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Down Deep Sportfishing
04-09-2015, 07:30 PM
This looks like a done deal-

Fluke -

5 fish @ 18" May 22 - Sept. 26

Striped Bass -

1 fish @ 28" - 43"
1 fish over 43"
Bonus tag - 1 over 28" until Aug. 31

*** Bonus tag as of Sept. 1 - Dec 31 - 1 fish @ 24" - 28"

*Bonus tags have no order in use.

Seabass -

May 26 -June 30 - 15 fish @ 12.5"

July 1 - July 31 - 2 fish (by catch) @ 12.5"

Oct. 22 - Dec. 31 - 15 fish @ 12.5"

shrimpman steve
04-09-2015, 07:37 PM
Does this mean you can use you bonus tag before harvesting a cow

Down Deep Sportfishing
04-09-2015, 07:45 PM
Does this mean you can use you bonus tag before harvesting a cow

Yes, tag can be used in any order.

04-09-2015, 07:46 PM
Good question Steve! I'm sure the higher ups want us to kill a cow before using the bonus tag. Hoping not of course!!!

04-09-2015, 07:47 PM
Well that's not too bad then! Things could be better, things could be worse!!!

shrimpman steve
04-09-2015, 07:50 PM
Thanks Mario!
May see you out there this weekend

04-09-2015, 07:50 PM
So its still two fish at 28 as long as you pay two bucks for the bonus tag hmmm no need to kill the cow just make sur you havthe bonus tag

Down Deep Sportfishing
04-09-2015, 08:09 PM
So its still two fish at 28 as long as you pay two bucks for the bonus tag hmmm no need to kill the cow just make sur you havthe bonus tag

Correct Max, until Sept. 1 . See you soon !

04-09-2015, 08:51 PM
. . just make sur you havthe bonus tag . . .

Not sufficient just to have the tag; it must be filled out before you return to the dock; here're the State instructions:

What to do if you harvest a bonus fish:
• All information on the permit must be completed immediately after harvest and prior to transportation.
• Report harvest information at www.wildlifelicense.com. A $2.00 fee will be charged to receive a replacement permit. Harvest information must be reported online for all permits issued via the internet. You will not receive a new permit by going to a check station or by mailing your permit to the Division.

SOURCE = http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/pdf/strbass_instruction.pdf

04-09-2015, 08:55 PM
The bass population is in trouble, we must protect them! Unless of course you give us 2 dollars. Friggin joke

04-09-2015, 08:58 PM
2015 sea bass regs just set tonight. bonus program too
Sea bass regulations set at Council meeting http://on.app.com/1yhpSfj via @AsburyParkPress

04-09-2015, 09:30 PM
I'd rather them say keep 2-3 fish 18 to 34 inches and call it a day. If you want to buy a trophy tag for a fish over say 50" so be it. But you should only be able to use the tag once a season.
What a bunch of morons

04-09-2015, 09:57 PM
Oh, I am so looking forward to hearing the PB captains and mates explaining this to their customers as the fish are flying over the rails.

"No, no, you get one from column A OR two from column B."

Joey Dah Fish
04-09-2015, 10:17 PM
The bass population is in trouble, we must protect them! Unless of course you give us 2 dollars. Friggin joke

Exactly!!!! It's all about that cash bout that cash

shrimpman steve
04-09-2015, 10:35 PM
I'm thinkin of getting the bonus tag so I don't have to kill a cow. To be honest I hardly keep any. Last year if I kept five fish for the year it was a lot. And yes, I did catch a lot of bass last year. But every now and then I want to bring one home, or a neighbor asks for one. If I get the tag I don't have to take a big fish.

Gerry Zagorski
04-10-2015, 05:11 AM
I'm pretty cynical about State money grabbing since they are in our pockets for everything. However, I can't see how the $2.00 for a tag is a money grab... It probably costs the state more then $2.00 to issue and track the tags. If anything, it may cover the cost of administering the program.

I think it's more likley to get more information in regard to landings and stock assessment.

Gerry Zagorski
04-10-2015, 05:55 AM
So as I read the Striper Regs this is how I interpret them.

We have no closed season and if you don't have a bonus tag you are allowed 2 fish. 1 between 28 and 43 and one over 43 all year long. You must however be regsitered with the NJ Marine Registry unless you are fishing a charter or party boat and they have the regsitry covered .

If you have a bonus tag, on top of the regular regs:
- Until 8/31 you can keep a 3rd fish over 28 inches or you could have 2 fish between 28 and 43 and use the tag for one of them.
- From 8/31 on you can keep a 3rd fish between 24 and 28 inches and use the tag for it. Or, have one fish between 24 and 28 inches and use the tag for it.

