a bunker !! Not much skill there !! Plenty of skill to run patterns on the troll & only using a compass & chart to keep u from getting wave rolled on the beach !!! :cool:

04-28-2015, 09:34 AM
Not a fan of trolling either.

04-28-2015, 09:35 AM
A favorite quote amongst the veteran spoon trollers who know their stuff goes as follows, "My dog could catch a bass bunker chunking or clamming". Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, I recognize there is nuance and skill to clamming and chunking. We mainly troll, but will use whatever tactic will produce depending on the time of the season. To each their own, but there is definitely an art to consistently landing 25 plus pound bass on the troll. If I ran a party boat or charter boat and had clients that want to use light tackle, I would find myself clamming or chunking more often to satisfy my customers.

The fact is, there are more 40 plus pound bass caught and released on spoons amongst maybe a dozen veteran trollers in Raritan Bay in the spring than the tons of boats clamming every day. The Jersey side of the bay is just way too easy to troll for any angler that decides to buy some plugs or shad rigs and produce some fish. Little depth change, no rocks or structure to snag you, and an easy to predict current. When the waters warm and the bluefish show up say goodbye to your shads and plugs and then the real talent rises with spoons. Try trolling the VZ bridge, in the lower Hudson, West Bank, Romer Shoal, or between the channels and the game changes. Skill takes over and the art of trolling spoons kicks in. Trolling out at Montauk is a whole different ball game and is also quite different from out east in Nantucket Shoals.

I have trolled bass from Oregon Inlet to Virginia Beach to Cape May and then out to Montauk and east to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. With thousands of bass taken on the troll as well as bait I can say that to rise to the top of any method you need to have a ton of skill and pay attention to detail. Bait fishing can be ridiculously easy or require a ton of skill to scratch out a catch. The same can be said for trolling. Use whatever strategy works for you and get better at it every trip and your catch rates will rise.

Good luck everyone and if you really want to raise your game trolling go out and make your own custom bunker spoons. We make and pull our own and there is a great deal of satisfaction when that rods bends over with a 30 plus that decided to eat a hunk of metal that you crafted yourself.

Capt Sal
04-28-2015, 09:44 AM
Guess the rules are changing on here...How is this a fishing report?
With all the good fishing going on this is the best you can do Joe? Trying to piss people off just so the post can get STARS and plenty of hits?
I don't get it, the guys who PAY to be here suffer ever time this stuff stays up.

I sure do miss Mike, we had our differences at times, but he kept things the way they should be.

Agreed Ron. He did piss me off. Let's talk about the bass being caught today!!!!!!!!

Joey Dah Fish
04-28-2015, 10:18 AM
Oh come on now ladies put your egos on the shelf for a few minutes and discuss your tactics. I'm saying trolling sucks for me. I would rather chew glass and rinse my mouth out with sulfuric acid. I never once said it didn't produce. Yes big fish are caught but its lazy and boring!!!!!

04-28-2015, 10:46 AM
I agree with you Joey. It`s boring! Fished on a buddies boat out front yesterday and caught a nice fat 22 lb 35 inch fish on chartreuse bunker spoon in 50 feet of water. It was great being out on the water with my friend, but trolling for stripers is not my cup of tea. On another note, Please everybody lighten up:)

04-28-2015, 11:44 AM

04-28-2015, 12:20 PM
Joe what did I miss yesterday? What happened, did the boys down in Cape May kick you off the boat for sucking too much wind?? :D:D:D:D Glad to see us Asians representing again!

Joey Dah Fish
04-28-2015, 12:41 PM
Lol Antknee nope I got 3 keepers 6or7 shorts :) I definitely held my own on the boat :) but thanks for being a contestant

04-28-2015, 01:28 PM
Oh come on now ladies put your egos on the shelf for a few minutes and discuss your tactics. I'm saying trolling sucks for me. I would rather chew glass and rinse my mouth out with sulfuric acid. I never once said it didn't produce. Yes big fish are caught but its lazy and boring!!!!!

I personally am not a big fan of trolling as I would rather catch 1 stripers or tuna on a jig (1st choice) or bait ( 2nd choice) than 5 on the troll. I like to have contact with the rod and interpret and visualize what is going on at the end of my line before making the decision to wait or swing on fish. Big rush when line is peeling off reel and you lock drag and feel that rod load up. Jigging or squidding also exciting as you are the one imparting action on jig to elicit a strike. Rather than stroking it all day when bite is off trolling may be last resort to locate fish and get them to bite. Go home with no fish and no action or do whatever is necessary to catch a few. You make the decision as fishing is not all about catching but it sure makes for a better day when you have caught a few. You do whatever makes you happy.

