View Full Version : Day 2 Marathon Report

04-03-2015, 02:39 PM
Today we opted for a half day bottom trip inshore of the reef line on a spot they have named the mutton Hotel although we were told it also holds some big grouper. Before I go on any further , we knew going in that grouper season was closed and any grouper we caught regardless of size or species had to be released (and yes it is legal to catch and release any out of season species-just illegal to keep).

After once again filling the live well with pilchards on one throw of the net we made the 4.5 run in a short time. Before anchoring, we hung a bag of chum over the stern and circled the spot to get a nice scent trail going. Once anchored we free lined shrimp back on 1/0 hooks on light spinning gear. Took less then 2 minutes and we had legal mutton snappers coming into the book. We lost as many as we boated because they'd rock you up quick if you didn't turn them as soon as you felt the bite. In addition we caught. Few legal yellowtail snapper, parrotfish and a surgeonfish using this technique. As a bonus we hooked and landed 1 sub legal black grouper and one just legal siEd black grouper (released). That bite slowed and we set out a heavier outfit with a 1/2 ounce jig head that we baited with a live pilchard. Those puppies were hammered within minutes. We broke off some fish at first but we're soon able to land a few in the #8-12 class. Had a bites that bit through the short trace of #4 wire (shark or kingfish). I had what felt like a real nice one on, had it half way before it popped off. Upon examination of the jig head it showed that the hook broke. I landed the big one of the day at #15. Jason also got a nice #8 Nassau grouper.

Did a have a #25-30 class king mackerel and a school of jacks come through the slick but couldn't get any to bite our offerings.

Today's tally was @20 muttons, 2 yellowtail, 15 black grouper, 1 Nassau grouper, a parrotfish and a surgeonfish. Only kept one mutton and the yellowtail for the table tonight.

Back at it tomorrow.

bunker dunker
04-03-2015, 03:29 PM
good for you and your son Andy.sounds like a great trip.

04-03-2015, 11:26 PM
Love Florida bottom fishin'. You never know what's at the end of your line. Tomorrow you should get a few more different species - catch'em up :)

04-04-2015, 09:09 AM
Sounds like an awesome trip. Remember years ago fishing for grouper out of Bud and Mary's in Islamorada. Man those fish are like blackfish on steroids. If you didn't turn them instantly you were in the rocks. Very powerful fish and great table fare. Good job with all the releases, they'll be waiting for you next time you revisit that rock pile.