So total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until 8/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
. 1 Fish 28 inches or more
- Between 8/31 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

Whenever you are in NY waters you can only have one fish 28 inches or more and only between 4/15 - 12/15. And, to possess a fish in NY you have to have be enrolled in the NY Marine Registry, unless you are on a charter or party boat and they are regsitered with NY.

If this is correct I'm going to need to print it out and keep it on the boat... My head hurt enough trying to figure it out once :rolleyes:

Reel Class
04-10-2015, 06:43 AM
I think the bigger concern besides the bass regs are the BS seabass regs AND seasons.

We basically have 5 weekends to fish seabass in the spring, and then the month of July becomes a by-catch, then it's closed till the end of October?!?!?

From 9/26 to 10/22 we gotta hope the porgies show, the giant bluefish come back and eat our transducers, and maybe we have SOMETHING else that's sustainable.

04-10-2015, 08:11 AM
You can have the National Registry, which is $25 that covers all states.

04-10-2015, 08:25 AM
The imbeciles making up these rules are banking on you not having a bonus tag for that second 28" fish, so they can take in a lot more in fines then just the $2.00....

Where is the conservation that this whole thing was about? Now you can legally take 3 fish (as long as you meet size limits) instead of 2 last year:confused:

Their brains are where their legs meet their waist!!

04-10-2015, 08:34 AM
So total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until 8/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
. 1 Fish 28 inches or more
- Between 8/31 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

Not so the 1 over 28 bonus tag is only in effect until the lawyer review goes through in 3 to 4 weeks then there is no bonus fish until 9/1/15when it becomes 1@ 24 to28

Capt. Lou
04-10-2015, 08:44 AM
Confusing for sure , doesn't bother me per se' but it as I understand it wasn't the bonus tag implemented to draw from the commercial tonnage initially ?
Not entirely sure of this relationship now but that's what was initially the intent .
Good or bad it is what it is, the sea bass regs hurt for sure ! At least fluke not terrible !
Hake on the horizon ?! Never ends , the guys up north can't even ground fish in many areas , their done !
Watch those dock pictures cutting of ur nose to spite ur face !!!:cool:

Gerry Zagorski
04-10-2015, 08:57 AM
You can have the National Registry, which is $25 that covers all states.

Hmmm - first time I've heard about that.

NY and NJ registry are however both free.

If you go the $25 National route, I would guess it does not cover you when fishing states like Florida where they have a paid salt water license??

04-10-2015, 08:58 AM
Last year was 2/1 3 fish, plus this law isn't in effect yet till the Gov signs it. So, we still fall under the 2014 rules

Gerry Zagorski
04-10-2015, 09:00 AM
So total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until 8/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
. 1 Fish 28 inches or more
- Between 8/31 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

Not so the 1 over 28 bonus tag is only in effect until the lawyer review goes through in 3 to 4 weeks then there is no bonus fish until 9/1/15when it becomes 1@ 24 to28

Huh?? :confused: first I've heard of this. Please elaborate.

04-10-2015, 09:02 AM
Gerry, license is different, if you state requires a license, you still need that. But the National Registry is means you don't have to apply for the registry in any one state. It covers you where ever you fish, but it isn't a license.

04-10-2015, 09:06 AM
Gerry, that is why we still fall under 2014 regs, until everything is looked at an the Gov signs. he has until the end of the month, then it goes in effect automatically.

04-10-2015, 09:07 AM
I'm pretty cynical about State money grabbing since they are in our pockets for everything. However, I can't see how the $2.00 for a tag is a money grab... It probably costs the state more then $2.00 to issue and track the tags. If anything, it may cover the cost of administering the program.

I think it's more likley to get more information in regard to landings and stock assessment.

Trying to make demand for tag. Then they will raise the price. just like size limits make it small at the beginning so no one cares then slowly raise it to the point of burdensome.

04-10-2015, 09:20 AM
Huh?? :confused: first I've heard of this. Please elaborate.

That is what was said at the meeting last and confirmed twice there will be no spring bonus tag after the lawyer review.

Everything for sea bass, fluke and stripers will be sent to the states attorneys today as soon as approved in 3 to 4 weeks all new regs will be in effect. The new bonus tag will supersede the existing one immediately but will not take effect to 9/1/15 to prevent the needles killing of a 3rd big fish in the spring

04-10-2015, 09:27 AM
That is what was said at the meeting last and confirmed twice there will be no spring bonus tag after the lawyer review.

Everything for sea bass, fluke and stripers will be sent to the states attorneys today as soon as approved in 3 to 4 weeks all new regs will be in effect. The new bonus tag will supersede the existing one immediately but will not take effect to 9/1/15 to prevent the needles killing of a 3rd big fish in the spring

Bureaucracy, like someone will get hurt the way it is written, or someone enforces it wrong.

04-10-2015, 09:29 AM
Well, I will be on my yak this weekend, and if I am lucky, I will catch 3 fish! :):)

Gerry Zagorski
04-10-2015, 09:34 AM
That is what was said at the meeting last and confirmed twice there will be no spring bonus tag after the lawyer review.

