View Full Version : Manasquan Reservoir - Unfair rule

03-04-2015, 01:57 PM
I don't understand why every lake in N.J. lets you fish where you want except this lake. After going into the rangers office area, where there were many posted pictures of some really respectful BIG fish, I was told there was a restricted marked area right off the boat ramp to ice fish. The rest of the lake was closed to ice fishermen. The allowed fishing area was 50 yards X 30 yards.
The ice is fourteen inches (14") deep there. More than the required four (4") safe ice.
I'm at a lost with this rule. Other water sheds, Round Valley (172 feet deep), Spruce Run (65 feet deep) and others in north New Jersey have no restrictions.
The ranger, a very mannerly man, said it was dangerous to be out of his sight. I realize he is just following what he was told to do. Someone has no idea about ice conditions. A lame excuse and rule. Especially on 14" of ice. Come on now. Where are the rangers when I cross the highway? Walk one of their iced up trails, etc.
Some one on a Monmouth County board needs to be informed on whats dangerous and what isn't. I'll volunteer.
It's a shame such a beautiful body of water can't get used during the winter months. This lake has all the potential to be a great ice fishing lake. Public money stocks it but the public is restricted to catch those fish.

03-05-2015, 12:40 AM
You should write a letter to the Manasquan Res. owners group, I would like to see the reply.

03-05-2015, 07:01 AM
At least they allow it. I don't believe ice fishing is allowed at all at Merrell Creek, or the Newark watershed reservoirs.

03-05-2015, 07:14 AM
Definitely not allowed on the Newark watershed properties. Many county lakes have designated fishing areas as well. This is due however to the fact that they are small and divided into areas for ice skating/hockey and fishing.

03-06-2015, 11:48 AM
there is alot of good water that is restricted, and like said I pay for stocked walleye and muskie in the sheds and I cant fish for them thru the ice. Its all due to legal issues and lawyers, if you fall thru the ice your gonna sue them right? make us sign a waiver or something and use the rescources we pay for

Bruce Litton
03-06-2015, 01:27 PM
I agree. Have us sign a waiver, and inform rangers about ice safety and about ice fishermen knowing it best, at least those of us who are experienced and conscientious. The whole attitude that the state--in whatever form: local, county, state or federal level--knows better than the people who actually perform within given conditions is not only profoundly un-American, it's just plain wrong and the downfall of every society that opted for statism over freedom.

03-06-2015, 03:53 PM
there is alot of good water that is restricted, and like said I pay for stocked walleye and muskie in the sheds and I cant fish for them thru the ice. Its all due to legal issues and lawyers, if you fall thru the ice your gonna sue them right? make us sign a waiver or something and use the rescources we pay for

when i asked about this a few years back at the watershed office, they said that the lakes were closed to fishing during the winter because that's when the lands are open to hunting and they didn't want somebody getting shot. i'm a hunter as well as a fisherman and this doesn't make any sense to me for two reasons: first, hunting and fishing play nicely together on all the state park and WMA lands... in fact doing both in one outing is fantastic. and second, any hunter should know what's beyond their target before shooting anyway

Bruce Litton
03-06-2015, 08:37 PM
Any good hunter, certainly, but not all are. Perhaps the reason, bottom line, who knows. If it is, maybe some wider areas should be off limits to hunting, so we can ice fish. Then again, doesn't seem likely, since MR is pretty south anyway.

03-07-2015, 01:52 AM
when i asked about this a few years back at the watershed office, they said that the lakes were closed to fishing during the winter because that's when the lands are open to hunting and they didn't want somebody getting shot. i'm a hunter as well as a fisherman and this doesn't make any sense to me for two reasons: first, hunting and fishing play nicely together on all the state park and WMA lands... in fact doing both in one outing is fantastic. and second, any hunter should know what's beyond their target before shooting anyway

Manasquan Reservoir does not allow hunting on the land surrounding the water. It's all wildlife refuge area. No trespassing on any of the surrounding shoreline.