View Full Version : LongShot 4/19 BASS

LongShot Charters
04-19-2015, 08:56 PM
Had our first trip of the year today.. Open boat bass fishing we were lucky enough to get the last hour of the tide and had fun with the shorts and boxed 1 keeper. From this point on things went downhill. We made 3 more drops and fought thru wind against conditions threw every bit of clam and managed 24 shorts and 2 keepers. Todays trip was a blast after the long winter we've had.
http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/surflb23/Long%20Shot%20Charters/IMG_20150419_131244_zps8wvammtb.jpeg (http://s998.photobucket.com/user/surflb23/media/Long%20Shot%20Charters/IMG_20150419_131244_zps8wvammtb.jpeg.html)

http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af104/surflb23/Long%20Shot%20Charters/IMG_20150419_095233_zpspzwomdgh.jpeg (http://s998.photobucket.com/user/surflb23/media/Long%20Shot%20Charters/IMG_20150419_095233_zpspzwomdgh.jpeg.html)

04-20-2015, 03:09 PM
Nice job Chris it was good goose hunt this last winter with you and gene see you on the water buddy