View Full Version : Fishing agencies

03-13-2015, 10:36 AM
I found these contacts from another site and copied them Again along with the letter which you can amend. Thanks goes out to the fellow who took the time and effort to put it together. Maybe you are not interested about the blueline or cbass regulations and I can understand that. But that being said, maybe you are a fluke, striper or even a ocean pout fisherman lol, you can write or call and express your feelings. John Bullard is the key guy, but here are some of the other players above, below and around him, starting from the top.

Eileen Sobeck
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries

Samuel D. Rauch III
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs

Kate Naughten
Director, Office of Communications and External Affairs

Alan D. Risenhoover
Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries

John K. Bullard
Regional Administrator, Greater Atlantic Region

Douglas Potts
Fishery Policy Analyst

Mr Bullard,
I am writing you as a concerned fisherman regarding the recent proposal on the limit/potential closure of Blueline Tilefish off the eastern seaboard. Upon hearing the proposal, I was absolutely shocked that such drastic measures were being considered. I feel as though the proposed regulations were not formed on accurate data. The proposed single fish limit is extreme and not needed. Such a regulation would have largely negative ramifications on recreational fishermen and is very much a gross oversight as it pertains to maintaining a healthy biomass of the species. My desire is to not see such regulations come to fruition. Thank you for your consideration on this matter.


[Resident of <insert state>]
[Contact info]

Gerry Zagorski
03-13-2015, 04:02 PM
Great list of contacts here for this and future issues.. Once this post plays out here we will move it to the Fisheries Management and Regulations board.

03-14-2015, 07:09 AM
Great info Dennis. Thanks for sharing!