View Full Version : Prime spots in jeopardy

02-24-2015, 07:17 PM
Army Corp of Engineers is targeting some prime spots for sand miningPrime fishing spots face ruin from sand mining http://on.app.com/1EOsMGA via @AsburyParkPress
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02-24-2015, 07:18 PM
Prime fishing spots face ruin from sand mining http://on.app.com/1EOsMGA via @AsburyParkPress
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Capt Joe
02-24-2015, 08:57 PM
"who has been following the project said it was flying pretty much under the radar "

As was "Lucky Strike", two miles off Spring Lake that was totally removed several years ago to replenish beaches
INSANITY! Manasquan Ridge? The draggers destroyed it and the gov't will remove it...effin figures!:mad:

Reel Class
02-25-2015, 04:54 AM

My question is why can't they just take sand from the miles of flat, unmitigated sand up and down the beach which isn't on a lump or high spot?

...I really don't get the rationale!!!

Capt. Lou
02-25-2015, 07:21 AM
What's next Augies , SE lump or did they get those already ??? Pretty soon SR will go to jetty replenishment ? :mad:

02-25-2015, 08:27 AM
Typical government foolishness. Take naturally occurring structure and FISH Habitat and flatten it to replenish a dune project that is temporary at best and will eventually fail because big $$$ says to do that.

Completely against another government body trying to enforce conservation in fisheries management. As usual they can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

On top of it all, how do they know what effect removing the hump that exists now will have on future storm surge ..... flattening out the bottom can not be beneficial so they are just robbing Peter to pay Paul all to satisfy big $$$ as always. :mad:

02-25-2015, 07:54 PM
Totally against all beach replenishment. Let nature take its course.

02-25-2015, 08:10 PM
This is criminal

02-25-2015, 09:51 PM

My question is why can't they just take sand from the miles of flat, unmitigated sand up and down the beach which isn't on a lump or high spot?

...I really don't get the rationale!!!

There must be some "science" behind it, but i'm with you... 95-98% of bottom is pretty much homogeneous to fishermen, why can't they take from that?

02-26-2015, 11:54 AM
Apparently their specs call for a certain size of sand granular that's found on these lumps. That doesn't change the fact that they should not be allowed to destroy these "prime fishing areas". Get the sand elsewhere and leave these areas untouched !!!

02-27-2015, 04:45 AM

My question is why can't they just take sand from the miles of flat, unmitigated sand up and down the beach which isn't on a lump or high spot?

...I really don't get the rationale!!!

Apparently the reason why an inshore lump stays a lump, stays higher than the surrounding bottom, and doesnt get flattened down by currents, is because the larger grain sand is built up there. thats exactly the sand the Corps wants because it (just like when it was on the lumps), won't get washed away as fast. that seems to be the problem, they dont want the finer grain sand from the random open bottom.. they want the large grains from the lumps which are sensitive habitat for fish and crucial for fishermen.. kind of sux !

Capt Sal
02-27-2015, 07:23 AM
Disturbing the bottom in any way,shape or form takes years to recoop. When Raritan Bay was reopened to clammers the bottom was destroyed. Areas that were full of life became void of fish. Mud flats as well as sandy bottom that held coral and natural bottom dwellers do not produce anymore. This destruction was all done by hand raking. Imagine what power dredging does? The Dredge" Sand Master" out of South Amboy has destroyed many areas along Ambrose channel. I can not count how many striper honey holes they ruined. Small wrecks and high spots that we had marked on our plotters are simply gone forever! Destroy more habitat and then turn down RR cars that could be a productive reef! They say we are leaders in America? Total revamp of the whole thing starting with Fisheries Management and adding the Army Corp of Engineers.

02-28-2015, 12:57 PM
So, as if it isn't bad enough that we have to accept larger minimum fish sizes, reduced possession limits and shorter seasons when based on inaccurate data, we now stand to lose the very fishing grounds themselves. The lumps in question are the lump inside of the Axel Carlson Reef known as borrow area B and the Manasquan Ridge known as borrow area F2. They are both identified by the government as "prime fishing areas" This project will ultimately destroy these lumps. In the comment section of the Environmental Assessment dated May 2014, NMFS had recommended that both these areas be removed as a source of sand. The Army Corp's response is that they will only take 2/3s of Borrow area B and haven't officially determined if they'll take sand from Manasqun Ridge but if they do it will only be a small portion.

The JCAA, RFA and ALS are fighting this and have been in touch with our legislative representatives.

The Environmental Assssment can be found at on The Philadelphia Corp's website at http://www.nap.usace.army.mil/Portal...ignedFONSI.pdf.

Joey Dah Fish
02-28-2015, 01:08 PM
The Army Corp of engineers are by far the most stupid of all. They have trying to tame the Mississippi River how did that turn out? They are the ones that said they jetties would protect the beaches from erosion. The list is endless. They have destroyed everything they have touched. Don't get me wrong it's not the people running the equipment and or the machinery. It's the policies and the administration that suck. Yet another story of follow the money to see who they work for and why. The government f**ks up everything it touches.