View Full Version : NJ Fishing.Com Striper Tournament?

Capt Sal
03-14-2015, 07:08 PM
What do you say? It would work and the media would be behind us. I would do it in early June so everyone has a chance not just Raritan Bay. Cape May to Sandy Hook with multiple weigh stations. Tournament coordinator suggestions would be Joey Da Fish and Shrimpman. Hoping shrimpman does not fish that day and totally shut down the bite lol With the tackle sponsors and for hire boats on this site the meeting and door prizes would be a big plus.
Al Ristori of the Star Ledger and John Oswald of the Asbury Park Press would be behind us as well as all of the sponsors we for hire capts. have. From Percy nets to Tony Maja products the list goes on. I think it is doable and it is time. What do the rest of the you distinguished members of this site think?

03-14-2015, 07:18 PM
I'm in. Private boat + head boat. Maybe we can get a head boat sponsor to hook up those without a ride. Probably have to do this on a week-day - that would work for most :)

03-14-2015, 08:14 PM
Great idea Capt.Sal. Im in! Lets get it going!:D

Capt Sal
03-14-2015, 08:44 PM
Many striper tournaments have gone to C&R.

Catch and donate to the needy! After all it will be a one day event why complicate things?

Gerry Zagorski
03-14-2015, 09:27 PM
What do you say? It would work and the media would be behind us. I would do it in early June so everyone has a chance not just Raritan Bay. Cape May to Sandy Hook with multiple weigh stations. Tournament coordinator suggestions would be Joey Da Fish and Shrimpman. Hoping shrimpman does not fish that day and totally shut down the bite lol With the tackle sponsors and for hire boats on this site the meeting and door prizes would be a big plus.
Al Ristori of the Star Ledger and John Oswald of the Asbury Park Press would be behind us as well as all of the sponsors we for hire capts. have. From Percy nets to Tony Maja products the list goes on. I think it is doable and it is time. What do the rest of the you distinguished members of this site think?

Sounds like a grand plan and I elect Sal to run it :D

All kidding aside, if you've ever run a tournament like I have, you know what's involved.... Insurance, coordination, money, arguments, etc... It all sounds like and starts out as a fun idea and unfortunately it turns into a job full of twist and turns and head aches. I'd much rather participate in or sponsor a tournament then run one.

Having said that, I'm a sucker for a good cause and if we could all agree on one that we'd donate all the proceeds to and rally behind, I would certainly consider working with you all to pull it off.. That's the only thing that would make the effort worthwhile to me.

Joey Dah Fish
03-14-2015, 09:59 PM
I would certainly help any place I'm needed.

03-14-2015, 10:15 PM
Willing to help organize it. Just let us know how we can help.

03-14-2015, 10:24 PM
CockRobin.com is IN

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10701984_10152430287198148_7560072854406194598_n.j pg?oh=468844645c2bf8781e2bdddfb1a0ca0f&oe=55BC45A1&__gda__=1433493700_29f1056771cac430d53fc17123bc8be 2

03-15-2015, 08:30 AM
CockRobin.com is IN

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10701984_10152430287198148_7560072854406194598_n.j pg?oh=468844645c2bf8781e2bdddfb1a0ca0f&oe=55BC45A1&__gda__=1433493700_29f1056771cac430d53fc17123bc8be 2

Sorry Bill but those will all be shorts this year!!!

Capt Sal
03-15-2015, 08:32 AM
Sounds like a grand plan and I elect Sal to run it :D

All kidding aside, if you've ever run a tournament like I have, you know what's involved.... Insurance, coordination, money, arguments, etc... It all sounds like and starts out as a fun idea and unfortunately it turns into a job full of twist and turns and head aches. I'd much rather participate in or sponsor a tournament then run one.

Having said that, I'm a sucker for a good cause and if we could all agree on one that we'd donate all the proceeds to and rally behind, I would certainly consider working with you all to pull it off.. That's the only thing that would make the effort worthwhile to me.

I have been involved in organizing striper tournaments before. Lot of work and yes arguments. Small committee and they make the rules with no outside votes. Proceeds to take our wounded veterans fishing.

Tuna Tales
03-15-2015, 11:34 AM
Overall a good idea!

Like Gerry said a lot of work

Having run the Hi-Mar Striper Club's Spring Tournament...so keep in mind:

NJ Permits, insurance, venue, food, sponsors, cash payouts, rules, give always, charitable donations, weigh stations, weather etc

Even just donating any fish...not as easy today with all of the red tape.

Insurance alone will be around 1,000.00 plus


Joe T.

Gerry Zagorski
03-15-2015, 11:47 AM
Thanks Joe. Kind of takes the fun out of it doesn't it?

Last time I ran one was the Leonardo LPPBA Fluke Tournament. I might check with the club and see if we can do one in cooperation with them.

More thought required here.

