View Full Version : Sharkfest in Atlantic Highlands!!!
03-23-2015, 11:40 AM
Gerry Zagorski
03-23-2015, 12:16 PM
Yes and is one of the sponsors.
A Shark Tournament will be held duing the event too... Been a while since we had a shark tournament run out of the bay shore area so I'm looking forward to it.
03-23-2015, 03:19 PM
I'm in......
03-23-2015, 05:12 PM
some of the classic scenes...
Mikey topaz
03-24-2015, 08:56 AM
Nice! Kathy k will be in!
Capt. Debbie
03-24-2015, 09:59 AM
Ahh. The glory days. In 1989 I won 1st,2nd 3rd in Bahrs Shark tournament.
Miss those days.
This is a great idea.
Yes and is one of the sponsors.
A Shark Tournament will be held duing the event too... Been a while since we had a shark tournament run out of the bay shore area so I'm looking forward to it.
03-24-2015, 04:54 PM
Any idea if AHMH will have transient slips available for the weekend? Would love to take the boat over and tie up instead of driving in.
I'm guessing the ramp is gonna be a zoo that weekend!
NJF raft up in the harbor???...:D...anyone have a dingy to shuttle peeps back and forth to shore?
its called the "Are you Man Enough Shark Challenge" ... surely this will attract only the finest sportsmen to our new jersey waters LOL
Hunter 2
03-25-2015, 05:54 AM
:mad: My crew and I will be down in Myrtle beach during Sharkfest. My Topaz holds NJ state Thresher shark record 683 lbs since 2009. It was caught with my buddy Captain Jeff at the helm. Good luck and safe travels to all who participate.
Gerry Zagorski
03-25-2015, 06:45 AM
More info to follow here as the details get worked out but this should be a fun event so mark your calendars.
Thursday 6/11 Tournament Captains Meeting - Time and place TBD
Friday 6/12 and Saturday 6/13 Fish Days in 4 shifts.
- Friday 6/12 Morning
Start 6 AM
End 8 PM
- Friday 6/12 Night
Start 6 PM
End 8 AM (Sat Morn)
- Saturday 6/13 Morning
Start 6 AM
End 8 PM
- Saturday 6/13 Night
Start 6 PM
End 8 AM (Sun Morn)
Duff - Pretty sure Atlantic Highlands has transient slips but you should call the harbor master to see if you can reserve one in advance since I would bet they will go fast (732) 291-1670. If not AH then you can try Leonardo State Marina.
An NJF raft up sounds like a great idea too. Maybe Sunday afternoon 6/14 after the tournament?? Lots of places in the immediate area that are great for raft ups. I know there's a launch run out of AH that shuttles people out to the sail boat moorings. I think it's run by the AH Yacht Club so that might be an option.
Gerry Zagorski
03-25-2015, 08:02 AM
Frank and Hunter - Didn't know we were is the presence of some NJF Shark royalty on the board here.
A few stories about your experiences would go a long way to help warm us up as we get through the last of this cold weather.
I've got a few quick ones ....
Huge Tiger
We were out Tuna Fishing in the Canyon with Dave Bender and crew on the Jenny Lee, anchored up on the chunk at night... We had a pretty consistent Tuna bite going most of the night and all of a sudden it shut off like a light switch.
We were are all scratching our heads wondering what happened to the bite and then all of a sudden we got our answer. A huge 10 foot plus Tiger Shark came into our slick and he wasn't leaving. What to do now?? If he hangs around you can be sure nothing else will so we pitch him a bait. He picks it up and it's game on....
The fight lasted at least 2 hours with everyone taking their turns fighting the beast. The pole, as Dave would say, "Was getting passed around like a Spliff at a Dead concert". He went up to the bow a few times and I think it was Jimmy Gahms who took the pole up with him so we wouldn't get tangled in our anchor line.... This fish was so big it's like he didn't even know we had him hooked. We had him on a 50 and he was taking line at will... The only time we'd gain line is when he decided to swim towards the boat.
