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View Full Version : Fish Monger II Open Boat Apr/ May Cod Blackfish Ling

Capt. Jerry P
03-25-2015, 09:33 AM
Hello All,

Everyone has been asking so here is our Open Boat Schedule for April and Early May. We will start out Mixed bag in the deep early Apr for Cod Blackfish and Ling until the water is warm enough to just target blackfish. We should see more ling and blackfish with cod as the water temp rises. If your looking for blackfish only the second half of April is always best. Fresh Clam, crabs and all tackle provided.

We will also offer some Winter Flounder fishing in Apr in the bay and river as an alternative on days the wind is blowing but weather still nice for those who want to get out out. Also great for the kids after a long winter!!!

In Early May we usually see some pretty great Ling fishing along with some Cod and Flounder while waiting for stripers to arrive. If a jig bite develops for bass and blues we will often end the day with that after our fill of bottomfish ( if available)

As always Bottom trips are All Day The Monger Way So pack a big lunch! All trips limited to 10 passengers. All Bait and tackle included. As an inspected vessel we also have a fillet permit so the mates will b able to fillet at sea just like the party boat.

We have added a few more dates ( listed below) as some of the original dates sold out very quickly through the text list. If you would like to join the list text your contact info and what your interested in fishing for to Capt Jerry @732 688 0765 for all the latest on charter dates open boats trips and last min availability.

Apr - Cod Blackfish Ling - Limited to 10 passengers - All Day Trips $130 p/p

Tues 4/7 - 7 spots available
Thurs 4/9 - 8 spots
Mon 4/13 - 2 spots
Wed 4/15 ( New date just added ) - 10 spots or charter
Thurs 4/16 - Now Full
Mon 4/20 - Now Full
Tues 4/21 - Now Full
Thurs 4/23 ( New date just added ) - 10 spots or charter
Tues 4/28 - 2 spots
Wed 4/29 ( New date just added ) - 8 spots

May - Ling Cod Flounder - Limited to 10 passengers - All Day Trips $130 p/p

Fri 5/1 ( New date just added ) - 8 spots
Thurs 5/7 - Now Full
Mon 5/11 - Now Full
Tues 5/12 - 3 spots
Thurs 5/14 - 4 spots
Fri 5/15 - 8 spots

Reservations are req. Book you spot now by texting Capt Jerry 732 688 0765 or by calling the office at 732 403 6056. Thanks and looking forward to having ya aboard with us!!!

Capt Jerry