View Full Version : Reel Life closure?

03-15-2015, 06:50 AM
With due respect of bait shop sponsors, I just read a post on another site about the Reel Life bait shop closing after 25 years of 24/7 open door.

True shame if that's the case. Solid shop that carried quality gear and on point advise you can't buy online.

03-15-2015, 06:55 AM
That is a shame .... really liked that shop cause they had a great selection of tackle... :(:(

Foul Hook
03-15-2015, 07:40 AM
I live in PP and noticed the other day the paper on the windows, thought they ere just closed for a few months like always.
http://brick.shorebeat.com/2015/03/iconic-point-pleasant-bait-tackle-shop-closes-its-doors/Just read this.

03-15-2015, 09:01 AM
Any other confirmation on this? They're my favorite shop on PP and this would complicate shark season for us. ....

03-15-2015, 09:44 AM
Go to their facebook page for confirmation

Joey Dah Fish
03-15-2015, 10:15 AM
I saw the FB page. Not sure why but yes they are :(

Capt Joe
03-15-2015, 10:50 AM
"not sure why" ? Own anything in the recreational fishing business and you would find out real quickly how difficult it is to stay afloat.

Gerry Zagorski
03-15-2015, 10:56 AM
Another unfortunate casualty of our government mis managed fisheries :(

Foul Hook
03-15-2015, 11:01 AM
Another unfortunate casualty of our government mis managed fisheries :(

I just said the same thing to a buddy a few minutes ago. When Rich opened there was always someone in the store. Go get bait and go fish the canal and usually bring something home! I for one believe the online retailers have a hand in the demise of the local B&T stores as well.

Joey Dah Fish
03-15-2015, 12:02 PM
Does anyone know for sure the reason they closed? I don't and the face book page did not say. i would prefer to not speculate. So if you truly know the reason please share. If not then just say I will miss them.

03-15-2015, 12:32 PM
Long time friend of Rich going back to the sixtes when we met as co-workers at Ethicon Inc. in Somerville NJ. Traveled on many fishing trips with Rich to Crotch Lake Ont. initially when his brother John owned Pine Cove Cottages. John later sold the lodge to Ed and Shirley and it became Tumblehome Cottages. Rich always arranged the annual trips with up to twelve of us traveling in a convoy to the Crotch. Rich took care of all the details as no one else could. Many great memories. Had the the please of being invited the last couple of years to join Rich for a stay on his cabin on Blueberry Island, Crotch Lake, Ont. As always all details done by Rich and had a great time joining him and catching up on all the stories for the last 40 some years. Wishing Rich, Bob, Marie, Jen and Bob's children in all there future endeavors. You could not have a better friend than Rich P. Best wished..... Walt K.

03-16-2015, 06:36 AM
All the more reason to use your local shops for ALL your fishing needs. The online stores may be 5% cheaper, but can you shake the hand of the owner? Can you buy your fresh bait online? Ask about "where they gettin em?"

These guys have bills to pay and families to feed. They by no means are "raking in the dough" running a tackle shop.

Buy local and walk away knowing you've supported your industry.

03-16-2015, 07:56 AM
Another piece of the puzzle, that was once the Jersey Shore....gone.

We all know the reasons most go out of business, especially, if you've lived this life, you understand more than others, you need no explanation to anyone.

Very sad.

03-16-2015, 09:42 AM
It's a shame how many people are being hurt by today's regulations and economy. My only hope is that this was a family decision and one not forced by the sad reality of how hard it is to maintain a small business, yet alone one in the fishing industry! That being said, support your local guys!! You may save a few bucks online or at the big box stores, but you won't get an experience, you won't build a rapport with anyone... Stopped into Atlantic Bait and Tackle yesterday to look at a few things and kill some time. Greeted with the usual kindness and enthusiasm and got to watch some awesome video of sailfish in Mexico. Thanks Pete, and thanks for the military discount... You don't get that kinda service from the big box guys!

