View Full Version : Trout Conservation Area Clean Up

03-30-2015, 07:59 PM
This is a response that I received from the Valley View Medical Group regarding my complaint about the debris and litter behind their facility along the TCA stretch in Riverdale. Thanks to Birdman for the heads up. One picture.........as they say. In this case, one well-placed email along with the picture to the right person, seems to have gotten the ball rolling. If you are wondering what I'm talking about, check the recent thread about ice still holding on. I admit that I don't fish in that area but the picture was upsetting enough to have me say something about it. If you see something, say something. That goes for poaching, littering etc. Help keep our rivers clean.

Good Afternoon,
I received a copy of your email. Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us.
Ironically I took pictures of the area around the dumpsters to send to the landlord. He had someone come out this afternoon to clean up the debris. The bags are stacked next to the dumpsters and will be removed by Wednesday.
I appreciate you reaching out and the landlord has promised to stay on top of this.
Thank you again,
Katie Cole
Regional Manager - Valley Medical Group

The Birdman
03-30-2015, 08:11 PM
Glad I could help out ! When i pulled up to scene on Friday i just had to take a picture of that mess.
Also- my mother happens to work for Valley (main location in Ridgewood), I have a contact there and let them know too.
The trash looked more like foodservice trash from the other businesses that shares that parking lot ( Boniello's, blimpie, Precious chinese).
I wonder what it looks like now . Thanks for taking action on this billfish

NJ Dave
03-30-2015, 09:41 PM
Nice job on both of your parts.
Its a shame cause by monday after opening weekend this area will be littered with worm boxes, lure packages, and empty salmon egg jars.
Its such a shame that peopme are such slobs.

03-30-2015, 10:09 PM
It's important to say something if you see something. If you see a slob, say something. All of us can help by just picking up some litter along the banks. I often stuff discarded monofilament or worm containers in my vest while I'm fishing. The area that was in the picture is a TCA. There won't be/shouldn't be any discarded fishing litter in that spot.

03-31-2015, 01:30 AM
I contacted this group.


Thanx to all involved. Sometimes it's as easy as just saying something.