What i do know is that trolling is a very effective way to put more and bigger fish in the box especially on spoons. I am lucky enough to be able to fish with the crew of the Legacy and see them in action. Getting a bass to eat a home made chunk of metal instead of a juicy clam or bunker is truly an art form. Where to fish, what tide, direction, how much line to let out, speed of boat. The variables are endless. They manipulate their spoons by adjusting there shape with pliers to get them to swim a certain way. They have different spoons for different condition. It is not by accident they consistently put fish in the box when others are struggling. It takes years of experience and the skill to interpret all the variables. It has little to do with luck and all about SKILL

Your post would have been fine if you left it at I hate trolling for bass and prefer to clam, chunk or live line. Could have had good conversation about what is better or more enjoyable bait fishing or trolling. Where you F_ _ _ UP is saying their is NO SKILL in trolling. Your words check your initial post. I think you might want to reconsider that portion of your post as it was way off base or maybe you are truly an expert troller and where just looking to stir the pot

Sorry to call you out brother but The grasshopper still has much to learn

bunker dunker
04-28-2015, 02:50 PM
can we please go back to the part about killing more bass

04-28-2015, 04:06 PM
ok i'll throw in my 2 cents. Trolling is the last way i want to catch fish but some days you can't argue with the results. I don't want to sit there with bait soaking in the water either...but you just can't catch stripers consistently every time casting lures...at least i can't...if you can, i bow to you!!

When bass are busting near the top and guys are trolling back and forth through them, that's a little lame. I almost wet my pants when i see that and start peppering them with light gear and a popper or sub surface. If we're marking them under I'll try a jig but it just doesn't always produce. I'd rather catch anything in anyway rather than nothing the stubborn way...too expensive to go saltwater fishing and get skunked!

There is a difference between something being easy to do and easy to master. oh i went out and trolled up a bunch of bass with 3 keepers and i have no idea what i'm doing it's easy! well derek on fisherprice trolled up tons more bass and over 20 keepers...what's the difference, you think he get's lucky? keep dreaming! It's easy enough to do, but mastering it is another story.

Joey Dah Fish
04-28-2015, 05:31 PM
I personally am not a big fan of trolling as I would rather catch 1 stripers or tuna on a jig (1st choice) or bait ( 2nd choice) than 5 on the troll. I like to have contact with the rod and interpret and visualize what is going on at the end of my line before making the decision to wait or swing on fish. Big rush when line is peeling off reel and you lock drag and feel that rod load up. Jigging or squidding also exciting as you are the one imparting action on jig to elicit a strike. Rather than stroking it all day when bite is off trolling may be last resort to locate fish and get them to bite. Go home with no fish and no action or do whatever is necessary to catch a few. You make the decision as fishing is not all about catching but it sure makes for a better day when you have caught a few. You do whatever makes you happy.

What i do know is that trolling is a very effective way to put more and bigger fish in the box especially on spoons. I am lucky enough to be able to fish with the crew of the Legacy and see them in action. Getting a bass to eat a home made chunk of metal instead of a juicy clam or bunker is truly an art form. Where to fish, what tide, direction, how much line to let out, speed of boat. The variables are endless. They manipulate their spoons by adjusting there shape with pliers to get them to swim a certain way. They have different spoons for different condition. It is not by accident they consistently put fish in the box when others are struggling. It takes years of experience and the skill to interpret all the variables. It has little to do with luck and all about SKILL

Your post would have been fine if you left it at I hate trolling for bass and prefer to clam, chunk or live line. Could have had good conversation about what is better or more enjoyable bait fishing or trolling. Where you F_ _ _ UP is saying their is NO SKILL in trolling. Your words check your initial post. I think you might want to reconsider that portion of your post as it was way off base or maybe you are truly an expert troller and where just looking to stir the pot

Sorry to call you out brother but The grasshopper still has much to learn
Agreed Alex I should have worded it better

04-28-2015, 06:46 PM
While we are on the subject, I see lots of people using spider line instead of wire. It seems to get the lures down just as well and but is there any other benefit to wire vs braided?

Capt Sal
04-28-2015, 07:41 PM
While we are on the subject, I see lots of people using spider line instead of wire. It seems to get the lures down just as well and but is there any other benefit to wire vs braided?

Braid works on stretches but I hate it for bunker spoons. It will work but not nearly as good pulling spoons.As far as umbrella rigs go stick with the wire.:)

04-28-2015, 07:56 PM
While we are on the subject, I see lots of people using spider line instead of wire. It seems to get the lures down just as well and but is there any other benefit to wire vs braided?

