View Full Version : Bunker Chunkin Party Boat Style

Capt Sal
03-23-2015, 03:28 AM
Little different then clamming. You guys that have done it on the six pack boats already know and don't need any help. First of all the bait is bigger and so are the bass. A stout rod is a must! You need power to set the hook. I like a 7' rod with power and a conventional reel with no level wind. I spool up with 30lb ande. We use a 2' leader with 40lb floro carbon barrel swivel with a sliding fish finder above. We always use black fish finders so the blues don't hit it on the way in when fighting a bass. You might ask-Why such a short leader? The bait stays on the bottom and believe me it is easier to cast with the fish finder rig. If you want more leader let out a little more line after the cast.
I know you have heard this before but leave the noodle rods home. No hook setting power and bigger fish make for less fish landed and a bunch of unhappy guys waiting for you to land your fish. We use a ''minimum of a 8-0 hook when bunker chunking all the way up to 12-0! Free spool is the ticket letting the bass run with the chunk engaging the reel ,reeling in the slack and the setting the hook. Do circle hooks work ? You bet but in the hands of the more experienced anglers. If you are a novice stick with j hooks until you get a few trips under belt. If you are thinking about purchasing a rod and reel and have a hard time casting a conventional I have a suggestion. Most reel companies sell spinning reels with bait runners. Now you can cast and still be able to free spool. Bass season will be here soon and I know some of the PB boats will be bunker chunking this spring in Raritan Bay. If you have not done it before feel free to ask question and will be more then willing to help. This is also a great way to get the youngsters started.:)

Gerry Zagorski
03-23-2015, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the tips. It won't be long now Sal. Going to be interesting to see if our season is delayed with all this cold weather. I've noticed over the years it usually gets going once the forsythias bloom.

Can't wait the hear those clickers screaming.

Capt Sal
03-23-2015, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the tips. It won't be long now Sal. Going to be interesting to see if our season is delayed with all this cold weather. I've noticed over the years it usually gets going once the forsythias bloom.

Can't wait the hear those clickers screaming.

In my experience the cold winters produce the best striper fishing. When they bite early they leave early. Everyone has cabin fever and wants to wet a line. Nothing better then when the bass bite in the bay thru June! Remember years ago NY didn't even open until May 8. Got some real good PB capts. in Atlantic Highlands and they are going to carry bunker. The bass fishing in the pm is real good in the bay also and the nite Capt has a ton of experience. Going to be interesting.

Gerry Zagorski
03-23-2015, 01:23 PM
In my experience the cold winters produce the best striper fishing. When they bite early they leave early. Everyone has cabin fever and wants to wet a line. Nothing better then when the bass bite in the bay thru June! Remember years ago NY didn't even open until May 8. Got some real good PB capts. in Atlantic Highlands and they are going to carry bunker. The bass fishing in the pm is real good in the bay also and the nite Capt has a ton of experience. Going to be interesting.

I hope your predictions are correct Sal... Looking forward to getting the boat ready ASAP to take full advantage of the spring bay fishery again this year.

I know most anchor but on a nice calm day when the tide is not moving too fast, we've had some luck drifting chunks too, especially in certain areas when your marking fish on the sounder.

I can hear the clickers screaming already :)

03-23-2015, 09:24 PM
I can hear the clickers screaming already :)

You got that right...

shrimpman steve
03-23-2015, 11:53 PM
You know I'll be among the first out there

Can finally get the boat out of the yard. Hoping to be ready in two weeks.
I look forward to seeing you all out there!

03-24-2015, 10:29 AM
You know I'll be among the first out there

there goes THAT bite.......

Joey Dah Fish
03-24-2015, 10:41 AM
there goes THAT bite.......

Shrimpman is thinking about get ready to prepare to stand by to again ponder the thought of working on the boat :D

Capt Sal
03-27-2015, 02:31 AM
If you chunk it they will come!!! The cheapest thing is your mono so change it now not after you break off your PB striper! OK the same goes for braid.:eek: No matter how many posts or suggestions are put here on this board about braid being a night mare on a Party Boats fishing for bass and blues it falls upon deaf ears. Mono is easier to handle and more forgiving than braid.Fluke yes bass no! I am strictly talking Party Boats.:)

Gerry Zagorski
03-27-2015, 08:36 AM
I'm with you Sal, especially for live lining on private boats as well. I've lost more then my fair share of Stripers on braid. You get a good solid run, you go to set the hook and the fish comes unbuttoned.

I think the line stretch you get with mono actually helps here. You get a softer and better hook set which affords you some extra give and that helps you stay connected with the fish instead of pulling the hook.

03-27-2015, 12:22 PM
^ Gerry and Sal have got it down pat.