View Full Version : Little Sister Quincy Flounder Open Boat Schedule

Little Sister Charters
03-21-2015, 08:50 AM
Little Sister will be running "open boat trips" (by reservation only) on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 6-11am starting May 5th and going until July 30th. These trips are $115/person and include bait, tackle and fish cutting. The flounder limit is 8 fish/person and often enough it is tough to close a gallon bag of 16 fillets!
We used to catch a lot of cod, stripers, pollack, etc but the past several years there has been very little in the way of by-catch. Don't expect much besides BIG FLOUNDER. There is the Massachusetts State Saltwater Fishing Derby which is season long and in most of the past 15 years the biggest flounder of the year has been caught on Little Sister. Last season (2014) we also had the Junior Division and in 2012 we also had the Womans Division. In an effort to win all three in 2015, I am offering 1/2 price to the 1st woman and the first junior (under 16) each Tuesday.
Tuesdays tend to be "more available" as there is a regular bunch that hogs up Thursdays so it's tougher to reserve a spot unless you are grabbing it several weeks out. There are inexpensive, clean motels close to the boat.
Ask me questions, I'll be happy to answer!

Little Sister Charters
03-29-2015, 08:14 AM
OH Yeah-For open boat trips, reservations are "a must"!
It would be very tough for someone to drive from NY or NJ and not have a place to fish. Email any time with questions....JC

Little Sister Charters
04-12-2015, 08:00 AM
Little Sister is launching in two weeks from Tuesday (04/28) and we will start fishing right away to test the waters. The first open boat trips (May 5th and 7th) have some availability left but I don't expect too much action with all the cold. May 12th is full for open boat and the 14th has 3 spots left. The 17th and the 19th have some spots left as well. Once they start feeding there will be a two to three week wait for availability so if you are considering going it is a good idea to plan ahead.
Remember, 3 NJ flounder = 1 Quincy flounder! (I'm just teasing)

Little Sister Charters
04-25-2015, 08:17 AM
Even though the forecast is not the greatest for Tuesday (as of now), I still plan on putting Little Sister in the water and fishing a few hours that day. Weds. and Thurs. (29th and 30th) should be a little better. I have other business to attend on Friday but Saturday and Sunday (May 2nd and 3rd) will see some more serious effort.
For anyone interested in flounder fishing Quincy at a "questionable time" (too early/too cold???) I am offering below 1/2 price ($50) to the 1st person to call the open boat trips on 05/02, 05/03 and 05/05. These trips will be from 7am to noon and then we go in for lunch. It should be fun anyway....JC