If,and if lol, you happen to get a tangle,maybe even have a fish on, wire, Monel, is a lot more forgiving, and the ease of - 50' is 5' 100' is 10' and so on... Ya there's always a newer way, could be better, but I'll be an old dog on that one...

04-28-2015, 09:14 PM
The point of fishing is to catch fish. Any given day I go out I will employ whatever technique it is that will put fish on the deck. Whether that be livelining, trolling, jigging, trolling to find fish then jigging them etc etc I'm never going to turn down a method because another tactic is more "skilled" or whatever the initial argument was. It requires skill and experience to decide which is best and to execute a technique with maximum efficiency... even bass trolling (which, as it were, I find to be more nuanced then the OP seems to.)

04-28-2015, 10:09 PM
NOTHING better than the troll IMO. And I'm sure I'm in the monority. Nothing but skill and knowledge.....wind speed and direction, tide stage and direction, Cross current, up current, down current. What to pull and when.

Danny plugs on wire just north of the rips after midnight are some of te best memories my father ever gave me.

Reel Class
04-29-2015, 05:03 AM
Trolling spoons or rigs takes more skill than you think. Speed, current, direction, and how much wire or braid you need to send down all factor into catching. It's a full-team type thing on the boat - captain has to keep the boat where it needs to be at the speed it needs to be at, anglers need to adjust readily, and need to fight the fish effectively and efficiently to get it to the boat.

Trolling puts fish in the boat if done properly, and I completely disagree with the lack of skill comments - it's simply a different approach where YOU the angler aren't actively fishing, the boat n captain are doing the work and the angler's job is to get the fish to the boat.

With that said, we only troll when we have to :)

04-29-2015, 01:14 PM
Are you talking trolling bass in the fish tank they call the raritan? Or talking trolling in general? because ill bet you a 1000 bucks, i'll take you offshore, hand you 13 rods, bags of lures, 5 dozen baits, and you will look at me like i have twelve heads when you can not figure out what to do with one rod...

But if you are talking trolling bass its not as involved but still takes a ton of skill., yet it may not be the most exciting thing in the world. but just like the #prostaff chasing bunker pods and jacking themselves off all year, or the guys following the leader in the bay with a bushel of clams, you will always have the stragglers that will produce just as many fish and much bigger fish with the proper trolling techniques that most wish they could figure out.

How many charter boats and private boats come back with a goose egg during the spring ocean run of stripers? TONS!! why? because all they know how to do is throw a treble hook at a bunker and hope it gets eaten.. Shit we were snagging bunker one day on my personal boat about 9 years ago and had 5 fish over 50lbs in one day.. and 3 guys with me on my boat could not tie a not...

But when the going got tough, and no one caught, i would be out fishing the lumps and the line with spoons putting limits in the boat and big fish to boot.. have had plenty of fish over 50, and roller fish off the spoon much bigger... but if your in to catching cookie cutter fish all year, then i would stick with dead sticking a clam or better yet burning 100 gallons of fuel running along 150 other boats on every bunker pod that pops up from the hook to cape may.

Whats right for some, may not be right for others, but to call is no skill? I would say that is about as far off as you can be..

There.. I BASHED bahahahah

Joey Dah Fish
04-29-2015, 01:25 PM
Bass I troll for Tina offshore and exciting to watch fish coming into the spread

04-29-2015, 01:33 PM
as long as it kills stripers its fine with me #saveatogkillastriper

bunker dunker
04-29-2015, 03:08 PM
that what I am talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Islander II
04-30-2015, 05:50 AM
Why not just throw a couple of sticks of dynamite in the water. It's kind of the same. No sport what so ever just a kill fest. You can bash me all you like but there is no skill in trolling for bass. Ok bash on!!! I can take it. I didn't say it doesn't work I said it requires no skill set. No reel fishing expertise and how many hooks are you using? Blah blah blah the fish don't have a chance. I don't call that a sport I call it murder. :eek: bash on brothers and sisters state your opinions all are welcome including those who say I'm dead wrong.

Not my favorite thing to do, but after a day of work, just to shoot out for an hour or two, not get the boat full of sand or bunker guts only to catch small fish, I'll do it. I was actually invited to go yesterday but opted to work in the yard, my buddy was out for an hour and half after work and managed 7 keepers to 46" on light tackle, by himself. Last weekend, 75% of the six packs were trolling too, whatever it takes to put a fish on the end of my line. Rather be toggin anyway.

