View Full Version : Tagged bluefin turns up 7 years later in farm

03-26-2015, 05:31 PM
This tuna's journey's pretty cool. After being tagged in Basque Country at 1 it travels across Atlantic at least twice before being caught 7 years later in a purse seine and transported to a fish farm.

It's got to be tough for a fish to avoid capture its whole life?


03-26-2015, 06:26 PM
There have been several tag returns from bluefin that have been caught in the western Atlantic and were captured in Mediteranean waters. In the 90's the NMFS was giving out tags to use on pelagics. i used them to tag and release school bluefin in the ocean off Manasquan Inlet for several years back then. Several years ago I received a letter that one of my tags was turned in from a boat fishing near Spain. It was 9 years after the tuna was released and had grown to 325lbs. At the time there were very few tag returns . This proves that our bluefin mix with Eastern atlantic tunas. Over the last decade there have been other tag returns I'm sure but little of this info has caught my eye. Thanks for the post :D

03-28-2015, 08:34 AM
Thanks for the post. I love when scientific study is applied to the fisheries