03-16-2015, 05:09 PM
I have done business with Rich and Bob for years, we first started when he had his first shop on Bridge & River Ave. We always bought as much bait as possible from him and when it was tourny time (any tournament) he would sell everything for close to cost. As many said being in that business is worst than running a charter boat. More mornings I would go in and Rich would have a long face on, we would bs about the regs, weather poor fishing conditions, then tell some good jokes and both have a smile.
Its sad to see him close his doors, but I think he will venture into something else. I guess this means he will more time to fish!!

Boston Pete
03-18-2015, 09:54 AM
It's a shame but Bobby I have to disagree with baitshops charging 5% more than these online tackle shops.

I can go online and buy a package of Gulp for $5.00-$6.00 and sometimes less when they run deals, in most neighborhood tackle shops they hit you for $ 9.99...that's a huge hit when you're buying more than a few packs. Same goes for Spros, reels, rods...etc.

Honestly I will only shop in a tackleshop if I need something that day. I can say I've probably saved over a grand shopping online in the last 5-8 years.
Yeah it sucks and I feel bad for the shops but there is no reason they have to over charge like they do.

Capt. Debbie
03-18-2015, 10:38 AM
Funny. The blame game... government's fault. Tackle shops are long hours and very seasonal.

But REALLY....... Aside from a smaller winter flounder population, who here has cut back staples fisheries like: fluke, blues or stripers because of keeper numbers or sizes changing. Who here stopped fishing totally because weakfish and whiting are extinct here in north NJ? I would say VERY few if any fisherman. We are ignoring the obvious for reasons of nastalgia, while we kill it ourselves.

Aside from bait..... HOW MANY PEOPLE HERE HAVE BOUGHT TACKLE OR ELECTRONCS ONLINE BECAUSE ITS A LOT CHEAPER & OFTEN FASTER? I know I have and likely 100% of this site. Well maybe 98%... perhaps some old codger doesn't trust computers may stiill be around.

Tackle shops are no different. Is Bass Pro Shops and Cabelas kicking their asses with very low prices? Yes! Just like Amazon.com does it in general retail. Fisherman magazine vs. NJFishing.com - who wins for fishing reports? The internet has given us a cheaper and better means to get everything but fresh bait.

On line store have almost no overheads. With the shorter fishing season we have here in NJ owners must pay for boats, docking ,rents, etc. thru the dead of winter. So July and August hey days must pay for January and February doldrums. Online does not have that.

So of course brick and mortar shops will close whether we can keep six x 18" fluke or 18 x six inch fluke.

Thats the way things are today in the internet age. It may be sad, but that's what we are doing. Can't blame the government much on this stuff.

It's a demise of our own making with tackle shops.

03-18-2015, 10:41 AM
Another unfortunate casualty of our government mis managed fisheries :(

This coupled with online retailers and big box stores like Wal-Mart are making dinosaurs out of the Mom and Pop shops. I went to school with Bob and he and his family have done nothing but support me through my entire career.

The fishing community has suffered a few losses like this so far this year. Sad. :(

Capt. Debbie
03-18-2015, 10:48 AM
I've never bought any fishing gear at Walmarts or Dicks or that ilk. Walmart is where you buy that Snoopy rod for a 5 year old. It's either online Cabela is my first choice or non-sponsore in Hazlet. ( he gives me a price break on flats of bunker for crabbing that sponsor Pete does not)

I do sea tow about 10-15 days a year and stop at TB nearly every time. Even if it's just to restock lost sinkers when the wind is blowing 30 knot and I know Im not going to fish and I also hope no one calls me out to tow them. So I spend money hoping NOT to leave the dock.

I know the little stuff helps keep them alive and no one is getting rich. Like I said... they pay the same rent in January and February with no customers per week.

This coupled with online retailers and big box stores like Wal-Mart are making dinosaurs out of the Mom and Pop shops. I went to school with Bob and he and his family have done nothing but support me through my entire career.

