View Full Version : Dicks and Efingers line spooling?

03-18-2015, 06:04 PM
I know most people are going to say to do it myself and that it is easy by simply watching videos, but I would rather have someone who knows what they are doing do it. So the question is will dicks or efingers spool whatever line you buy onto your reel for you? I plan I getting braid on one, flouro on another and mono on the rest. I know they do their specific bulk lines but if I want to pick something else will they spool it?

03-18-2015, 06:15 PM
They should for a small fee but call and ask.

03-18-2015, 10:18 PM
I know the Dicks near me won't spool braid, don't know if that is just for this specific location or in every Dicks, I would call and ask before you go.

03-18-2015, 11:03 PM
User a sponsor shop here on the site

03-19-2015, 02:55 AM
I would if i knew who did it for freshwater reels.

Capt. Lou
03-19-2015, 09:17 AM
If the store has a machine some can be set up to do both.

03-19-2015, 12:27 PM
User a sponsor shop here on the site

Speaking for myself and probably some others here. Some of you guys have to understand not all of us live by a Sponsor bait/tackle shop. I live an hour away from any of the sponsors on this site. If I need tackle or spool a reel. There is eBay and closest shop is a non sponsor. Trust me, I would rather give the sponsors the business. I do when I am down the shore fishing.

Back to the subject Dick's in Woodbridge, spools whatever is your preference.

03-19-2015, 01:27 PM
Thanks Jay. I hear ya I am in the same location as you. Thanks will hit there later today.

03-19-2015, 04:59 PM
Nice people. Kinda sucked that 4 people came to the counter and none of them could figure out how to spool a left handed baitcaster with their machine. Guess I'll be doing it myself haha.

03-19-2015, 09:50 PM
I'm sure for a twelve pack of Budweiser, u can meet up with Jay and he can reel while u hold the braid with a screwdriver through the spool! All jokes aside, it's not rocket science, sometimes I've had my wife or 4 year old help me out. Hardest part is tying the knot on the reel, or some people prefer to use tape. I usually use a mono backing and then splice the braid onto the mono with uni to uni knot. make sure u leave enough room on the spool for a top shot!

03-20-2015, 01:14 AM
Think i need a top shot if i only plan on using it for top water?

03-20-2015, 09:27 AM
Always spool your own reels... This way you can trust your knots, your spooling tension and make sure your backing is done right if using braid. Invest in one of the basic under $20 line spooling tools available from the major manufacturers and use it with common sense. I've been using a simple $8 Berkley one for years that has served me well. Just take note of what size spools they handle since some won't fit the larger 1/4 lb spools.

Topshot - Assuming we are talking about freshwater, which is what I think you're setting up for, braid is not the answer to everything, especially topwater (unless frogging). For most techniques, you'll find you get more bites going with mono or flourocarbon and reducing your hardware (snaps, swivels, etc. as much as possible based on technique and lure). For my freshwater rigs, not including my musky and pike gear which also use leaders, I only have 1 reel spooled with braid that I use for frogging, punching / super heavy weeds and occasionally if fishing around timber.

Gerry Zagorski
03-20-2015, 09:54 AM
Effingers is a sponsor on this site and they do spool reels for you.

03-20-2015, 10:02 AM
Thanks. the braid will be used 95% for frogging. Appreciate that tips. With that said, should i still be tying a flouro leader for my frogs? And thanks Gerry. I was going to check it out, But I couldnt justify driving the 37 miles especially when dicks has buy any lure get another half off in addition to 10 dollars off $50 and an additional $5 reward for next visit. I will definitely be visiting efingers during the season.

03-20-2015, 10:31 AM
If you look farther down you will see Efingers is having a sale on line off bulk spools and spooling for free.

03-20-2015, 12:59 PM
Since i bought a spool of braid and flouro, dicks also spooled up 2 other reels with bulk for free. Like I said its not because I chose not to go there, just a little too far.

03-21-2015, 10:46 AM
Thanks. the braid will be used 95% for frogging. Appreciate that tips. With that said, should i still be tying a flouro leader for my frogs?

For frogging it's not really necessary, just remember to ease up a bit on the hook sets since there is no stretch in the line in that case.

Question - when Dicks spooled the braid on your baitcasters, did they give you a short backing of mono with a uni to uni knot to the braid?

03-22-2015, 01:17 PM
They did not do it at dicks. Guys couldnt figure out how to spool a left handed baitcaster so i didnt let them experiment too much lol. I was going to do some mono backing, but than read it also works to put down a piece of electrical or painters tape. Any recommendations? Im gonna put on the whole spool of braid on anyway so cost efficiency doesn't matter

03-23-2015, 11:44 AM
Tape will work also, many people go that route. My friends that use tape suggest the 3M #2242 rubber electrical tape but I'm sure others work fine. I personally use mono because you can really cinch the knot down against the spool and I don't have to worry about any gummy residue on the spool or the tapes adhesion to the spool failing (not that I've seen it happen). If the spool has those little wiffle holes in the center you can even tie through those with your terminal knot and not have to worry about tape or mono.

03-24-2015, 01:51 PM
That's what I planned to do but I wasn't sure if i still needed tape. You think if i tie directly through the spool I wont have to worry?

03-24-2015, 02:46 PM
Bring your reels to Atlantic Bait and Tackle to get re-spooled....We can do left hand reels , we put backing on at no charge , and we know how to tie uni-knots, as well as splice hollow core......Oh , and put a top shot on ...we will show you how to tie the knots while you are having a coffee and donut ......Pete....Call me ....732-787-2248

03-24-2015, 06:06 PM
Bring your reels to Atlantic Bait and Tackle to get re-spooled....We can do left hand reels , we put backing on at no charge , and we know how to tie uni-knots, as well as splice hollow core......Oh , and put a top shot on ...we will show you how to tie the knots while you are having a coffee and donut ......Pete....Call me ....732-787-2248

Just stopped in to see Pete today. Have to say the respect that is given, along with the discount, goes a long way for this tired a$$ old Vet. Thanks Pete.

03-25-2015, 10:01 AM
You think if i tie directly through the spool I wont have to worry?

It's locked down that way - no way the line can spin on the spool. Since you don't need any filler line, go for it.

03-25-2015, 12:24 PM
i didn't read all the responses on this thread but i just have to say the dicks by me...wouldn't let them touch any of my stuff...they just have a bunch of know nothings working there. maybe the one by you is different but i'd go with pete if i didn't do it myself. It's very easy to do and also very easy to do wrong.

Fairfield Fishing Tackle
03-28-2015, 09:12 AM
Hopefully we are not too far from you. Left handed baitcasters are a bit tricky because of the way the machines are set up. We do them all day long here. We have several braids to choose from. Good luck fishing!

sidenote: there is a Dicks near here and we have had to re-spool line improperly done by them. Be careful. We always put mono backing under the braid for no charge. It is just the right way to do it.