View Full Version : What's happening at Garone Custom Rods

Garone Custom Rods
04-16-2015, 03:53 PM
Hey guys spring is finally here and the season will be in full swing in a matter of weeks. I've been busy getting rods out the door for the upcoming season. Just got my latest batch of United Composites USA blanks in. This last batch has a bunch of stuff for fluke and stripers that can cover just about any scenario you might encounter. In addition I have the new Challenger Bank blanks from Black Hole which are super lite weight and have great bends and with the 4 different models can cover everything from Porgy's to jigging yellowfin. These have been a super hot item. Also have a bunch of tuna and striped bass popping an short jigging blanks from UC, Hanta, Saltywater Tackle, Jigging World and Temple Reef. If you are looking for trolling, chunking or sharking stuff I have some stuff from Seeker, UC, Black Hole and will also have a few UC composites stuff in a few weeks. These UC's have some serious pulling power. For you deep drop guys I had UC design 2 blanks specifically for that fishery along with some stuff from Seeker and Black Hole. I also plan on stocking a few more blanks from UC and Phenix for deep drop and party boat tuna jigging.

On top of my current stock I am also going to be one of just two custom rod builders in the USA with access to Synit rod blanks. Synit is a New Zealand based rod manufacturer who has access to some of the most cutting edge composite materials and technology in the world. Their blanks are made in collaboration with Kilwell who not only makes these blanks but also manufactures high performance masts for racing sailing vessels, as well as all sorts of composite applications for the military. Synit has some of the hottest blanks in the jigging and popping market and I am super excited to offer these to my customers.

We also just redesigned our logo and plan on having apparel made up so look out for that stuff in the near future.




04-19-2015, 09:00 PM
Good luck with the upcoming season and happy to see you have been busy. If you ever need someone to field test one of your new Synit rods i"m in lol :D

Like the new logo!