View Full Version : mad gaffer striped bass report

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
04-18-2015, 01:36 PM
we are having our best day of the spring season. It has been a beautiful day weather wise and we have caught upwards of 50 striped bass. Only a few keepers but fantastic action. We have a high hook with over a dozen fish ,most anglers where tackled up properly with light spinning tackle. Quite a few of the fish that we boated just missed being keepers and the keepers we did boat were nice fish, with over 20 fish that were approximately 27 inches I think the bigger fish are just around the corner. As I am putting this report up we boated three more fish one more keeper. We have an open boat for striped bass all week and outside of tomorrow with some rain the rest of the week looks very nice . This might be a good time to dust off your light spinning rod and come down and catch a few fish. Call for reservations and info