Mikey topaz
03-11-2015, 01:20 PM
So end of last year i started pumpin oil out that dipstick tube, got the motor home. Tore it apart apart to find out one cylinder wasnt gettin oil-(which was caused by the oil pressure sending unit to crack and spew oil evreywhere) when i pulled the cylinder apart linear was chewed up and one ring was welded to the piston hah right now im just about 3k in parts.i snapped some pics so far ill post but just wanted to throw out there if anyone has volvo or whatever check these guys out at marine parts express guys have been awesome even gave me a tamd41b schematic of the motor step by step anyone having these motors ill be happy to email you ithttp://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150307_102422_zpsmnt4trui.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150304_132746_zpsjhsanqwe.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150304_132746_zpsjhsanqwe.jpg[/URL[URL=http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150307_163211_zps0vzfkeob.jpg.html]http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/Mikeytopaz/mobile%20uploads/20150307_163211_zps0vzfkeob.jpg (http://s1278.photobucket.com/user/Mikeytopaz/media/mobile%20uploads/20150307_102422_zpsmnt4trui.jpg.html)