The fishing community has suffered a few losses like this so far this year. Sad. :(

03-18-2015, 01:09 PM
Long time friend of Rich going back to the sixtes when we met as co-workers at Ethicon Inc. in Somerville NJ. Traveled on many fishing trips with Rich to Crotch Lake Ont. initially when his brother John owned Pine Cove Cottages. John later sold the lodge to Ed and Shirley and it became Tumblehome Cottages. Rich always arranged the annual trips with up to twelve of us traveling in a convoy to the Crotch. Rich took care of all the details as no one else could. Many great memories. Had the the please of being invited the last couple of years to join Rich for a stay on his cabin on Blueberry Island, Crotch Lake, Ont. As always all details done by Rich and had a great time joining him and catching up on all the stories for the last 40 some years. Wishing Rich, Bob, Marie, Jen and Bob's children in all there future endeavors. You could not have a better friend than Rich P. Best wished..... Walt K.

Love crotch lake, always stay at Land o lakes lodge next store

03-18-2015, 02:42 PM
Let's not forget that a place like Dick's or Cabela's employs a lot of working class people and contributes to local economies. It's not all evil CEO's in corner offices.

Gerry Zagorski
03-18-2015, 04:08 PM
Lets also not forget that none of those big box stores are sponsors on this site. More importantly, none of them are open at 5AM to pick up bait when you need it.

If you want them to stay in business so they are there for you, then you have to be there for them.

Capt. Lou
03-18-2015, 04:37 PM
I personally purchase very little from any box store , only as last resort. Until this internet ruled the world most of us learned fishing techniques from ur local sporting goods store of choice .
That kind of info still exists & it's certainly worth the couple of extra bucks u may pay for a product to get what u need not what's on sale.
Some believe everything demonstrated on the Internet is the final word on tackle or techniques , some accurate but remember that in most cases is displayed second hand.
Sometimes just some Internet personality that really has very limited background & u could be taking this guys word to the bank . In my opinion ur local tackle shop would not steer u wrong , simply because they really value ur business & many instances will save u money in long run by selling u what u actually need !
Once their gone like ur corner drug store ur on ur own!!:cool:

Joey Dah Fish
03-18-2015, 05:54 PM
Think about this. If you use bait your not getting it from a box store your getting from a B&T store. In order for them to be there for you, you need to buy more than bait from them or they will go out of business. So even if you could go fishing you wouldn't have bait. Come on peeps we really need these people and they need us.

03-19-2015, 08:41 AM
Heard the news and that is a shame because that was are "go to" shop. In fact, Rich always supported our local fish club for various events over the years by donating tackle for door prizes. Enjoy your retirement Rich

bunker dunker
03-19-2015, 11:03 AM
I can tell ya this.at 5am in the morning your 10 yr old son snaps the eyelet of his rod getting it out of the truck.he is heart broke because he just got it for his birthday and didn't sleep the entire night because all he could think about was catching a whopper on it.you take him to the local bait shop and the owner tells your son"will have her as good as new in no time" and in a few minutes the rod and broken heart are repaired.that is why I buy all my tackle at the local shops.

Capt. Debbie
03-19-2015, 02:56 PM
Some things you have to feel. Doesn't mean youre going to buy a rod. But you have to feel it.

On the other hand buying line is so fungible... who cares where it was bought. Prices drive.

03-19-2015, 03:06 PM
It's a shame but Bobby I have to disagree with baitshops charging 5% more than these online tackle shops.

I can go online and buy a package of Gulp for $5.00-$6.00 and sometimes less when they run deals, in most neighborhood tackle shops they hit you for $ 9.99...that's a huge hit when you're buying more than a few packs. Same goes for Spros, reels, rods...etc.

Honestly I will only shop in a tackleshop if I need something that day. I can say I've probably saved over a grand shopping online in the last 5-8 years.
Yeah it sucks and I feel bad for the shops but there is no reason they have to over charge like they do.