Most of us had long given up on this Shark after an hour and a half with no line gained, but not Jimmy..... He was determined and 1/2 hour later he had the beast along side the boat long enough for us all to get a good look at him, Jimmy cut the line and we parted ways.
The Alure of Sharks
Bobby Konz and crew took us out to film a Shark Episode on the Alure for the New Jersey Fishing show. We were fishing during the daylight hours and had a few Blue Sharks but not the ones we wanted. It was a fairly uneventful day and then it happened..... Probably one of my most awesome 15 minutes I've ever experienced out on the water... A group of four or five 1000 pound plus Basking Sharks decided to come check us out....
I was in the cockpit when I first saw them so I called Tina Cervasio our host to come out on the deck to check them out.... I will never forget the look on her face when she leaned over the stern and saw them. Her jaw dropped and out of sheer fear, she turned away and headed right back into the cabin to collect herself. I think she might have needed a warbrobe change too ;)
These sharks were larger then the 14 foot beam of the Allure. They hung out with us and would pass by our stern like buses coming to pick up kids at the curb. After about 15 minutes or so they must have lost interest in us but not before they'd give us one last thrill.... One of them breached, slapped it's tail as if to say, "nothing to see here" and left as quickly as they came.
We all took a deep breath and were practically speechless for a few minutes while we proccessed what had just happened. Luckily the carmera guy John kept his wits about him and we caught it all on film.
This tournament sounds awesome I hope I can fish it.
03-25-2015, 09:06 AM
I've been wanting to try a 5k. This one looks perfect to make my debut. Let's see this fat boy run 3 miles! (and then crawl the last 0.1 and end up in the fetal position on the finish line)
Hunter 2
03-25-2015, 11:25 AM
I was not aboard that day but here's a link to the story, Eddie
broken bobber
03-25-2015, 11:33 AM
is this just catch and release ?
Shark Challenge
03-25-2015, 01:01 PM
Hi Everyone!!!
My name is Jack Donlon, Director of Shark Fest 2015.
My Cell number is 609 349 2375.
If anyone has any questions I am always available.
I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself and answer a few questions and comments on this thread.
Shark Fest is a shark themed family weekend festival. There will be dozens of vendors, food trucks, continuous live music, Beer :Dmostly for the kids:D, Free admission, Free Shark Shows every 2 hours, Free Kids Dishing Derby. There will be inflatables, a rock wall and a Mechanical Shark Ride. At the festival there are several large screens that play video... Video and stills from the Shark tournament taking place the same weekend. The crowds can experience the fun of fishing and the thrill of Shark Fishing... A Big Shark Party!
Yes, there is a 5K run that is fun to watch... It has a Free Kids "fun Run" as well. During the 5K the runners will encounter "sharks" at the mile markers that fill the air with RED Powder... so it is a color run too.
Finally- to the point... While all this is taking place and I am parking cars-the "Are You Man Enough Shark Challenge 6" is taking place.
Teams fish shifts from Friday through Sunday morning. #tag and release 60" or greater Blue, Mako or Thresher for points. Our method of validation is 100%. Additionally, the Calcuttas are for Mako and Thresher and those shark are brought back for weigh-in at Shark Fest. Great lengths have been gone to and years of tweaks and drastic changes have enabled us to present a hybrid tournament that rewards catch and release AND allows a responsible, limited amount of anglers to make their own legal choices. There is also a grand prize in the making for setting the NJ State Thresher record.
The event supports a charity called SHARK SENSE, Inc. This organization is dedicated to stopping the brutal act of Shark Finning which kills millions of Shark annually. Shark Sense is also dedicated to educating the public that Shark Finning and recreational shark fishing are not the same...
The corporations that are decimating the rain forests do so by cutting down trees... My Landscaper also cuts down trees... We certainly do not blame the landscaper for destroying the rainforest... :cool:
Yes- the name is the "Are You Man Enough? Shark Challenge! 6" I have taken great heat for the tongue in cheek name that some take waaaay too seriously. It makes great headlines and news clips so I kept it...
We had an explosion of entries since I put the entry page up 2 days ago... I can assure you the caliber of anglers registered so far will meet anyone's standards...
