View Full Version : Some new fishery voodoo numbers on sea bass

02-17-2015, 02:11 PM
Apparently we've caught more sea bass than we we're supposed to in 2014...updated MRIP data is in for Sept. - Oct. and New England caught 1.9 million pounds of sea bass. Mid-Atlantic caught 1.4 million. Coastwide quota was like 2.3 million pounds.

Numbers will most likely change when the final wave (Nov. Dec.) is tallied.


tuna john
02-17-2015, 02:26 PM
im sure those mrip estimates are accurate as always. such bs will it ever stop?

Joey Dah Fish
02-17-2015, 09:28 PM
I think these guys stay at home waxing their carrots and make up numbers

02-18-2015, 12:16 AM
Go on the NOAA site and read about Black Sea Bass in the Northeast region.
Over fished - NO
Stocks rebuilt - YES, what a joke !!!!!

02-18-2015, 10:44 AM
If stocks are rebuilt and not overfished, why aren't we back at 50 fish at 10", year round? We were promised strict regs were a temporary necessity when the regs went into effect.

Capt. Jerry P
02-18-2015, 11:45 AM
Seabass stock is healthy both inshore n offshore. Due to the regulations we have faced over the years. We complied with responsible size n bag limit as well as increased habitat from reefs. And for this we will lose more... cuts shorter seasons etc same old song...if we don't catch something the stock is depleted... stock is good we catch too many... not that I believe any of their cockola #s but it's not a surprise catches of seabass are up especially catching more in areas they didnt b4 likely bc of how healthy the stock is. AND TO boot a 33 % cut seabass ( depending on the time of year) will add extra pressure to stripers even with this year's reduction as well as fluke. Domino effect when healthy fisheries are miss managed... so if u really were worried about stripers u would b paying attention to the regs for others species that overlap seasons

02-18-2015, 03:04 PM
Offshore winter sea bassing has been "lights out." Drop to the bottom=doubleheaders all day long. The inshore season should start right after fluke ends to bridge the gap.

Andy S is spot on. How can NOAA convince the public that they have good data when they don't even manage to have up-to-date information on their own web site? Some of those pages are a few years old.

Reel Class
02-19-2015, 04:44 AM
Seabass stock is healthy both inshore n offshore. Due to the regulations we have faced over the years. We complied with responsible size n bag limit as well as increased habitat from reefs. And for this we will lose more... cuts shorter seasons etc same old song...if we don't catch something the stock is depleted... stock is good we catch too many... not that I believe any of their cockola #s but it's not a surprise catches of seabass are up especially catching more in areas they didnt b4 likely bc of how healthy the stock is. AND TO boot a 33 % cut seabass ( depending on the time of year) will add extra pressure to stripers even with this year's reduction as well as fluke. Domino effect when healthy fisheries are miss managed... so if u really were worried about stripers u would b paying attention to the regs for others species that overlap seasons

agree 100%