Everything for sea bass, fluke and stripers will be sent to the states attorneys today as soon as approved in 3 to 4 weeks all new regs will be in effect. The new bonus tag will supersede the existing one immediately but will not take effect to 9/1/15 to prevent the needles killing of a 3rd big fish in the spring

Thanks RBC so if/when all that comes to pass, then we will have this?

Total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until 8/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
- Between 9/1 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

Until it's signed into law, we have this

Total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until ??
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
. 1 Fish 28 inches or more
- Between 8/31 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

04-10-2015, 10:04 AM
Thanks Gerry, nothing is easy in this state!

04-10-2015, 10:08 AM
Here's another wrinkle....if, hypothetically, you have already purchased a 2015 bonus tag, will the use of that tag be prohibited once the NJDEP commissioner approves the new regs? Or will the bonus tags purchased prior to the new regs be honored?

04-10-2015, 10:29 AM
Face palm.

04-10-2015, 10:37 AM
Use it!

Gerry Zagorski
04-10-2015, 10:40 AM
Should be an interesting season for you and all the for hires Jay...

You'll have lots of "splanin" to do ;)

I can hear it now...

You can keep this but not that unless you have a tag and if you have a tag you can only use it after 8/31 and only during leap years :D

04-10-2015, 10:50 AM
why the hell cant they get this crap figured out before the damn season starts, people have been catchin stripers for a couple weeks now and no one knows what the hell is actually legal

04-10-2015, 11:14 AM
why the hell cant they get this crap figured out before the damn season starts, people have been catchin stripers for a couple weeks now and no one knows what the hell is actually legal

Still 2014 regs

04-10-2015, 11:21 AM
I already have a headache.

Should be an interesting season for you and all the for hires Jay...

You'll have lots of "splanin" to do ;)

I can hear it now...

You can keep this but not that unless you have a tag and if you have a tag you can only use it after 8/31 and only during leap years :D

Invisible Ralph
04-10-2015, 12:11 PM
So if you're in New Jersey waters in your boat is facing north, the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, Lord willing and the creek don't rise, you may or may not be allowed to catch two legal fish. Oh wait maybe three, but one has to be over 43 inches because that's good for the fishery. :eek:

04-10-2015, 12:38 PM
Any lawyers in the forum?

You have an open invite to fish with me anytime this season.

I'll need your services to decipher all this bull$hit so I know what I can keep and when.

Thank you...:cool:

04-10-2015, 01:48 PM
I already have a headache.

Kevin, you ready?

04-10-2015, 01:50 PM
So if you're in New Jersey waters in your boat is facing north, the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, Lord willing and the creek don't rise, you may or may not be allowed to catch two legal fish. Oh wait maybe three, but one has to be over 43 inches because that's good for the fishery. :eek:

Thats what I was thinking!

04-10-2015, 01:52 PM
I already have a headache.

Jerime will look at you and say should i lift, gaff or net, you won't know how many fish the guy has and say shoot it!

Tuna Tales
04-10-2015, 01:54 PM
Will not be seeing land much this season...too many BS regs inshore...especially on the seabass. Unreal.

Shark season can't come soooooon enough!!

Joe T.

04-10-2015, 02:13 PM
Total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until 8/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
- Between 9/1 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

Until it's signed into law, we have this

Total possession limits if you have and use a tag are as follows
- Until ??
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 Fish over 43
. 1 Fish 28 inches or more
- Between 8/31 and 12/31
. 1 fish between 28 and 43
. 1 fish over 43
. 1 fish between 24 and 28

If you are in NY waters you can only have one fish 28 inches or more and only between 4/15 - 12/15. What if between 8/31 and 12/31 you are in NY waters and have a NJ Bonus Tag fish between 24 and 28...will it be illegal ?

04-10-2015, 04:37 PM
If you are in NY waters you can only have one fish 28 inches or more and only between 4/15 - 12/15. What if between 8/31 and 12/31 you are in NY waters and have a NJ Bonus Tag fish between 24 and 28...will it be illegal ?

It is based off of where you launched from.

shrimpman steve
04-10-2015, 05:02 PM
It is based off of where you launched from.

I don't think this is true. I could be wrong, but if you are in ny waters you must abide by ny rules.

04-10-2015, 05:11 PM
I don't think this is true. I could be wrong, but if you are in ny waters you must abide by ny rules.

Then you would have more then half the boaters, headboats and charters breaking the law then. And, my yaking friends and i! Now, you cant go up tributaries or in bays and expect "the Launch Rule" would work, but if your out in the bay, there is no way to police it.

