View Full Version : Islamorada, Marathon or Key West ?

02-27-2015, 07:48 PM
As a birthday gift my wife and kids are giving me a trip to the Keys for 5 days (April 1-5) of fishing. Having a hard time deciding between Islamorada, Marathon or Key West. I've been to the Keys many times but it's been several years since my last visit.

I'd like to do 1 day offshore, 1 day reef/wreck fishing and the 3rd day either tarpon, shark or backcountry fishing. Might even try and get in a night party boat trip or perhaps do a night tarpon trip.

Decisions, decisions

What/where would you go ?

PS: I'm kinda leaning (ever so slightly) to Key West

Capt. Lou
02-27-2015, 07:54 PM
Marathon got it all with less competition , although I'm not going to say key
West Doesn't , just less colorful !

02-27-2015, 08:01 PM

Topeka Boy
02-27-2015, 08:44 PM
J would go to Islamorada to Bud and Marys Marina, lotsa good charters.:D

02-27-2015, 08:49 PM
Marathon has great fishing and is right in the middle. 45mins to Islamorada and an hour or so to Key West.

Joey Dah Fish
02-27-2015, 08:50 PM
Marathon has great fishing and is right in the middle. 45mins to Islamorada and an hour or so to Key West.


02-27-2015, 08:53 PM
marathon , lets you make the run to Miami or the keys. the fishing down there changes daily. being in the middle is a def plus

02-28-2015, 03:34 AM
Go fish with Jersey native Capt. Mike Weinhofer on Compass Rose charters in Key West. He's the man from wrecks to tarpon to sails.

02-28-2015, 06:44 AM

Man it's been a long time

02-28-2015, 06:52 AM
Go fish with Jersey native Capt. Mike Weinhofer on Compass Rose charters in Key West. He's the man from wrecks to tarpon to sails.

Looked at his web site last night.

I'm also originally from Jersey City. Born there and my mother's family is from there. Might have to give his site another look :).

Actually leaning more towards Marathon now. But KW is close enough to Marathon that if I stay in Marathon the drive is easy enough.

02-28-2015, 07:45 AM
If you are looking for offshore, look at yankeecapts. Best in the business.

Topeka Boy
02-28-2015, 11:16 AM
As long as the weather cooperates you cant make a bad choice. Please post the results here. I would love to read them.:D:cool:;)

02-28-2015, 11:43 AM
Key West is a zoo!! If you are looking for more than just fishing, then Key West. If you are not going to fish the Yankee Capts. then Marathon or Islamirada would be my choice. Farther up is Capt. Chan Warner's Gulfstream III partyboat, an all day boat that targets yellowtail snapper as well as bottom fish such as grouper. I much preferred that partyboat to any of the Marathon partyboats. He does a rotation of the stern, fishing chumballs for yellowtail. Night trips can be good, stirred up water is better than clear water days. None of the charter capts. I fished with are there anymore so I can't help with that. Bud & Mary's does some great swordfish trips, not sure if this is the time of year. Out of Marathon the charter can run out to the Marathon Humps for blackfin if the snapper and grouper on not biting on the bottom, and the sails, kings, and mahi are not active on the top. My charters there used to consist of slow troll of live baits in the AM, and a few hours of bottom fishing in the afternoon. Allways went home with some nice eating fish and often a sail release or two. Always ask what fish is biting right now, and how you will target them, this way no surprises. (In my opinion catching yellowtail is not a charter trip worth taking.)

02-28-2015, 03:29 PM
Chan is the best day partyboat trip. YC is the best multi-day trip. Jack Carlson or Billy Rabito Jr. are good for wreck and bay charters. You can fish the reef for kings muttons and grouper or way out in the Gulf for jewfish, cobia and permit.