There are a limited amount of transient slips available at AHMH for Shark Fest weekend. Call the Harbor Master to reserve.
I hope to meet many of you at Shark Fest and look forward to re-joining the local Raritan fishing community.
Gerry Zagorski
03-25-2015, 02:50 PM
Thanks Jack
Gerry Zagorski
03-25-2015, 02:54 PM
I was not aboard that day but here's a link to the story, Eddie
I'll bet you were kicking yourself wherever you were :)
That's a great fish!!
Is this the same weekend of any other major shark tournaments. I know south jersey is usually the first weekend of june. Brett Bailey and warriors is same weekend. Just curious. I haven't seen official dates released for tournaments.
So only calcutta for weighed fish and how are you going to verify releases. I know a lot of bs happens with release points.
03-26-2015, 11:22 PM
looks cool. any size min on the makos?
shrimpman steve
03-27-2015, 08:09 AM
Fins to the left
Fins to the right
And your the only bait in town
Can you feel them circling
Can you feel them swimmin around
Shark Challenge
03-28-2015, 04:52 PM
Hi Dmac-
100% proven and fail safe verification process.
Shark Challenge
03-28-2015, 04:54 PM
looks cool. any size min on the makos?
60" min on all Shark
Mako & Thresher calcutta
C&R >60" Mako, Thresher, Blue for points
I think this is same weekend as south jersey and Brett bailey. Unfortunately cant fish them all. Id be all for this tournament and wish more tournaments would push minimum to at least 65" for makos. Before people jump all over that comment its a tournament and likelihood of mako below 150 placing is almost zero. If you want to take fish above legal limit of 54" that is your right and I would never fault anyone for it, but to hang it in tournament is waste of time
03-29-2015, 04:53 AM
South Jersey Tournament is same weekend....Have to agree with Dennis on the tournament point and bringing in the smaller sharks for that purpose and maybe that's where the point system for C+R has a place for value. Keeping for personal harvest is another point in itself.
03-29-2015, 11:50 AM
60" min on all Shark
Mako & Thresher calcutta
C&R >60" Mako, Thresher, Blue for points
in my humble opinion you should make minimum weight 400 lbs on makos....all the rest catch and release for points. anything under 400 lbs is an absolute tiny mako shark.. I am not a catch and release nut but hanging 200 lb makos is silly. I used to kill small makos when I lived back east as well...since moving to California we will not even bait one that is under 400 lbs..they get so much bigger it is embarrassing to kill the small one's. either way good luck with your tourney nothing but best wishes for success!
03-29-2015, 03:04 PM
Oh goodie. Cant wait to see the disaster that will be the harbor that weekend. Parking will be insane and I hope everyone that comes to the marina has up to date registration and inspection on there car since remember it is a municipal harbor and they do ride through and check things like that. Also on another note be aware the whole marina is under CCTV surveillance. Now to the fishing aspect I cant wait to see all those tails hanging in the marina. Another aspect which is great if your family or kids get the fishing itch we have a great fleet of Sponsor Party Boats down there too.
Gerry Zagorski
03-29-2015, 05:05 PM
in my humble opinion you should make minimum weight 400 lbs on makos....all the rest catch and release for points. anything under 400 lbs is an absolute tiny mako shark.. I am not a catch and release nut but hanging 200 lb makos is silly. I used to kill small makos when I lived back east as well...since moving to California we will not even bait one that is under 400 lbs..they get so much bigger it is embarrassing to kill the small one's. either way good luck with your tourney nothing but best wishes for success!
They obviously run a lot bigger out in CA O'Conner...A 400 pound Mako would have won every tournament here in NJ... It's usually something in the low 300s that takes they money here in NJ.
03-29-2015, 06:13 PM
They obviously run a lot bigger out in CA O'Conner...A 400 pound Mako would have won every tournament here in NJ... It's usually something in the low 300s that takes they money here in NJ.