04-10-2015, 05:28 PM
If you are in NY waters you can only have one fish 28 inches or more and only between 4/15 - 12/15. What if between 8/31 and 12/31 you are in NY waters and have a NJ Bonus Tag fish between 24 and 28...will it be illegal ?

Nope tag is Jersey only according to what they said last night

04-10-2015, 06:11 PM
Nope tag is Jersey only according to what they said last night

Exactly. I'm wondering having a fish less than 28 would be illegal in NY waters even if you have an NJ tag.. Since NJ tag is not valid in NY.

04-10-2015, 06:45 PM
Then you would have more then half the boaters, headboats and charters breaking the law then. And, my yaking friends and i! Now, you cant go up tributaries or in bays and expect "the Launch Rule" would work, but if your out in the bay, there is no way to police it.

Go over to Staten Island with short fish and watch what happens. Oh and you better have a NY license.

04-10-2015, 06:50 PM
Here is what my understanding is :
1)The Striper 2015 Regulation of 1 fish at 28" or greater and 1 Fish at 43" or greater is already at Christies office for signature. That could happen tomorrow or in his time frame but most likely sooner than later, (before any real spring run)
Until then 2014 regulations apply.

2) The Bonus Tag is a separate issue and the proposed 2015 Bonus Tag has to go through Lawyer review and then be presented to Christie for signature. This could take 3-4 weeks or longer. Until he signs it 2014 Bonus Tag rules and pre-purchased 2015 Bonus tags will be honored. The Day he signs the 2015 Tag regs, the Bonus tag will be removed until Sept 1. We believe that pre-purchased bonus tags will be honored.

One concern the state has is that many bonus tags do not get returned which results in a loss of data that the program was initiated for so please if you buy one fill it out and return it. Its obvious that its easier if not policed to just retain the one bonus tag and re-use it again again and again but then we become part of the problem.


Fluke regs are what they are and if you want any input on the 53% reduction over 2 years on seabass after they admit the stock is rebuilt then the Long Branch Meeting should be overflowing to the streets.

04-10-2015, 07:38 PM
Go over to Staten Island with short fish and watch what happens. Oh and you better have a NY license.

What NY License?

04-10-2015, 07:41 PM
Here is what my understanding is :
1)The Striper 2015 Regulation of 1 fish at 28" or greater and 1 Fish at 43" or greater is already at Christies office for signature. That could happen tomorrow or in his time frame but most likely sooner than later, (before any real spring run)
Until then 2014 regulations apply.

2) The Bonus Tag is a separate issue and the proposed 2015 Bonus Tag has to go through Lawyer review and then be presented to Christie for signature. This could take 3-4 weeks or longer. Until he signs it 2014 Bonus Tag rules and pre-purchased 2015 Bonus tags will be honored. The Day he signs the 2015 Tag regs, the Bonus tag will be removed until Sept 1. We believe that pre-purchased bonus tags will be honored.

One concern the state has is that many bonus tags do not get returned which results in a loss of data that the program was initiated for so please if you buy one fill it out and return it. Its obvious that its easier if not policed to just retain the one bonus tag and re-use it again again and again but then we become part of the problem.


Fluke regs are what they are and if you want any input on the 53% reduction over 2 years on seabass after they admit the stock is rebuilt then the Long Branch Meeting should be overflowing to the streets.

Exactly correct, finally someone can read!

shrimpman steve
04-10-2015, 09:01 PM
Not a ny license but you must be in the ny saltwater registry. The nj saltwater registry in no good in ny. Renewed both of mine today very easy no cost (yet)

04-10-2015, 11:38 PM
What NY License?

Go to the NY site to buy a license, upon checkout it is free. The site is either DECAL or DECALS

04-11-2015, 09:41 AM
Not a ny license but you must be in the ny saltwater registry. The nj saltwater registry in no good in ny. Renewed both of mine today very easy no cost (yet)

Yes it is the registry, not a license, but if you have a National Registry, you don't need either; NY or NJ!

Gerry Zagorski
04-18-2015, 05:38 AM
The way the NY/NJ regulations work is not based on the port you sail out of, it is where you are at any given point in time.

If you are in NJ and happen to get boarded you need to be in compliance with NJ regs. If in NY then NY regs.

So if you catch a legal fish and have your legal possession limit in NJ, once you cross over into NY, it does not matter if your are fishing or not, you have to be in compliance with the NY regs.

Thus Yasar's fall bonus tag fish between 24 and 28 would be illegal to possess in NY waters since NY laws are one fish over 28".

Lets take the opposite scenario...

Joey 2 Bags from Great Kills Harbor NY jumps on his boat and comes over into NJ waters. Lets assume he is in the NJ salt water registry and catches and keeps 2 fish that are legal according to NJ regs and while he is in NJ waters. As soon as he is crosses back over into NY waters, FUHGETABOUTIT, he is out of complaince since NY has a 1 fish limit.

You got a problem wit dat ?