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Foul Hook
03-15-2015, 07:11 PM
I don't know if this is good or bad. My first thought is OK maybe they will stop the guys who really don't follow the rules. Then I start to think how will end up screwing us out of more fish. Check it out, I thought it was a good read. One good Quote we all know "It only takes one dirty harvester to bleed an industry" http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/federal-officials-plan-to-track-every-fish-and-crustacean-shipped-to-us-ports/ar-AA9N6AO?ocid=HPCDHP

03-15-2015, 07:26 PM
The article startled me with the following....

"The United States is the world’s second-largest market for imported seafood, behind the European Union, and more than 80 percent of what Americans eat arrives from aquatic farms and coasts off Russia, Chile, Thailand and Vietnam."

I feel better knowing that nearly 80% of the fish my family eats I catch......

03-15-2015, 08:20 PM
Supply and demand. As the government tries to over regulate another industry, it'll put more pressure on domestic stocks. End result, if you thought the price of fish was ridiculous now at Whole Foods, Kings and other retailers, wait until this bill is passed. It will also put more pressure on domestic stocks and since prices will go through the roof the black market in the US will increase due to simple risk reward. Rewards with prices sky rocketing will promote more illicit activity while enforcement efforts are not funded and overwhelmed. Government after years of the salt water registry will introduce a first time salt water license to strengthen enforcement efforts.

So the result of all this will be fish prices the average family will not be able to afford, further devastation to our domestic resources due to illicit commercial netting, a first ever salt water license and further reductions in our recreational allotments because domestic stocks continue to be pilfered / destroyed by commercial interests.

Correct me if I left anything out. World is out of control but as people are willing to pay $20 a pound for scallops, a blue fin tuna can fetch $20,000 to $30,000 at market and potentially much more, 4 inch whiting are being sold and flounder, fluke, sea bass are getting $12 to $15 a pound, these resources don't stand a chance. And all this is going to come to rest on the shoulders of the recreational fishing community with shortened seasons and reduced creel limits.....guaranteed.


03-16-2015, 08:13 AM
The BS with all this is, the local family guy who has one boat and been doing this all their lives will be the ones who loose everything with more regs on-top of regs.

Nothing changes as Big business builds their Fish Farms and you get suckered into believing this shit is good for you. If Russia is involved, you know there's some cash to be made.

Yes, the greedy pigs who steal more than their share should pay dearly, but why does it take years to build a case?

03-16-2015, 08:41 AM
20 million dollar fine to make possibly 23 BILLION
I think he laughs walking to the bank everyday.
Yet who in the hell even needs to keep doing all this IF you already have that kind of money.

Shows its more about greed than money.