Joey Dah Fish
04-30-2015, 08:20 AM
Went out opened (well as open as my steel trap can be ) figured after reading all these posts I would try it again to see if I still feel the same way after many years. It was like going to the dentist with out novicane. I just don't have it in me to go slow and the readings were scare but I stuck it out. After 3 hours 2 of the guys were begging for mercy to end it :) everytime they said lets go I penLized 15 mins more. They were up to 1 hr and 15 mins of penalty time. After all they were the ones that wanted to go trolling :) I did have mercy on the and pulled the plug as I just couldn't take it anymore. We got 3 fish and learned several valuable lessons.
1 I still hate Fishin
2 don't let the boys talk you into it
3 don't let Gerry touch the rods when the fish hit
4 Billy likes trolling as much as I do
5 it does produce fish
6 the most important I will go to the local lake pond or stream before trolling again

CompTime Charters
05-01-2015, 12:48 AM
Not my favorite thing to do, but after a day of work, just to shoot out for an hour or two, not get the boat full of sand or bunker guts only to catch small fish, I'll do it. I was actually invited to go yesterday but opted to work in the yard, my buddy was out for an hour and half after work and managed 7 keepers to 46" on light tackle, by himself. Last weekend, 75% of the six packs were trolling too, whatever it takes to put a fish on the end of my line. Rather be toggin anyway.

Exactly!! Let's not assume that because you see a boat trolling with wire after work or before work that the same captain isn't knowleagble in clamming or chunking or livelining. He probably has an hour or two to get away on the water to forget his troubles or relax from a busy day or prepare for one. That's what I do. But when I have the time to get out and throw the cast net at bunker off deal at 0300 in the morning when no other boat in sight to prepare to Livelining at first light I do that as well. I would not assume a captain who is trolling doesn't know how to snell and rig a Fish finder rig and stick a clam on and sit and wait while cracking surf clams.

I don't usually respond to posts but couldn't help myself on this one. Lol

Capt Sal
05-01-2015, 01:21 PM
Went out opened (well as open as my steel trap can be ) figured after reading all these posts I would try it again to see if I still feel the same way after many years. It was like going to the dentist with out novicane. I just don't have it in me to go slow and the readings were scare but I stuck it out. After 3 hours 2 of the guys were begging for mercy to end it :) everytime they said lets go I penLized 15 mins more. They were up to 1 hr and 15 mins of penalty time. After all they were the ones that wanted to go trolling :) I did have mercy on the and pulled the plug as I just couldn't take it anymore. We got 3 fish and learned several valuable lessons.
1 I still hate Fishin
2 don't let the boys talk you into it
3 don't let Gerry touch the rods when the fish hit
4 Billy likes trolling as much as I do
5 it does produce fish
6 the most important I will go to the local lake pond or stream before trolling again
#7 You are not a good fisherman so if you got 3 an experienced capt would have limited out.

Gerry Zagorski
05-01-2015, 05:23 PM
#7 You are not a good fisherman so if you got 3 an experienced capt would have limited out.

Hey - I was the captain on this trip and I take offense to your insinuation ;)

Joey Dah Fish
05-01-2015, 10:54 PM
Trolling still sucks

Capt Sal
05-02-2015, 09:17 AM
Hey - I was the captain on this trip and I take offense to your insinuation ;)

I guess we will call it conservation lol:)

Joey Dah Fish
05-02-2015, 11:25 AM
I guess we will call it conservation lol:)

Good one Capt Sal

05-03-2015, 01:22 AM
MVP called it like the pro he is - skilled trolling produces like nothing else when the conditions are right. Skill in selecting the spoons based on the tide, the wind, and other prevailing conditions determines your success. First trip this year for us yielded a 42 pounder, a 36 and a 28 pounder plus 20 other releases over 15 pounds (not inches). My crew started to get bored from reeling in 20 plus pound fish and headed back after 2 hours. Anyone else want to get tired of reeling in fish over 36 inches - try trolling spoons that you make yourself.

Live lining is an art form and I credit lots of pros that have taught me the finer points of live lining. Equally challenging to trolling spoons. Live lining is a whole different ball game from anchoring and throwing chunks or the "magic" clams. We do it all when conditions necessitate it and have no problem putting the trolling sticks in the cabin when appropriate. The true pro knows which strategy to use when the conditions warrant. Same holds true in the canyons and targeting tuna. We had 18 yellowfins in 2 hours on the troll one week and 38 on the chunk 4 days later 2 years ago. Go with what works and you will succeed. Say one method takes no skill and suffer the consequences.

Everyone has their favorite type of fishing. Those who perfect their style and take their game to new heights are the ones who succeed. Know your strengths and play to them.