View Full Version : FinTazTic****4/10 Thru 4/19 open Boat Avalibility****FinTazTic

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
04-06-2015, 08:26 AM
Charters on Striper and Winter Flounder Trips from 4/1--4/30

Also if anyone is intrested we will run a few trips for ling and cod during the week please call to inquire

Cost is 125 per person for Striped Bass and Flounder,not including tip for Mate. Call for Ling and Cod rates , We need 4 people to sail, Bait,Tackle are included as well as soft drinks. We will filet you catch and pack it in ice for your ride home. We will be using clams, chunking ,live lining ,trolling,what ever works we will work as hard as we can to find and put fish in the boat for you

Charter trips start at 6am until 1pm
Twilight Charters start at 1pm until 7pm
Weekend Dates are filling up

Thanks Capt. Pete and Capt. Tom,Capt Greg ,MateFrank

Saturday 4/11 6 am-1 pm - 4 spots available

Saturday 4/11 1pm-7pm - 4 spots available

Sunday 4/12 6 am-1 pm - 2 spots avalible

Sunday 4/12 1pm-7pm - 3 spots available

Monday 4/13 6am-1 pm -booked

Monday 4/13 1pm-7 pm - 3 spots available

Tuesday 4/14 6am-1 pm - 6 spots available

Tuesday 4/14 1pm-7 pm - 6 spots available

Wednesday 4/15 6am-1 pm - 6 spots available

Wenesday 4/15 1pm-7 pm - 6 spots available

Thursday 4/16 6am-1 pm - 6 spots available

Thursday 4/16 1pm-7 pm - 6 spots available

Friday 4/17 6am-1 pm - 6 spots available

Friday 4/17 1pm-7pm - 6 spots available

Saturday 4/18 - 6am-1 pm - booked

Saturday 4/18 - 1pm-7pm - 3 spots

Sunday 4/19 - 6am-1 pm - 6 spots available

Sunday 4/19 - 1pm-7pm - 6 spots available

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
04-07-2015, 04:13 PM
I just got off the boat at 4 pm with Capt. Greg There is bunker around and I did mark fish . Water temp.is between 45 & 46 degrees . We will be fishing for striped bass this Thrus,Fri,Sat,and Sun . Please call for avalibility . As always bait,tackle and soft drinks are included. Cost is 125 per person not including tip for mate.
Thanks Capt. Pete

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
04-08-2015, 07:57 AM
Open boat for this weekend

Fri- am 6-1 4 spots
Sat- am 6-1. 4 spots
Sat- pm 1-7. 6 spots
Sun- am 6-1. 2 spots
Sun- pm 1-7. 4 spots
Mon- am booked
Mon- pm 1-7. 3 spots

Catch them Up
Capt. Pete

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
04-09-2015, 03:39 PM