Aaaahhh what do you know?!? ;)

There are still shops that sell at "reasonable" mark ups and I'll buy from them. The one's charging outrageous prices will be the reason for their own demise. Reel Life just didn't seem like one of those shops. Wasn't crazy expensive and the fact they were open 24 hours a day in the summer is a service you'll probably never see again.

Same said, of course I've gotten stuff on line. There are deals out there and should you need 386 pounds of Gulp products (uh hum..Pete..uh hum) :D then you'll need to buy in bulk. A couple purchases throughout the year from people who will shake your hand and shoot the shite would go a long way.

All I was getting at is there are only a handful of places to buy actual "bait" from anymore. Then what once they are gone? Asian markets?

Doesn't matter to me either way. I've got a 2 year old and 16 years of soccer, softball...etc to go to. :eek:

Gerry Zagorski
03-19-2015, 06:54 PM
Aaaahhh what do you know?!? ;)

There are still shops that sell at "reasonable" mark ups and I'll buy from them. The one's charging outrageous prices will be the reason for their own demise. Reel Life just didn't seem like one of those shops. Wasn't crazy expensive and the fact they were open 24 hours a day in the summer is a service you'll probably never see again.

Same said, of course I've gotten stuff on line. There are deals out there and should you need 386 pounds of Gulp products (uh hum..Pete..uh hum) :D then you'll need to buy in bulk. A couple purchases throughout the year from people who will shake your hand and shoot the shite would go a long way.

All I was getting at is there are only a handful of places to buy actual "bait" from anymore. Then what once they are gone? Asian markets?

Doesn't matter to me either way. I've got a 2 year old and 16 years of soccer, softball...etc to go to. :eek:

You hit dah nail on dah head Bobby. Let me net it out.
- Pigs get slaughtered
- Value is not only the price
- People need to make a living but not rob you
- You have a lot of soccer and cheerleading meetings in front of you

03-19-2015, 10:23 PM
Regs hurt. But the single biggest problem is the internet and how cheap these websites are able to sell tackle and gear. Regardless of what companies say they don't give a s#$t about tackle shops they claim price protection but just go online and find most tackle Selling for much less then tackle shops are "allowed to sell it for" or capable of selling it for with the overhead of a store and all that goes along with it. It's a damn shame that so many shops are closing.

If you guys don't want to see this happen anymore stop buying shit from online because it's cheaper. Pony up and support all your local shops! Stop buying from charkbait, eBay and all those other bulls@#t sites

bunker dunker
03-20-2015, 09:51 AM
you have to remember that service has a cost also.the local guy will run rings around those big companys everytime when it comes to service.sure you might
save a few bucks on the boob tube but try getting a black and purple bomber
at 6am delivered to you on the beach in the middle of the most insane bass bite you ever saw.

03-22-2015, 04:31 PM
Good Luck Rich and Bob! Shopped there from the beginning. I think it was a perfect storm of regs, the web, and the big box stores, then Sandy took a chunk both in business and their residences. Only time I went elsewhere was when didn't have it. Thanks for all the years of service in the middle of a hot bite at 2AM.

03-22-2015, 07:49 PM
Bad real estate deal he did in the keys killed him. Put him in a whole the shop could not get him out of.

03-23-2015, 09:19 AM
As a member of the Jersey Coast Shark Anglers (JCSA), I am saddened to see the closing of Reel Life. Rich has always been generous to our events, providing door prizes for our tournaments, as well as rigs and other good fishing things for our Kids Tournament, and Ladies Tournament. Without his input, and the generous gifts from Kevin Bogan, George from Crystal Marine, Tony Maja, and others, we would not have had the draw to our events.
Try to get some help in these areas from the on-line eBay companies, and big box stores. It won't happen.
Thank you Rich, and you have a good life, with best of health. Papa