Joey Dah Fish
03-15-2015, 12:30 PM
If the thought is donating all the proceeds to the Wounded Warriors. Does anyone know someone connected with this org? I would image the have already set up and have all the proper insurance docs etc. that being said perhaps they set up be we organize, set up, sponsor etc? Any thoughts? I you have any contacts please let me know. I can call and ask

Capt Sal
03-15-2015, 02:07 PM
If the thought is donating all the proceeds to the Wounded Warriors. Does anyone know someone connected with this org? I would image the have already set up and have all the proper insurance docs etc. that being said perhaps they set up be we organize, set up, sponsor etc? Any thoughts? I you have any contacts please let me know. I can call and ask

When I was in the Double 00 Rod and gun Club we ran a trout derby in Roosevelt Park. All proceeds went to Cerebral Palsy. Because of insurance we had to stop it and it was a shame because it went to a good cause. Does anyone know if they carry ins. for the Woodbridge Mayors Fluke Tourney? You guys in the Hi Mar know the deal. As far as the wounded vets go Joey,we have a Veterans home here in Menlo Park. They get these brave men and women out to such things as OTB,Monmouth Park and they love it.

03-15-2015, 02:18 PM
I have to ask, and I'll throw my ignorance out there...what does the "insurance" cover in a fishing tourney?

Joey Dah Fish
03-15-2015, 02:27 PM
When I was in the Double 00 Rod and gun Club we ran a trout derby in Roosevelt Park. All proceeds went to Cerebral Palsy. Because of insurance we had to stop it and it was a shame because it went to a good cause. Does anyone know if they carry ins. for the Woodbridge Mayors Fluke Tourney? You guys in the Hi Mar know the deal. As far as the wounded vets go Joey,we have a Veterans home here in Menlo Park. They get these brave men and women out to such things as OTB,Monmouth Park and they love it.

I'm originally from Fords and played in Roosevelt Park my whole life :) also know the VA home you're talking about. Not sure how we pull this off but hoping we can.

Tuna Tales
03-15-2015, 03:42 PM

For the Hi-Mar tournaments we have an insurance policy which covers all parties involved

In addition to this policy we also have every Captain sign an iron clad release form (liability concerns)

Depending on the type of tournament you guys have in mind...you may or may not need these

But if someone gets hurt while fishing in your tournament you want to make sure you are covered

Even if you plan to hold a raffle (50-50) etc you need a permit

Just saying whoever is the Tournament Chairman you better double check everything because it is 2015 and on top of that we live in NJ. Lawsuits and legal issues are very common- unfortunately


Joe T

Fin Taz Tic Sportfishing
03-16-2015, 06:56 AM
If we open up a tournament that serves different charities it opens up the public’s eyes, not only what the site does but the fisherman do to help all different causes. Open it up to all site members; pick a weighing stations and a venue that is assessable to everyone from North to South Jersey. Make it special. We can donate all the fish that are caught to feed the hungry. Each boat can include a veteran that served our country to support their cause, any proceeds that the tournament receives goes to fight Children with Cancer, Make a wish or some other agency that is worthy. After the tournament you have an awards dinner that is special for the fisherman, Charities and there family’s. Everyone who enters receives 1 ticket to the gala event after the tournament. All others will pay to attend and support their cause.
Pick a great venue that has everything you need to make it successful. Take the Forked River Tuna Club as a example. It is centrally located, Venue big enough to hold all attendees, Cooking facilities and more. Being as former Restaurant owner and current culinary arts teacher I would donate my time and reach out to people I know in the food industry to made the dinner memorable .I am sure other people on the site would love to be a part of something that can be a yearly event that supports and help people in need
I am here to help if needed

03-16-2015, 07:15 PM
Im all for charity and helping others, but keeping the whole conservation thing in mind, maybe it should be made a dogfish,skate,and sea robin tourney... had to throw that out there, best thing, im pretty sure I havent heard of any "Trash Fish Tourneys" in dirty Jersey... if I remember right, donating fish meat is really a hoop jump... follow the freshwater guys maybe and do a CPR tourney: longest bass with a particular item in the pic even...:confused:

what would it cost to get njfishing stripersaurus lighters made up lol?

All that said Bad Habit is down!!!

03-16-2015, 09:48 PM
Glad to see everyone again it's been a long winter! I'd love to get into the tournament!! I also have a suggestion for the charitable cause it can go towards..Mikey Nicholas is a young man from Monroe NJ who was permanently paralyzed during a high school hockey game. He is now currently a quadriplegic and is working very hard for a better tomorrow. Myself and the electrical company I work for donated our time to remodel his home as it needed to be handicap accessible. Mikey is a great kid and needs the support..you can learn more about Mike and his situation at mikeystrong23.org or look up "pray for mikey 23" on Facebook. If this is a possibility and anyone has any questions I am in contact with him and his family..please feel free to text me or call me at 732-675-1050