03-24-2015, 06:51 PM
My 2 earliest fish in my log book over the years is April 9th one year and April 14th another in 43 degree water. I always start trolling plugs first in the early season then when the bunker comes in we chunk/ liveline. Although the bait comes in, there have been days when they wont bite on the bait and we start pulling the plugs and catch em on the troll. I know a big way of catching these early season bass is clamming but i kind of gave that up a few years ago. We have caught our fair share of 25+ lbs fish on the clams but theres just something about trolling and bunker fishing that gets me going....P.S just because April 9th is the earliest I have caught them, is because thats the earliest the boat has ever been in the water and the earliest I have ever fished and it doesn't mean that there aren't some resident fish around. After this long winter and busting my a** in the police academy since January, my buddy and I plan on hitting the beach on Friday night in the Bayshore area to wet a line and seeing if there are any fish cruising along the shoreline to get an early season meal. Will let you guys and girls know how we make out. Tight lines this season everyone and most importantly, be safe out there.