Based on what I learned out here fishing for them I just think NJ shark fisherman are fishing the wrong areas @ the wrong times for big fish. a 500 lb is not going to waste time chasing 4 lb bluefish around the triple wrecks in June. I have my suspicions that the real Giant Makos move past New Jersey in the canyons fast during the month of May following tuna, dolphins(mammals) whales etc. I also believe they are back in the same areas in November/December when the Giant Bluefin are in the canyons. They catch absolute Giant Makos @ stelwagen and georges banks in MA.The biggest mako I have ever heard of was taken up there by that dude Paul Hebert from Wicked Tuna. I believe it was 1700 lbs. I would think those fish have to swim past NJ in order to get to there summer feeding areas. There are much better fisherman on here than I, but I do think in order to have a shot at the real biggies Nj sharkers would have to adjust their tactics and thinking.
03-29-2015, 06:15 PM
They obviously run a lot bigger out in CA O'Conner...A 400 pound Mako would have won every tournament here in NJ... It's usually something in the low 300s that takes they money here in NJ.
Worked the scales at two major shark tournaments the last two years... think there was one fish that broke 300 the entire time :confused:
03-30-2015, 11:34 AM
in my humble opinion you should make minimum weight 400 lbs on makos....all the rest catch and release for points. anything under 400 lbs is an absolute tiny mako shark.. I am not a catch and release nut but hanging 200 lb makos is silly. I used to kill small makos when I lived back east as well...since moving to California we will not even bait one that is under 400 lbs..they get so much bigger it is embarrassing to kill the small one's. either way good luck with your tourney nothing but best wishes for success!
From a resource perspective, you are better off killing the smaller sharks than you are killing the large, mature females.
03-30-2015, 03:05 PM
Brett T Bailey and the Wounded Warriors shark tourneys both on same wknd out of M.I.
03-31-2015, 02:59 PM
that is a bad weekend to be a shark-
Having this many tournaments the same weekend just reduces entries in all of them except for the two that follow the same checkouts and timeframes. BB and WW. I think I will go shark trolling this weekend the entire 20-50 fathom curve will be one giant slick. Lol:D
Shark Challenge
05-09-2015, 05:18 PM
So - As the Weather gets better and the Tournament grows closer, I am excited to announce some updates to the Shark Challenge!
Shark Challenge 2015 or as I prefer.. The "Are You Man Enough Shark Challenge 6..." June 11-14th NASCAR Style Start (in order of entry) from Buoy 2 off Sandy Hook. Teams fish their choice of shift(s) Friday Morning, Friday Night, Saturday Morning and or Saturday night.
We have had such an overwhelming response that it actually caused some logistic issues. Believe me a great problem to have.
The GREAT NEWS is that we will now be able to accommodate as many teams as enter and I can FINALLY open up the 28 foot and smaller division.
The 28 foot and under portion of the tournament with different price points will likely end up it's own tournament within the tournament! NASCAR Start for 28 and under too so if you are thinking about entering- register with your deposit and hold your starting position.
The start and finish for all shifts is unchanged, but we are moving the weigh-in/Check-in station to Baker's Marina on the Bay in the Highlands. Just about a mile up the shore line and we will be able to accommodate much more volume. The more volume the more PRIZE $$$!
They are also providing us with an awesome dockside space for the teams and their guests for the big weigh-in and award party on Sunday.
All the info and even some past videos are on the website- Check them out when you get a chance.
Again, good luck to all who enter and I hope to see you there!
Questions? I am always available! give me a call...
Jack Donlon
609 349 2375 Cell
Shark Challenge
05-16-2015, 08:39 AM
Big thanks Tom at Marina on the Bay in The Highlands for providing an awesome location for our weigh station and Awards Dinner!
And of Course to Pete from Atlantic Bait and Tackle who is our Official Weigh Master - Sponsor - and providing deep discounts and bait packages to the teams in the Are You Man Enough Shark Challenge!
Also a shout out to Mike from Shark Bite Bucktails who has generously donated a bunch of shark bucktails for the teams to step up their game at tournament time!!!
Good Luck to all of the teams!
We only saw 4 boats fishing the whole day
3 were blackfishing and old retired guy who is out all the time was fluking
Can not imagine fishing in our area and only seeing 4 boats all day. Enclosed are few more pics
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